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India bans 59 Chinese apps, including TikTok, ShareIt, UC Browser

We means Australians.....my ethnic origin Pakistan/India.... Grandfather born in India, moved to Pakistan during partition for brief 8 years before moving to NZ in the 50s. What else you need sir?
This will suffice. Your opinion can be roundly ignored on the basis of this obvious inherent bias towards Hindustan.
You reap what you sow.
You're the biggest threat and mess for the peace of the subcontinent
I said it could be a medium for propaganda. How do you think these apps became famous in India. They were all pre loaded in the China mobiles that we bought here. So they were available and became popular. Now that China as a country has graduated from just helping an enemy country (read Pakistan) to directly confronting us, we decided to stop helping them in our markets. India is second largest market for all these apps and by this measure they are going to loose soon to be world's third largest market. Chinese understands money. You'll soon see a change in their attitude. Don't be disappointed then.
Ok, so you're just assuming
This is not good. Sooner or later other country will follow the same route. this had happened in past with Huwei as well. One country starts and other were pressurized by US to follow the same path.

I had predicted that this is neither good for India nor China. China might face big blow to the business not just a small app is banned, but because it might set a precedent for other countries to start the same trend.

Valuation of these apps company will goes down significantly, when overnight 50% of the market is gone. This is a very big financial impact.
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I get paid $1 for every post I make here. Is my motivation worrying you?
No. Why fake it so hard? I doubt anybody would a penny to project Pakistan.

You're the biggest threat and mess for the peace of the subcontinent
We are not under FATF radar. But you are free to think what you like.
Ok, so you're just assuming

Yes. Measures are taken on based on assumptions. No one can really foresee the exact future.
ugh! You don't get it, do you? Tiktok is just another platform like youtube, that earns revenue by advertising.

More revenue, the company invests in the country. Buys smaller companies.

LMAO you're coping so hard. I've yet to see TikTok invest and buy up smaller companies in Western countries which generate way more revenue but I'm expected to believe that the pittance they get out of India would have been enough to justify huge investments into Bengaluru fraud centers. Give me a break, Raj. I stopped trusting Indian predictions after the whole 2020 shooper Vedic power thing failed.

Seems like Pakistanis are more butthurt about this move than Chinese. :cry:

Pakistanis can't even comment on India without some Indian coming out of "retirement" to accuse them of being butthurt.

You should know how you tube pays, two videos with same number of views are not paid the same .it depends on target audience and some other factors.

YES audience matters. A Western consumer is WAY more valuable than an Indian one. Companies would prefer 300 million Americans watching their ads over a billion Indians. The number of Indians on cellphones recording mob lynchings mean jackshit to every company besides the ones manufacturing them, and the ones which provided Telecom services.

So dumb Pakistanis realised all this only after pulwama? No one believed your idiocy.

People have demanded banning Bollywood degeneracy for years now.
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Politicians in a country rely on opposing other countries to shift domestic contradictions. Indians should think about how to make the country develop truly, not hide their heads.
Border conflict/prohibiting Chinese people from staying in hotels/smashing Chinese products/prohibiting Chinese applications ... What conditions can be put forward for China?
I can guarantee that China won't respond because China doesn't care about minor economic losses. It is undeniable that China wants the Indian market, but India needs the Chinese market more. China has too many cards against India.
The actual damage is India's own economy and credibility, if Indians have credibility!
Lmao you're so delusional. There's a reason why an American Youtuber with 300k subs can generate a nice sum of money every video while their counterparts in Gangadesh won't even be able to pay the 50 roopee rent on their shack. Companies value American and Indian viewers differently. No company values your consumer habits or your browsing history because you probably pirate everything online and the last thing you searched up was the latest snuff rape footage from Delhi. That's why so many struggling Gangadeshi content creators try to get traffic from the US and other Western countries instead of a click or view from Rakesh Tattiwala.
You should be Prime Minister of India. You'll do a better job than the current nincompoop running the show.
Chinese are silent.. its cheerleaders are violent..in this thread.
India makes up 1/3 of TikTok's total downloads and 15% of their active users. Also India makes up significant user base of almost any major app. Not a game changing decision. But a good start.
Indian app developers have few months before the ban are overturned. Chinese app developers will go to SC. In the meantime Indian apps should come with alternative. There is a few but need to UI better.

All these Chinese apps developed in competition free environment inside China while blocking foreign apps and stealing source codes and ideas. Indian apps have the same advantage. With growth in mainland China slowing, china had a great market in India. Shot themselves in the foot.
Because china don't have reason to really care.
69% of the company’s 2019 revenue comes from china and U.S. accounts for 20%.
Meanwhile UK is third with just 2 % of the revenue.
The rest is world wide combined .India by itself barely even accounts for 1% of TikTok's revenue.
Tiktok may possibly be profit deficit or has barely any operating Income in India considering the operational budget necessary for such a large userbase which barely contributes 1% of its total revenue.
India tends to provide nothing but useless numbers.

You don't understand this. This ban is not due to anti Indian content. Apps are owned by chinese and making money from India.
We have enough media/content anti India in India itself. No one is bothered about it.
India has no alternative,India will just suffer in the yoke of politically motivated nationalism. Even if china makes money off India( which isn't much for them) ,it's not a one way ticket,they are still giving a lot in return in tech and experience while footing India's progress and development. Indians are no East Asian;India tried self-sustainability for many decades,and it yielded nothing in return,0.1% laundered all the money while leaving the rest starving,and the services they provided are inferior at best,that makes the life of the masses inconvenient, inferior in quality.
From Chinese perspective India is doing china a favour,China will not foot the bill for a potential lifelong spiteful neighbour.
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Because china don't have reason to really care.
69% of the company’s 2019 revenue comes from china and U.S. accounts for 20%.
Meanwhile UK is third with just 2 % of the revenue.
The rest is world wide combined .India by itself barely even accounts for 1% of TikTok's revenue.

India has no alternative,India will just suffer in the yoke of politically motivated nationalism. Even if china makes money off India( which isn't much for them) ,it's not a one way ticket,they are still giving a lot in return in tech and experience while footing India's progress and development. India tried the self-sustainability for many decades,and it yielded nothing in return,0.1% laundered all the money while leaving the rest starving,and the services they provided are inferior at best,that makes the life of the masses inconvenient, inferior in quality.
India is doing china a favour,China will not foot the bill for a potential lifelong spiteful neighbour.
Indians is no East Asian.
So? Why the butt hurt flowing in the forum about the decision then? Some even arguing about India's existence. Poor souls. Why don't you ask them to shut up and be graceful if it doesn't matter to them.
So? Why the butt hurt flowing in the forum about the decision then? Some even arguing about India's existence. Poor souls. Why don't you ask them to shut up and be graceful if it doesn't matter to them.
I honestly don't give a flying f if tiktok is banned or not.
The only problem is blind politically motivated nationalism which make Indians shoot in their own foot.
Indian app developers have few months before the ban are overturned. Chinese app developers will go to SC. In the meantime Indian apps should come with alternative.

Yeah these will be alternatives:
Tiktok = Toiletpot
Vigo = Toiletgo
Likee = Toiletee
UC Browser= Cow Borrower
WeChat = WeCat
DU Cleaner = Poo Cleaner
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