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India Asks China to Cease Infra Projects in Pakistan



its what ever you want it to be broseph
Lol they're cute...especially the mota.
The protest is the strategy, to counter chinese protests for our projects in SCS and AP. :)

Protest is call strategy :rofl:, dung can is still be claimed as gold for Indian...LMAO:lol:. If India ignore our protest our protest about AP infratructure than China can ignore India's protest about how we should use our water in Tibet...you can bet who will be the ultimate loser :azn:
Utter idiocy. With a population of 13 million a GDP of $240 billion would equate to a GDP per capita of $18,500.

That would mean a GDP (PPP) per capita of $66,815 if we take the nominal-PPP differential on a national level (ratio of 3.612:1).

The average Mumbai resident is making $13,000 more than the average American in 2013. Genius Indian shuuuupa POWA!


Seriously, the GDP of Mumbai is probably like $30 billion.


And what was China' s response ? :D:lol:

China's response was the sound of trucks and heavy machinery as work on Pakistan's infrastructure continued. For the uninitiated, that's the sound of China not giving a flying phuck about what India thinks. :lol:

The Dalai Lama already changed his position, now he only asks for "more autonomy" and agrees that Tibet is a part of China. :P

What a waste, India bet on him in 1959 when they hosted our largest separatist group.

In return, they got 1962, and Chinese help with Pakistan's nuclear weapons program.

And now the Dalai Lama himself says Tibet will never seek independence. :woot:

Tibet is not seeking independence from China: Dalai Lama - The Times of India

Spot on bro. At this point, the Dalai Lama is so marginalized and powerless, China is just waiting for him to die so China can install their own Dalai Lama. And all poor old Dolly wants is to get out of that Indian slum he lives in now so he can see his beloved Tibet one more time before he leaves this world. But China said "Who are you again? No, can't let you in old man. Sorry." What a cruel world we live in. :cry: :angel:

India's total nuclear arsenal is only about 1 megaton. :lol:

Whereas one SINGLE Chinese nuke is about 4 megatons. One single Chinese nuke has more explosive power than India's entire arsenal.

This link is the one you're looking for:

China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

And the actual website is: Nuclear Threat Initiative but I've included the specific links.

China's total arsenal is equivalent to 294 megatons. Russia has over 1200 and the US has 570. And India has 1.

Nuclear Disarmament China | Articles | NTI Analysis | NTI

Nuclear Disarmament India | Articles | NTI Analysis | NTI
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Protest is call strategy :rofl:, dung can is still be claimed as gold for Indian...LMAO:lol:. If India ignore our protest our protest about AP infratructure than China can ignore India's protest about how we should use our water in Tibet...you can bet who will be the ultimate loser :azn:

We are ignoring, try it.
I doubt he'll do so. These kinda guys only "come out" when they're in a basement with an 11 year old boy

See, circle jerk. :woot: you are a ciclr jerk now, talking about me, behind my back.

yo..hip thulla, just because pakistani muslims are homophobic by birth and culture, do not expect the rest of the world to think you are some kind of righteous shit in manhood. get it ? you're a dick ! that's all. you guys 69ing each other on internet has nothing to do with anybody else. know that.

in fact, this is the reason you guys go blowing each other up while engaging one of the most perverted cultures on earth. bacchabaazi. raping of young boys. your whole damn country is full of guys who are closet homosexuals and the only way they can live with themselves is through rabid homophobia. you are just one more of them.

go find an 8 year old refugee afghan boy...and have the courage to bring him to your home and not just do him in a dark alley and give him $0.5 as a reward.
its, Mumbai vs Maharashtra on livemint by salil tripathi google it as i cant post a link here since i am not registered long enough here.

Please explain how can mumbai have a GDP of over $240bn as you state, when your own government says the whole of the state of maharastra has a total GDP of $288.7bn? The state of maharastra has more then 112m people, and mumbai has a population of 20m, if as you say mumbai contributes a GDP of over $240bn then that would mean the rest of the states 92m only contribute just $48bn?

This, would imply a per capita GDP of $12,000 for mumbai and a per capita GDP of only $520 for the rest of the state, (worse then even bihar) a ratio more then 20:1...from this your implying that maharastra is the poorest state in india with the richest city.

Its true mumbai is the richest city in india, the main port, commercial and financial hub. But to say mumbai has a bigger GDP the Pakistan is just wrong.
mate the gdp data i quoted was not based on per capita offcourse per capita is very small,and Indians are against terrorism not relegion that's why we support average Palestinian but not Hamas.

I know, that's not my point. I'm saying that there is a lot of contradiction so it is unreliable.

I never said India didn't support Palestinians the point is that you said
' why are they worrying about Pakistan which has a GDP the same as Mumbai' and I said India has close ties with Israel even though it's GNI is much smaller than Pakistan's.
How about minding your own business not trying to dictate others for once.
See, circle jerk. :woot: you are a ciclr jerk now, talking about me, behind my back.

yo..hip thulla, just because pakistani muslims are homophobic by birth and culture, do not expect the rest of the world to think you are some kind of righteous shit in manhood. get it ? you're a dick ! that's all. you guys 69ing each other on internet has nothing to do with anybody else. know that.

in fact, this is the reason you guys go blowing each other up while engaging one of the most perverted cultures on earth. bacchabaazi. raping of young boys. your whole damn country is full of guys who are closet homosexuals and the only way they can live with themselves is through rabid homophobia. you are just one more of them.

go find an 8 year old refugee afghan boy...and have the courage to bring him to your home and not just do him in a dark alley and give him $0.5 as a reward.


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