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Who made you judge to decide what constitutes disrespect and legitimate criticism.

Making sarcastic remark on somebodys death is disrespectfull. If you dont know that then ask your Murubbi, ofcourse if you had any on that stature...
Making sarcastic remark on somebodys death is disrespectfull. If you dont know that then ask your Murubbi, ofcourse if you had any on that stature...

That everyone was joyful when Mujib died is not sarcastic. It is a fact.
All my life i have read , heard believed that BD was an ally of india. Slowly i came to realise this is not the case. I saw the realtions hitting a nadir during khaleda zia`s rule.

Just 2 questions to the BD members ...

1. When did this relation go sour?? i need facts, historical data and not some smarty pants answers like "...when india decided to bully us..." and stuff..

2. Is this hatred towards india echoed my most bd members or just the vocal minority?

Hmmm... Ok it started from The Farakka Dam than dams blocking teesta than othe dams blocking sylhet, What option do we have? Nothing, could india avoid it? Obviously because you shouldn play with nature.
Now after transits and other goodwills from here they still continue their monopoly, there no reason that we wouldn be pissed off. Indians should learn that they are not the only country in the world.
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Who are you to say what Bangladeshi patriotism is? Also, how does questioning Sheikh Mujeeb make you any less Bangladeshi? Isn't that what a democracy is? So he started the independence movement, fantastic. Does that mean we have to follow his ways till the end of time?

Ofcourse I am nobody to say what Bangladeshi patriotism is.But I can surely identify an act of hypocrisy when I see one.I guess you will have no problem if I showcase it.

The post in response to which I had written my response talks about Sheikh Mujibur Rehman as a slave to India.Now we all know that Sheikh Mujib worked for independence of Bangladesh.Fact is fact.We also know that independence and slavery,these two terms don't go hand in hand with each other.These are in fact in contrast with each other.So,calling Sheikh Mujib as a slave to some other nation is a blatant act of hypocrisy.If you would have used the matter between your two ears a little and followed the thread a little then I would not have to explain all these.I hope that answers the question beyond any doubt............
Sheikh Mujib is not the be all and end all of Bangladesh.

It is your type of mentality that keeps us slaves. You may decide to live like a dog under the Indian foot but I choose not to. Take the example of what the brave Kashmiris are doing. They are sick of Indian rule but you choose like a typical intellectual coward to submit. Another Mir Zafar.

Dude I'm gonna pass it off, your point of view isn't worth a sh*t infront of me nor any pakka bangladeshi. I can face off any Indian or Pakistani anyday while You'll just be termed ......... of a country.
Hmmm... Ok it started from The Farakka Dam than dams blocking teesta than othe dams blocking sylhet, What option do we have? Nothing, could india avoid it? Obviously because you shouldn play with nature.
Now after transits and other goodwills from here they still continue their monopoly, there no reason that we wouldn be pissed off. Indians should learn that they are not the only country in the world.

I must say,Farakka was a reason valid enough.
Sorry ... Mr. perfect guy. I am not a dalal. But your everyday common guy..

Spit ur venom and BS on somebody else.:cheers:

Benny, I didn't expect this from you. Now you will offer explanations to MBI Munshi? :undecided:
@Mr. Munshi, I'm reporting you to the mods for abusive language, personal attack, needless country bashing and unncessary flaming.

Oh and honey, please don't bother to reply. Read my signature. :wave:
I must say,Farakka was a reason valid enough.
Dude I guess you are the first indian after i've joined here admit something. There should me more of you in that part of the world.
Stop making up idiotic allegations. Anyone who objects to your pro-Indian perspective is branded a Rajakar and then you make up stuff about his family history to fit your profile. You are a sick twisted brain washed Indian boot licking ****.

Post reported.
Sheikh Mujib is not the be all and end all of Bangladesh.

It is your type of mentality that keeps us slaves. You may decide to live like a dog under the Indian foot but I choose not to. Take the example of what the brave Kashmiris are doing. They are sick of Indian rule but you choose like a typical intellectual coward to submit. Another Mir Zafar.

Post reported.
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