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India asks US not to invest in Pak dam in disputed Gilgit Baltistan

lolll. Lets see what Modi 52" chest is made up off
India is doing what an enemy does. Why are some of you surprised?
Always crying and always being the hater they are it's getting old now think of something new plz lolz and think about peace and worry about your self rather then putting your dirty nose in others business .
A good move by GoI. G-B is disputed territory.

Lets see and hope that it succeeds.
Always crying and always being the hater they are it's getting old now think of something new plz lolz and think about peace and worry about your self rather then putting your dirty nose in others business .
Coming from the nation that is actively waging a proxy war on India, this is the epitome of irony.
Your half-witted remark doesn't even remotely begin to dilute the fact that India is bending over backwards under Modi in a desperate bid to make Pakistan kneel and yet we stand here rebellious, strong even amidst political turmoil and unyielding in the face of adversity.

It's also surprising that despite not being Indian you still harbour such bold resentment for Pakistan and its administration. Imran Khan is not the solution. Get that out of your head.

Too many assumptions on your part, Flying Pretzel. Pakistanis, in their own eyes, have transcended into super humans and their country into Utopia. Good for them. But to neutral eyes, you are a mercenary state. Every great power wants to use you and thus supports your existence. But you can't go against the flow of time. Over time as India grows leaps and bounds, your sponsors will leave you. Your higher than mountain and deeper than ocean friend will also leave you either on the mountain peak or ocean depth. Lets wait and see where this false bravado takes your country.
International interference (of any sort) in a disputed territory. Objection is not to the purpose of the dam, but international support.
only india considers it disputed how unfortunate of u!!!!
Washington: India has asked the United States not to invest in the Diamer-Bhasha dam project, which Pakistan plans to build in disputed Gilgit-Baltistan in Pak Occupied Kashmir.

Reports said, India has asked the US administration to ensure that American companies do not invest in the project.

In the complaint, being sent to Washington through diplomatic channels, Indian officials claimed that the dam was being built on a territory disputed between India and Pakistan.

Pakistan plans to build the dam in the Gilgit-Baltistan region, which India claims is disputed because it was part of Jammu and Kashmir, which was acceded to India by the then Maharaja of Kashmir.

Last week, the United States hosted a one-day conference in Washington to help Pakistan raise funds for the 4,500MW Diamer-Bhasha project.

Meanwhile, USAID chief Rajiv Shah, US special representative for Afghanistan-Pakistan Dan Feldman, US ambassador to Pakistan Richard Olson and other key officials attended a meeting with Pakistan Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Muhammad Asif in Washington.

Talking to the Pakistani media after the conference, Dar rejected India's objection as “irrelevant”. He claimed no US official or investor showed any concern about the Indian claim during his five-day stay in Washington.

The World Bank, which had earlier raised concerns about possible negative environmental impact of the dam, too “seems keen to help Pakistan build the dam,” Dar claimed.

India Asks US Not To Invest In Pak Dam In Disputed Gilgit Baltistan
India as always crying weather we buy weapons or make some thing India just like always act like a 2 year old kid whose soother has been taken away
don't take this seriously. Pakistan was objecting to all the dams in J&K so India felt the duty to reciprocate :)
Go ahead and make your dam. Real hinderance would be pakistani politicans and may be China-US influence in the region. Indians would not have even come to know had you not made such a fuss about it :D

It is simple. The principle is this: build whatever you want to, but with your money; in the disputed territories. Since International Funds are tied to what is legally known as "clear title of ownership". Which does not exist in the case of the project under discussion.

India had sought an ADB loan for Hydel projects in Arunachal Pradesh. China used the same principle to object. Therefore, India eventually raised the finances itself and carried out the projects. Similarly, India constructed all the Hydel power projects in Jammu and Kashmir with its own funds.

Pakistan can spend it own money too in G-B; after raising/extracting money from Bank of Bhutto and Zardari or The Bank of Raiwand.
No objections....... :D
See what America did to that female Indian diplomat just recently.

Why would they care about this.
LOLL; you are back again...... with your irrelevant 'manure'
Wish you would understand the niceties of legal requirements.
Now don't throw up Nehru and George Fernandes all over again in reply to this. :rofl:

Instead of calling my words "manure", or other personal attacks that have nothing to do with the topic, maybe try to answer my post in a civilized manner? :lol:
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