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1. We are taking care of our country. What makes you think otherwise??

Most of you are, some of you are not. My post was directed at those few who are not. No offense.

2. Thats actually makes you whether you belonged to the civilized club or uncivilized club.

If killing/dying for my country makes me uncivilized, so be it. I'm least bothered about a few internet warriors. Trust me, Indians have nothing against Bagladesh. it just pains me when I see people on this thread jumping on bash India for all their ills like they were being paid for it.
I'm not the least bit in favour of the bolded part.

I'm just surprised at their deep rooted hatred of India. Although, I'm of the belief that most Bangladeshis do not share the views of these few 'internet warriors'.

Bangladeshis/Pakistanis/Chinese or anyone, all are welcome to India but not those who wish us ill.

My country comes first. Plain and simple.

Lol not deep rooted hatred except Munshi, Zakir and folks, rest of people just scoring brownie points in Internet forum. Take it easy mate. You can't change the hatred which is part of some peoples' psyche, best to ignore them!
Lol not deep rooted hatred except Munshi, Zakir and folks, rest of people just scoring brownie points in Internet forum. Take it easy mate. You can't change the hatred which is part of some peoples' psyche, best to ignore them!

I put Mr. Patricia and the name mentioned here in the same group. Neither of them do any good to the country they belong.
Most of you are, some of you are not. My post was directed at those few who are not. No offense.

If killing/dying for my country makes me uncivilized, so be it. I'm least bothered about a few internet warriors. Trust me, Indians have nothing against Bagladesh. it just pains me when I see people on this thread jumping on bash India for all their ills like they were being paid for it.

Killing is uncivilised. We don't shoot any trespasser but we handover them. It hapens everyday in relation to the rohingya problem.

And the killing/dying thing for your county is true for the citizens of every country. Nothing to get EMO over it. Its is quite normal that two neighboring countries will bully each other and thats how the thing goes.
:rofl::rofl: A few more for people like him:

"Jalo mat barabari karo"
"Buri Nazar wale ki khidmat mein Sheesha"

And this one I saw recently written behind an auto(best one, and quite suitable for people like Munshi):

"Aukaat mat bhoolo"


Oh dear whats happening in Kashmir?!!! :coffee:

India falling apart at the seams
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^ I thought Kashmiries will not want for freedom if India will develop more economically and technologically. But now it seems there is no correlation. Freedom is freedom, nothing can be its complementary.
I put Mr. Patricia and the name mentioned here in the same group. Neither of them do any good to the country they belong.

Fact of the ground is that Big mouther like you only good at talk yet deliver nothing as it aslo true for most of the Awami dalals of now and back then during East Pakistan. You have got this quality from big mouth worthless Mujib. You people are disrespect to the purity of my nation. Malaun collaborator of now and then belong to same gutter of Calcutta. :tdown: :angry:
^ I thought Kashmiries will not want for freedom if India will develop more economically and technologically. But now it seems there is no correlation. Freedom is freedom, nothing can be its complementary.

Kashimiri people have Iman and Jazba e junun for Azadi. They belong to worrior race and they will get their Azadi soon or later Insh'Allah. They can not be real muslims and accept the ghulami of malaun. My lal salam to mujahedin of Kashmir. :tup:

Kashmir Zindabad. :tup:
Kashimiri people have Iman and Jazba e junun for Azadi. They belong to worrior race and they will get their Azadi soon or later Insh'Allah. They can not be real muslims and accept the ghulami of malaun. My lal salam to mujahedin of Kashmir. :tup:

Kashmir Zindabad. :tup:


But it seems to me they are failed be desperate as dangerously as like as we were in 71. Actually, our hell like united desperation brought the win for us. I think PK-army and Kashmiries should attack India along with Chinese help to finish this hell Indian-era.



But it seems to me they are failed be desperate as dangerously as like as we were in 71. Actually, our hell like united desperation brought the win for us. I think PK-army and Kashmiries should attack India along with Chinese help to finish this hell Indian-era.



How about us? It is not only the responsiblity of Pakistani or Kashmiri to free them from Malaun rather entire muslim population of S.A. We can not stay idle while our brothers are deing. History will not forgive us. :tdown:
BD can support Kashmir via intertanoial media. BD can tell about BD's concern and support for Kashmiries officially to the Muslim worlds, UN, PK, China, and Kashmir. BD can campaign against India's brutality. We can tell Kashimiries what BD did desperately in 71. And if possible then some money assistance in the time of final war. Otherwise, we can not do anything else for our geographical orientation.
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LoL ohh mannn...now we are discussing Kashmir in an India, Bangladesh thread....how way off mark and off topic this thread has gone....:rofl:

But it seems to me they are failed be desperate as dangerously as like as we were in 71. Actually, our hell like united desperation brought the win for us. I think PK-army and Kashmiries should attack India along with Chinese help to finish this hell Indian-era.

Ah yes, how typical of a keyboard warrior. Let the Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese die while you just chill in Bangladesh. Seriously man, get a life!

And as for China, do you SERIOUSLY think they will interfere, when they are so freaking busy reaping economic rewards? Ok, what the hell do they get by engaging in a war that could go nuclear? I think the brains in CPC are wiser and less emotional than your own :china:

But you can write a petition to your government asking them to go to war with us, on behalf of Kashmir. And if they ignore it, you can call them Awami Munafiqs, dalal bla bla bla (consult Al-Zakir for a complete list of the vocabulary. My insulting is a little rusty these days ;))
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