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India Backs Anti-Israel Vote: Can't Support Violation of International Norms, Say Sources

Never thought i'd do this but ........


@Ayush @acetophenol @SarthakGanguly @Ravi Nair @hinduguy
The present offensive was in response to THREE Israeli deaths. It's already resulted in over 650 Palestinians dead and thousands injured. It isn't even an eye-for-an-eye retaliation, if you know what I mean.

Israel started the current war to destroy the unity government.

Hamas actually agreed to talks by accepting Abu Mazen (P.A head) as the 'united' President of ALL Palestine.

Israel knows that under diplomatic norms, it will have to give Palestinians their due rights/land. So diplomatically, Israel is on the morally/legally weak side of the issue.

Hence it starts a military conflict to save itself and to continue its colonization of Palestinians.

It is quite easy.

Hint: Don't you remember when Israel killed 5 Palestinian teenagers ( 2 caught on camera as well. Even CNN showed it. Can show you the video if you don't believe) BEFORE the kidnappings of three Israeli teens? And afterwards, Israel just arrested entire Hamas leadership in West Bank?

Clearly, Israel wanted to have a military confrontation with Hamas to "ease" the pressure on diplomatic front after the unity deal.

What makes you think that a Palestinian life is worth much much less than an Israeli life? Winston Churchill's inspired handling of India?


Israel is doing to Palestinians what British done to "inferior" us (people of subcontinent) since we were "lower life forms" than superior "westerners"

Indians who support Israel are biggest disgrace to this region.

It is as if black Americans start supporting modern-day Western slavery in Africa.
I don't know but still I don't think small little children and women begin mercilessly murdered unknowingly/unknowingly are not terrorists.... :coffee:

29 states voted in favour of the investigation. 17 abstained, including many EU states. 1 voted against – the US.


Israel and Gaza are not equals. So Gaza should remain calm and bear the punishments for their government's indiscriminate rocket launching in very strong foreign country.

Small Children and women must hide in tunnels dug by Hamas instead of providing Human shield to Hamas .
Say thanks to Iron dome.

More than 2200 rockets fired by Palestine . Few hundred of them fell in Gaza itself killing it's own people.You should deduct number of dead in those incident from your figures of 650.

Palestine is hitting Israel with all it's might so it should not cry when Israel hits back with quarter of it's might.

Why the hell Hamas didn't stop firing rockets ??

Before Iron dome, over the years, 8,000 rockets killed 31 Israelis.

This is how harmless these rockets are. 8,000 firecrackers can kill more people.

These "rockets" are nothing but home-made pipes that even 10th grade chemistry student can make.

Palestinians are defenseless people with no army, no navy, no airforce...surrounded by Israel from all sides. Moreover, Palestinians are a colonized people. Colonized by Israel.

When a colonized people try to fight the mightest armies of the world..with stones and pipes (which you call rockets)..and then the colonizers (Israel) just bombs the crap out of innocent Palestinians...

How can you justify this injustice?
Say thanks to Iron dome.

More than 2200 rockets fired by Palestine . Few hundred of them fell in Gaza itself killing it's own people.You should deduct number of dead in those incident from your figures of 650.

Palestine is hitting Israel with all it's might so it should not cry when Israel hits back with quarter of it's might.

Why the hell Hamas didn't stop firing rockets ??

And what about the time before Iron Dome? Was the body-count even back then? I won't even venture into the Iron Dome's success rate.

Regarding Hamas, Israel has already declined 3 of their peace offerings and continues to bombard Gaza. What were you expecting, that Hamas come out of their homes waving a white flag? Of course they'd fight, like they have ever since their land was given to European migrants who were AWOL from the region for more than a millenia.
Before Iron dome, over the years, 8,000 rockets killed 31 Israelis.

This is how harmless these rockets are. 8,000 firecrackers can kill more people.

These "rockets" are nothing but home-made pipes that even 10th grade chemistry student can make.

Palestinians are defenseless people with no army, no navy, no airforce...surrounded by Israel from all sides. Moreover, Palestinians are a colonized people. Colonized by Israel.

When a colonized people try to fight the mightest armies of the world..with stones and pipes (which you call rockets)..and then the colonizers (Israel) just bombs the crap out of innocent Palestinians...

How can you justify this injustice?

If they are so ineffective then why the hell they use them ?? Just to provoke defacto nuclear power of the region ??

And what about the time before Iron Dome? Was the body-count even back then? I won't even venture into the Iron Dome's success rate.

Regarding Hamas, Israel has already declined 3 of their peace offerings and continues to bombard Gaza. What were you expecting, that Hamas come out of their homes waving a white flag? Of course they'd fight, like they have ever since their land was given to European migrants who were AWOL from the region for more than a millenia.

Which Peace offerings are you talking about.Is it Egypt proposed ceasefire ??

How can Russia vote for this resolution after this .

Vladimir Putin: I support Israel : worldnews
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If they are so ineffective then why the hell they use them ?? Just to provoke defacto nuclear power of the region ??

Because Palestinians want freedom. They want "azaadi" too. They are being kept as slaves for decades. Their land is colonized, their lives is controlled by Israel. They are living in the largest, most humiliating open-air prison of modern times. So, like any other people, they struggle for their freedom.

All people (including our ancestors) who struggled for freedom knew that their colonizers are way stronger/technologically advance than them. But there comes a point when people who are colonized/enslaved become so outraged at their exploitation, that they rise up against their oppressors.

Palestinians are no different.
Because Palestinians want freedom. They want "azaadi" too. They are being kept as slaves for decades. Their land is colonized, their lives is controlled by Israel. They are living in the largest, most humiliating open-air prison of modern times. So, like any other people, they struggle for their freedom.

All people (including our ancestors) who struggled for freedom knew that their colonizers are way stronger/technologically advance than them. But there comes a point when people who are colonized/enslaved become so outraged at their exploitation, that they rise up against their oppressors.

Palestinians are no different.

Don't be delusional. It was not our collective outrage which prompted Brits to change their mind. We owe our freedom to Hitler. Say thanks to World War 2 that whole world saw spree of freedoms being granted after 1945 as colonial powers became weak and exhausted.

One more thing Israel is their to stay as Jerusalem is their ancient religious spot. They are not colonialists but still I will settle with two nation's peaceful solution .
Stop crying.

How does the death of hundreds of innocent people not violate against international law? Or against the principles of the UN, of which India is a founding member?!

Hamas is also trying to kill Israelis, so Israel is justified in its actions. The only reason for less Israeli casualties is Iron Dome. Those rockets have the potential to kill hundreds without such a system

Suppose you and me shoot each other with a rifle, you die , but I survive because I'm wearing a bullet Proof vest, it's not my fault. Similar is the case here. Both sides trying to kill each others' civilians but lesser Israeli casualties as a result of Iron Dome and warning systems
Don't be delusional. It was not our collective outrage which prompted Brits to change their mind. We owe our freedom to Hitler. Say thanks to World War 2 that whole world saw spree of freedoms being granted after 1945 as colonial powers became weak and exhausDon't be delusional. It was not our collective outrage which prompted Brits to change their mind. We owe our freedom to Hitler. Say thanks to World War 2 that whole world saw Don't be delusional. It was not our collective outrage which prompted Brits to change their mind. We owe our freedom to Hitler. Say thanks to World War 2 that whole world saw spree of freedoms being granted after 1945 as colonial powers became weak and exhausDon't be delusional. It was not our collective outrage which prompted Brits to change their mind. We owe our freedom to Hitler. Say thanks to World War 2 that whole world saw spre

O.K man..but still, it doesn't justify British colonization and murder of our people for being "genetically inferior"...

Similarly, Israeli colonization and destruction of Palestinian peoples is not justified.

Why do you not realize this man?
Hamas is also trying to kill Israelis, so Israel is justified in its actions. The only reason for less Israeli casualties is Iron Dome. Those rockets have the potential to kill hundreds without such a system

Suppose you and me shoot each other with a rifle, you die , but I survive because I'm wearing a bullet Proof vest, it's not my fault. Similar is the case here. Both sides trying to kill each others' civilians but lesser Israeli casualties as a result of Iron Dome and warning systems

No, Hamas is indeed a terrorist organization and not a sovereign government. BUT: Killing civilians is in this scale is not justified under UN law.
Hamas uses civilians as human shield.

Over 50% of Gaza Strip population is under 18.

Hamas has many fighters under 18.

Not all children who were killed were innocent.
O.K man..but still, it doesn't justify British colonization and murder of our people for being "genetically inferior"...

Similarly, Israeli colonization and destruction of Palestinian peoples is not justified.

Why do you not realize this man?

Gaza became free from seize in 2005 itself and they have free border with innumerable underground tunnels with Egypt. We can see how Gaza has utilized it's freedom . 2010,2012 and now 2014 are the latest ones.What else do they want to free from Israel ?? Can't they leave in peace ??

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