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India bans Pakistani TV channels in Held Kashmir

Sorry, Government should not decide? who would decide? You forget that Government is elected representation of people. Government takes a decision that is good for country and as per constitution.You and I doesn't get to decide.

I never knew Al-jazeera promotes separatism in America. I can count on fingers number of people who watch Al-jazeera here. It's not even a free channel.

Patriot act is still holding isn't it? After what, one terrorist incident. How many did India suffer?Do we still have POTA in India? No. Believe it or not, America is not so virtuous as you think. Going against Patriot act gives you anti-american tag. Do you even know the number of checks they do at airports if they find a muslim name or sometimes even when they see a brown skinned guy. Take it from me I know from experience, they take their National Security seriously.

But before all this, remember America has 99% literacy rate. Because of their education, and amount of information available for them to dissect, they can easily find out the truth. Unfortunately, Kashmir valley people are mostly illiterate, doesn't have enough information to come to a conclusion. They can easily be manipulated to meet the political needs of few. If that political need is not pro-indian, then I don't see why India should allow it to happen?

No Government's job is to govern, not rule. They are elected to protect my constitutional rights and not abuse them - which is why we have the judiciary as a balancing institute. They take a decision - whether it is constitutional or not is upto the courts to decide.

According to Peeping Tom Karthick, he thinks under the Patriot Act - Americans can be sent to Guantanamo Bay. That is a blatant lie and that is all I am highlighting.

Everyone takes their security seriously. And literacy rate be damned - the rednecks in Pleasantville, Iowa or Hicksville, New York hardly qualify was being rational or literate. This major chip on your shoulder that somehow the Kashmiris are less politically aware is pure trash.
@Jackdaws one question do you think last year Sopre wrong information about rape lead to protest or not. You are so immature that you think Indian public is as mature as American. Does the American start riots based on information on media? In Kashmir it happens and there are list of incidences to prove that Kashmiri's are easily gullible and can resort to rioting. There are some people in Kashmir who are just waiting for excuse to start rioting. It is not important to follow what America does if that is not applicable in India. Hope I clarified by the have you visited India, I cannot see your flags but so seems so naive about India.

Yea - wrong information led to a lot of problems. CNN broadcasted wrong info about WMDs in Iraq for example. People in America are mature?? LOL - as shown by the Rodney King riots??? Americans are so gullible that they re-elected Bush and allowed him to invade a country. I have lived in India for a long time - I have also lived in the USA for a long time - I have also lived in Sweden for a certain amount of time. You don't seem naive - you seem semi-literate. Did you graduate high school?
No Government's job is to govern, not rule. They are elected to protect my constitutional rights and not abuse them - which is why we have the judiciary as a balancing institute. They take a decision - whether it is constitutional or not is upto the courts to decide.

Okay. Did you see anyone taking it to the court? Are you certain that it is violating our constitutional rights? Americans came up with Patriot act after just one terrorist incident. But we are only restricting foreign media to protect National Security. Now don't tell me America is more lenient.

According to Peeping Tom Karthick, he thinks under the Patriot Act - Americans can be sent to Guantanamo Bay. That is a blatant lie and that is all I am highlighting.

That is indeed true. They can send you Guantanamo if they find out that you are involved in terrorism. I remember after 911, several muslim americans were wrongfully placed there and tortured. Haven't you seen Newyork movie, they showed in it as well

Everyone takes their security seriously. And literacy rate be damned - the rednecks in Pleasantville, Iowa or Hicksville, New York hardly qualify was being rational or literate. This major chip on your shoulder that somehow the Kashmiris are less politically aware is pure trash.

But they aren't the majority. However illiterate they could be, they always elect educated, honest, able person to office. This cannot be said about Kashmiris. They are being used by Separationists to instigate violence in the valley.

This is my last post on this topic. I fully support GOI to take any decision under the constitution to safe guard our National Security. I am pretty sure, most of my fellow Indians agree with me
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@Jackdaws I am currently studying in KG. I am trying to find ways to get Graduated from High School.
@Topic Giving you a basic example. A Hindu and Muslim has an accident, Hindu get's killed.
People are gathered at Hindus house, one person starts to doubt that Hindu was actually killed. He starts shouting his views, although he does not have any proof he starts telling people he know the truth and we should retaliate. People being gullible starts to believe him and things start looking hot. What will you do?
1) Move him out to avoid trouble.
2) Let him continue his bullshit and let the riot begain.
@Jackdaws I am currently studying in KG. I am trying to find ways to get Graduated from High School.
@Topic Giving you a basic example. A Hindu and Muslim has an accident, Hindu get's killed.
People are gathered at Hindus house, one person starts to doubt that Hindu was actually killed. He starts shouting his views, although he does not have any proof he starts telling people he know the truth and we should retaliate. People being gullible starts to believe him and things start looking hot. What will you do?
1) Move him out to avoid trouble.
2) Let him continue his bullshit and let the riot begain.

It would be very presumptuous of me to assume that he was talking BS. Just as it would be very presumptuous of you to assume that these are the only 2 possibilities. The more likely third possibility is that no one would pay much attention to his rant but if you moved him out after his initial outburst, people may actually begin questioning your motive for moving him out and wondering if he was right. Get my drift?
Okay. Did you see anyone taking it to the court? Are you certain that it is violating our constitutional rights? Americans came up with Patriot act after just one terrorist incident. But we are only restricting foreign media to protect National Security. Now don't tell me America is more lenient.

That is indeed true. They can send you Guantanamo if they find out that you are involved in terrorism. I remember after 911, several muslim americans were wrongfully placed there and tortured. Haven't you seen Newyork movie, they showed in it as well

But they aren't the majority. However illiterate they could be, they always elect educated, honest, able person to office. This cannot be said about Kashmiris. They are being used by Separationists to instigate violence in the valley.

This is my last post on this topic. I fully support GOI to take any decision under the constitution to safe guard our National Security. I am pretty sure, most of my fellow Indians agree to me

A Yash Chopra movie is the basis of your beliefs? JFC...
A Yash Chopra movie is the basis of your beliefs? JFC...

Are you kidding me? I know for a fact that American Muslims were abducted without prosecution for years. I only gave you that example for you to relate sitting in Mumbai. Don't act as if you know everything about america.
Are you kidding me? I know for a fact that American Muslims were abducted without prosecution for years. I only gave you that example for you to relate sitting in Mumbai. Don't act as if you know everything about america.

Abducted? By whom - the aliens? Give us some link to show if any American Muslim was abducted in America and sent to Guantanamo Bay. I have never stated that I know everything about America - clearly though, I know a lot more than you do.
Are you kidding me? I know for a fact that American Muslims were abducted without prosecution for years. I only gave you that example for you to relate sitting in Mumbai. Don't act as if you know everything about america.

There is NO law in America where you can hold a citizen without prosecution for a long time. In fact there is a concept called plea bargain (which rights activists want to introduce in India), which reduces sentences for certain heinous crimes. You need to learn more about how American justice system operates.
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