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India announces huge defence budget

I dont think India is begging from IMF for grants/loans/aids etc. Neither India is begging from other countries.

Pehle baat to aapko ghabrana nahi hai :lol:

I think IMF loans/grants will reduce poverty and will make a country super rich.

10% increase is normal and is within expected figures. It is not some huge increase.
Nobody "begs" for loans. They are paid back with interest as in the case of Pakistan's situation. This is how "lending" works the world over. First world countries too lend all the time. So let's get over this issue of "loans" as being bad. They are a fact of life. Greece dealt with far worse crises than Pakistan for close to 15 years. I don't see anyone making an issue out of their loans.
India will use the foreign aid money to spend it on their military.

Allocation is irrelevant. What matters is the actual spend.

Last fiscal year Indian Army used only about 40 percent of its allocation, Indian Air Force (IAF) about 70 percent and the Indian Navy around 90 percent of their capital outlay.

May be, under Chinese threat, this time, total allocation would be utilized.
Isn't it normal, as in the past?

The increase is in line with the inflation. Nothing major here.

May be, under Chinese threat, this time, total allocation would be utilized.

Indian procurement process is totally messed up. If the vendor gets a sense that they might lose the deal, they withdraw their offer before the decision is announced resulting in single vendor scenario and cancellation of the deal and going back to square one. This has happened too many times.
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May be, under Chinese threat, this time, total allocation would be utilized.

The main issue is that India does not have enough revenues.

They announce big and unrealistic budgets with a bang for publicity at the start of the year and through the year they quietly revise them to align with the huge revenue shortfalls.
Allocation is irrelevant. What matters is the actual spend.

Last fiscal year Indian Army used only about 40 percent of its allocation, Indian Air Force (IAF) about 70 percent and the Indian Navy around 90 percent of their capital outlay.
Revised data shows defence spending this year was actually a bit more than allocated.
Navy actually overspent by a lot.

$51b? Pretty sure defence budget was $62b for 2021-22. Maybe they received less then projected. Anyway considering India no longer have to deal with Pakistan but China, they should increase budget to $100b like now.
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