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India asks US not to invest in Pak dam in disputed Gilgit Baltistan

Instead of calling my words "manure", or other personal attacks that have nothing to do with the topic, maybe try to answer my post in a civilized manner? :lol:
There was nothing to reply in civilized manner. You very well know that whatever the incident with the diplomat happened, a lot of water has flown after that. PM had a successful trip diplomatically after that. Not like you are not aware.
There was nothing to reply in civilized manner. You very well know that whatever the incident with the diplomat happened, a lot of water has flown after that. PM had a successful trip diplomatically after that. Not like you are not aware.

And America is going to continue funding the Pakistani dam in Pakistani territory (GB).

See how much they care for your opinion, after what they did to your female diplomat.

Diplomats are representatives of their nations, they are not just individuals. That's why they have diplomatic immunity, in theory anyway.
They are not the same. I think your local ice cream vendor was tricking you. :D

More like yours is doing it to all the time, miyan. :lol; hence your reaction.

Now to give a little education. So that you do not again rain fertilizer here like you did with your last irrelevant post un-connected to the topic.
If you want to construct something on your "property" and you go to seek finances from a Financial Institution; you need to satisfy them that you hold a "clear title to the ownership" of that property, else nobody will give you money to do so. Just occupation of that said "property" is not good enough.
Or is that an unknown concept in your part of the world. miyan? :azn:

As for you use or misuse of powers bestowed upon you as a courtier here, you just do as you please; I could'nt be bothered. But for Mao's Sakes do not throw up Nehru and George Fernandes again and again and again...... :rofl:

And America is going to continue funding the Pakistani dam in Pakistani territory (GB).

See how much they care for your opinion, after what they did to your female diplomat.

Diplomats are representatives of their nations, they are not just individuals. That's why they have diplomatic immunity, in theory anyway.

You sure do not give up in your "studies in irrelevance" do you? Now you must be Obama's adviser too; just as Xi Jin Ping sought your counsel before coming to India and talking to Modi.... :lol:
If you want to construct something on your "property" and you go to seek finances from a Financial Institution; you need to satisfy them that you hold a "clear title to the ownership" of that property, else nobody will give you money to do so. Just occupation of that said "property" is not good enough.
Or is that an unknown concept in your part of the world. miyan? :azn:

Yet America is still funding a Pakistani dam in GB. :wave:

So according to your logic, the USA believes that GB is Pakistani territory. Since they only asked for Pakistan's permission, and disregarded your concerns over that area.
Yet America is still funding a Pakistani dam in GB. :wave:

So according to your logic, the USA believes that GB is Pakistani territory. Since they only asked for Pakistan's permission, and disregarded your concerns over that area.

The money has not come through yet nor has the construction of the dam begun yet....... ;)
At least keep yourself abreast of the news instead of obsessing yourself with some old hat. :coffee:
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