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India bans Pakistani TV channels in Held Kashmir

The best way to counter is to run your own channel or independent channels to neutralize the "propaganda".

See we have only limited resources and not unlimited like you guys.
So instead of establishing a new channel,then counter the propaganda why not go to the easy route.

Like I said If this has happened in a state where there were no militant actions and no violent protests everyday I would be the first person to oppose this.

But this case..sorry TINA (ther is no alternative).

People can always go to You Tube to watch the same propaganda, correct? Now, will you shut down the Internet? How far will you go to censor?

Lets be realistic here sir.Think from the perspective of India.The number of people using TV are much much much more than the number of people using the internet.

So no comprison here.

Its like a debate. They present a point of view. Why dont you present your point of view and let the people decide? I simply dont buy your argument that people are not capable enough to absorb conflicting view points and decide what's best for them. Like Jackdaws says, leave it to the people to decide. The very same people can also decide that the "propaganda" from across the border is trash and is not worthy of their time.

Debate..for you this is a debate.Man there is a violent uprising happening in that state and even a small news falsely given has the potential of erupting into huge riots.

No in this state of inflamed passions (specially from the religious angle) the people are not capable of properly deciding things.
And mind you South Asians are one of the most sensitive when it comes to religion.and this region (Kashmir) especially..I dont have to say.

Yor just writing your post from an American perspective and you dont know the ground situation in Kashmir.

I have been there,witnessed how even a small event snowballs into huge violent protests and that why I am writing this.
Thank you sir.But It was very un-Indian to launch personal attacks and degrade some-ones's religion.

Wild allegations and rubbish. Whose religion did I degrade? I merely pointed out the hypocrisy about worshiping the shiva lingam and then playing the moral police. That's a fact and facts don't degrade religions.
Wild allegations and rubbish. Whose religion did I degrade? I merely pointed out the hypocrisy about worshiping the shiva lingam and then playing the moral police. That's a fact and facts don't degrade religions.

If you think you had insulted my religious faith and did something great with your childish reference to the holy lingam...well then try again...cos u FAILED.

And this is my last post to you.Post all you want abt any holy lingam..you are just exposing yourself :wave:

And its not that you beat me down with your arguments,,,you just beat me down with foolishness.
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Wild allegations and rubbish. Whose religion did I degrade? I merely pointed out the hypocrisy about worshiping the shiva lingam and then playing the moral police. That's a fact and facts don't degrade religions.

Strange as it might sound but I agree with you on this one, we were a very open society ( Kamasutra :cheesy: ) , that was until the conservative Islamic period and then the Victorians.

However I do disagree with most of your views, pragmatism is what is missing in our country, you sir are also part of the problem.
If you think you had insulted my religious faith and did something great with your childish reference to the holy lingam...well then try again...cos u FAILED.

And this is my last post to you.Post all you want abt any holy lingam..you are just exposing yourself :wave:

And its not that you beat me down with your arguments,,,you just beat me down with foolishness.

No - you FAILED to explain your hypocrisy by worshipping the holy lingam and then trying to be the moral police. From the looks of it, it is not just Peeping Tom Karthick who is looking for exposure. LOL.

I don't beat you down - you are simply not worth it as you have nothing to say except rant with your holier-than-thou attitude and rampant hypocrisy. Doubt if either you or Karthic are even Indian - probably refugees from Sri Lanka. But that's ok - we have a big heart - you are welcome in India. In a couple generations, you will learn about democracy too.
Strange as it might sound but I agree with you on this one, we were a very open society ( Kamasutra :cheesy: ) , that was until the conservative Islamic period and then the Victorians.

However I do disagree with most of your views, pragmatism is what is missing in our country, you sir are also part of the problem.

It doesn't sound strange at all. We are the land of the Kama Sutra, Khajuraho temples, apsaras, Shiva Lingam and Naga Sadhus - crazy dudes like Tamilian and PeepingTom (Karthick) join the Sri Ram Sene, beat up women who drink in pubs and drag them by their hair and then pat themselves on the back for protecting so-called Indian culture. They are worse than Ajmal Kasab - because they are the cancer which eats India from inside rather than a one-off Tata Truck hitting you head-on.
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@ JackDaws

Are you for real? We are talking of a foreign media that too of an enemy country spewing venom in India. But you are comparing it with internal American media presenting a different view. They never had foreign media propagating anti-nationalism in America. There was just no precedent to be entirely sure of what america's reaction would be in that situation. But I can assure you with certainty that those who oppose patriot act in america are labelled anti-american, anti-nationalistic, pro-jihadis. So, they are not so much different after all. Also remember, GOI is not restricting India media from presenting a different view. It is banning jihadi media which spits venom which would obviously result in more casualties. They are just avoiding that.
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If channels from pakistan are allowed indian channels will have to defend indian views..and within no time a media war will breakout which we may even win but people to people and country to country relations will get badly affected.So is it necessary.. ?
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I don't understand your argument. Democracy follows Constitution. If Constitution allows GOI to ban foreign media if necessary, they have every right to exercise it as they see it fit. If it didn't, you have every right to file a case against government. Thats plain democracy for you.

America didn't have Patriot act until 2001. Because they needed it for National Security, they passed the bill in a hurry which wouldn't even give alleged the right to appeal in the court. Much like POTA in india. Also, POTA is longer implemented in India, it was repealed in 2004. Considering we have more terrorist attacks in India than America, goes to show that we are more lenient towards our National Security than your truly, the oldest democratic country in the world.
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If channels from pakistan are allowed indian channels will have to defend indian views..and within no time a media war will breakout which we may even win but people to people and country to country relations will get badly affected.So is it necessary.. ?

How morbid - a media war! That would really be very harmful and we would not like to the bromance between the countries or its peoples to get badly affected.
@ JackDaws

Are you for real? We are talking of a foreign media that too of an enemy country spewing venom in India. But you are comparing it with internal American media presenting a different view. They never had foreign media propagating anti-nationalism in America. There was just no precedent to be entirely sure of what america's reaction would be in that situation. But I can assure you with certainty that those who oppose patriot act in america are labelled anti-american, anti-nationalistic, pro-jihadis. So, they are not so much different after all. Also remember, GOI is not restricting India media from presenting a different view. It is banning jihadi media which spits venom which would obviously result in more casualties. They are just avoiding that.

Au contraire - something like Al Jazeera is available in the USA. Most media worth its salt is international media anyways. I can't believe the # of people who are supporting this banning thing. It is not upto the govt. of India to decide what is jehadi and what is not. The Patriot Act has always had its supporters and its detractors much like TADA and POTA in India - the general consensus is that it is rather draconian and gives sweeping powers to the State. I agree that in the short-term banning some Pakistani channel might help the Indian cause, but in the long term it will only harm it. Indian media is largely conformist anyway - how much more nonsense can PTV spew as compared to India TV? Also, if the likes of Zahid Hamid are running amok on Pakistani channels and spewing rubbish like Ghazwa-e-Hind and other views - then I think the average Kashmiri is smart enough to garner for himself - what news is trustworthy and what news is not. If there are some security excesses by the Indian state and PTV exposes them - then why not? Besides this, most people residing in Kashmir are not protesting - why would you deny people in Kargil, Leh, Jammu etc. the views because of unrest in Srinagar?
Au contraire - something like Al Jazeera is available in the USA. Most media worth its salt is international media anyways. I can't believe the # of people who are supporting this banning thing. It is not upto the govt. of India to decide what is jehadi and what is not.The Patriot Act has always had its supporters and its detractors much like TADA and POTA in India - the general consensus is that it is rather draconian and gives sweeping powers to the State. I agree that in the short-term banning some Pakistani channel might help the Indian cause, but in the long term it will only harm it. Indian media is largely conformist anyway - how much more nonsense can PTV spew as compared to India TV? Also, if the likes of Zahid Hamid are running amok on Pakistani channels and spewing rubbish like Ghazwa-e-Hind and other views - then I think the average Kashmiri is smart enough to garner for himself - what news is trustworthy and what news is not. If there are some security excesses by the Indian state and PTV exposes them - then why not? Besides this, most people residing in Kashmir are not protesting - why would you deny people in Kargil, Leh, Jammu etc. the views because of unrest in Srinagar?

Sorry, Government should not decide? who would decide? You forget that Government is elected representation of people. Government takes a decision that is good for country and as per constitution.You and I doesn't get to decide.

I never knew Al-jazeera promotes separatism in America. I can count on fingers number of people who watch Al-jazeera here. It's not even a free channel.

Patriot act is still holding isn't it? After what, one terrorist incident. How many did India suffer?Do we still have POTA in India? No. Believe it or not, America is not so virtuous as you think. Going against Patriot act gives you anti-american tag. Do you even know the number of checks they do at airports if they find a muslim name or sometimes even when they see a brown skinned guy. Take it from me I know from experience, they take their National Security seriously.

But before all this, remember America has 99% literacy rate. Because of their education, and amount of information available for them to dissect, they can easily find out the truth. Unfortunately, Kashmir valley people are mostly illiterate, doesn't have enough information to come to a conclusion. They can easily be manipulated to meet the political needs of few. If that political need is not pro-indian, then I don't see why India should allow it to happen?
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@Jackdaws one question do you think last year Sopre wrong information about rape lead to protest or not. You are so immature that you think Indian public is as mature as American. Does the American start riots based on information on media? In Kashmir it happens and there are list of incidences to prove that Kashmiri's are easily gullible and can resort to rioting. There are some people in Kashmir who are just waiting for excuse to start rioting. It is not important to follow what America does if that is not applicable in India. Hope I clarified by the have you visited India, I cannot see your flags but so seems so naive about India.
How morbid - a media war! That would really be very harmful and we would not like to the bromance between the countries or its peoples to get badly affected.

Believe me in my state a media war is going on between independent private 24hrs news channels and communist news channel (even live time arguements,explanations, between channels).
so it can happen in a small state between ideologys it is very much possible between countries especially when there is incidents like 26/11.
apart from that, as indian rabbit pointed out people are mostly uneducated (unlike US or indian internet users),there are elements in kashmir who are waiting for some news (no matter false or real) to create violance.when nothing good can be achieved from this why would we allow ? I am not against allowing pakistani channels but peoples education level,hostile situation etc has to be taken in to account, and it is against it at present.
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