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India Backs Anti-Israel Vote: Can't Support Violation of International Norms, Say Sources

Israel and Gaza are not equals. So Gaza should remain calm and bear the punishments for their government's indiscriminate rocket launching in very strong foreign country.

Small Children and women must hide in tunnels dug by Hamas instead of providing Human shield to Hamas .

Hamas is not recognized as the Palestinian government. And you cannot, no civilized nation, can punish women and children for what a bunch of self declared "rulers" have done.
Hamas is not recognized as the Palestinian government. And you cannot, no civilized nation, can punish women and children for what a bunch of self declared "rulers" have done.

Hamas is elected by people of Gaza. Go and search for their PM and his backgrounds.
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Hamas is not recognized as the Palestinian government. And you cannot, no civilized nation, can punish women and children for what a bunch of self declared "rulers" have done.
Hamas is the Palestinian govt in the Gaza strip.

Heard about Ismail Haniyeh?
Stop crying.

How does the death of hundreds of innocent people not violate against international law? Or against the principles of the UN, of which India is a founding member?!
if media was ever present during brutal killing and raping of jewish people during christian and islamic rule in israel then the most hated people would have been christians and muslims ...iam a christian not a hindu,israel needs to be violent the day they say we will lay down our weapons and we want peace like gandhiji then these arabs will do worse than jallianwala bagh tragedy,this is not my personal view this is universal view
if media was ever present during brutal killing and raping of jewish people during christian and islamic rule in israel then the most hated people would have been christians and muslims ...iam a christian not a hindu,israel needs to be violent the day they say we will lay down our weapons and we want peace like gandhiji then these arabs will do worse than jallianwala bagh tragedy,this is not my personal view this is universal view

Lay down arms? How about just stop killing women and children and, in general, oppressing the Palestinians living in Gaza. There is no sense to your argument. I'm sorry.
Gaza became free from seize in 2005 itself and they have free border with innumerable underground tunnels with Egypt. We can see how Gaza has utilized it's freedom . 2010,2012 and now 2014 are the latest ones.What else do they want to free from Israel ?? Can't they leave in peace ??

Israel did not de-colonize Gaza. Israel still controls the airspace of Gaza, it still controls the territorial waters of Gaza, and it still controls the trade of Gaza, it still controls the population registry of Gaza, and all-in-all, it still controls the "sovereignty" of Gaza...hence Gaza is an "Israeli occupied" territory and this fact has been stated by United Nations, International Court of Justice, and ALL human rights organizations.

The day Israel stops colonization of Palestinians, violence will stop. Israel is the colonizing terrorist state and the responsibility to all violence lies on Israel.

Again, the key word for you is the "Colonization"

De-colonize Palestinian territories completely and let human rights organization and International Court of Justice declare that Israel no longer remains the colonizing power in Gaza, W.Bank, and E.Jerusalem. After that, entire world will support your stance.

Till that happens, Israel remains the colonial power and hence remains responsible for ALL the violence stemming from this conflict.

See here, United Nations itself clarifies that it considers Gaza an "occupied" territory under International Law.

When you control airspace, territorial waters, trade, and sovereignty of a foreign people by FORCE, then you ARE the colonizer. It is very clear in International Law as even UN says it. Israel does all of the above to Palestinians in Gaza, hence it is an occupying force. Same goes for W.Bank. It is declared an "occupied territory" by International Court of Justice. Israel is the colonizing force.
Never thought i'd do this but ........


@Ayush @acetophenol @SarthakGanguly @Ravi Nair @hinduguy
we have not changed our stand and israel knows it very well. Our foreign policy cannot change overnight.
Sad state of affairs. Do not harm innocent. Doesn't matter if you wear star or star with crescent.
Say thanks to Iron dome.

More than 2200 rockets fired by Palestine . Few hundred of them fell in Gaza itself killing it's own people.You should deduct number of dead in those incident from your figures of 650.

Palestine is hitting Israel with all it's might so it should not cry when Israel hits back with quarter of it's might.

Why the hell Hamas didn't stop firing rockets ??

To my friend , Palestine will hit whatever it takes to take you Israelis down . Even on the cost of its own people . We burn the white flag . We burn the boats behind . Now either you go down or us . And Hamas has 40000+ rockets . We didn't use our full might it's just less than the quarter of our power against your full scale assault on us .
May hell upon you "Israel" at the day of judgement.
And one more thing . That "Iron Drom" thing "Sucks"
To my friend , Palestine will hit whatever it takes to take you Israelis down . Even on the cost of its own people . We burn the white flag . We burn the boats behind . Now either you go down or us . And Hamas has 40000+ rockets . We didn't use our full might it's just less than the quarter of our power against your full scale assault on us .
May hell upon you "Israel" at the day of judgement.
And one more thing . That "Iron Drom" thing "Sucks"
you dont sound palestinian... bangladeshi?
Disappointed with This vote.Bjp is turning into another congress sickular party as time passes, i didn't vote for this nor will i vote for them if they continue this trend, they will lose their core supporters very fast.
i dont understand why israel is firing tank shells aimlessly into gaza and calling it precision strikes,and theses shells hit a UN refugee school

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