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India and Turkey: Friends Again?

Turkey refused to invite India to the Tripartite Meeting on Afghanistan in Istanbul at the request of Pakistan in January 2010. By the way the study you linked is nice but its mostly about what CAN or COULD happen in trade relations with Turkey and India I didn't read anything about Turkey "reversal" on Kashmir policy.

You aware Turkey later invited India? and has now said India has a key role to play in respect to Afghanistan

Both the articles I posted is from Turkish media not Indian and written by Turks they both said Kashmir issue is one which India and Pakistan must determine via peace talks themselves.
It was just Pakistani military pressure which resulted in Turkey doing so but now things have changed, Turkey knows India is a key partner in Afghanistan and will be more so after 2014
It was just Pakistani military pressure which resulted in Turkey doing so but now things have changed, Turkey knows India is a key partner in Afghanistan and will be more so after 2014

Are your providing any official source or just whinging?

and yes there is no place for India on Afghanistan table, come back when you get invited. No need to troll this thread.
Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid will arrive in Turkey July 20 for a three-day official visit, the Foreign Ministry announced on July 19.

In addition to bilateral relations, regional and international topics that concern both countries as well as preparations for Indian President Pranab Mukherjee’s visit to Turkey – set for October – will be on the agenda of talks between Khurshid and his Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoğlu.

“Turkey considers India, with which it has had historical relations, as an important cooperation partner at a global level as well as in the Asian region and the G-20 forum and wishes to diversify its relations with India,” the Foreign Ministry said in its announcement.

Earlier this week, speaking at an iftar with bureaucrats from his hometown of Konya, Davutoğlu already said he and the Indian minister would be visiting Konya. In addition to Ankara and Konya, Khurshid is expected to visit Istanbul.

Are your providing any official source or just whinging?

and yes there is no place for India on Afghanistan table, come back when you get invited. No need to troll this thread.

What official source have you given? apart from a blog which is one persons view not the official position of Turkey, both the articles I posted is from Turkish media

New York, September 29 (KMS): Foreign Minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu, has said that his country will support all efforts directed at settling the Kashmir dispute through dialogue.Addressing the OIC Contact Group on the sidelines of the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly here, Davutoglu said, “We believe that a continued dialogue is crucial to find a solution which would be acceptable to Pakistan, India and above all, to the Kashmiri people.”
He said, “Turkey welcomes high-level meetings between India and Pakistan in the framework of the composite dialogue process. We attach importance to this process as an essential dialogue mechanism for finding solutions to all of the issues between the two countries, including the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. We hope the ongoing efforts will yield positive results.”

He said, the Kashmir dispute, which stands unresolved for over half a century, impacts the political and security climate in South Asia and even beyond. “It continues to be a major issue impeding good-neighbourly and cooperative relations between Pakistan and India.

Moreover, from a humanitarian perspective, the challenges faced by the people of Jammu and Kashmir require our sympathy and close interest,” he added.

The Foreign Minister said that the resolution of the lingering dispute concerned not only the OIC countries, but also the international community as a whole. “We should continue to act in solidarity to promote a lasting settlement which would be acceptable to all parties. The legitimate expectations of the Kashmiri people have to be met and their human rights and fundamental freedoms should be observed,” he stated.

Davutoglu hailed the OIC for establishing a Contact Group on Kashmir. “It is a concrete demonstration of the Organization’s collective attachment to this cause,” he said, adding that as a member of the OIC Contact Group, Turkey would continue to support all efforts aimed at the well being, prosperity and progress of the Kashmiri people.

This is from a Kashmiri paper where does it support Pakistans sole right to Kashmir? Turkey never stated that.

It was just Pakistani military pressure which resulted in Turkey doing so but now things have changed, Turkey knows India is a key partner in Afghanistan and will be more so after 2014

Turkey only has a small amount of troops in Afghanistan and that too for peaceful purposes. Turkey will be leaving Afghanistan by the 2014 deadline. So any recognition by the Turks of Indian importance in Afghanistan is just worthless because they don't have any capacity to give India any leverage in Afghanistan. So I'm not sure why you are banking on Turkey to help you on your interests in Afghanistan, a country where your embassies have been bombed twice in recent years.
@tony singh

And you regard that as a "shift"?

Do you even know what Pakistan's official position is on Kashmir?
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Turkey only has a small amount of troops in Afghanistan and that too for peaceful purposes. Turkey will be leaving Afghanistan by the 2014 deadline. So any recognition by the Turks of Indian importance in Afghanistan is just worthless because they don't have any capacity to give India any leverage in Afghanistan. So I'm not sure why you are banking on Turkey to help you on your interests in Afghanistan, a country where your embassies have been bombed twice in recent years.

Who is banking on Turkey? lol Turkey is a important player for sure but India is not some banana republic. Yes we know about the threat of the Haqqani network but drone strikes in NWFP have killed many of their leaders just 2 weeks ago there was a drone attack on some Haqqani leaders.

Not to worry mate Iran and India is on the same page in respect to Afghanistan as are China and Russia who have concerns of the religious fundies.

@tony singh

And you regard that as a "shift"?

Do you even know what Pakistan's official position is on Kashmir?

Did you read what the man said? Foreign Minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu

We believe that a continued dialogue is crucial to find a solution which would be acceptable to Pakistan, India and above all, to the Kashmiri people.”
He said, “Turkey welcomes high-level meetings between India and Pakistan in the framework of the composite dialogue process. We attach importance to this process as an essential dialogue mechanism for finding solutions to all of the issues between the two countries, including the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. We hope the ongoing efforts will yield positive results.”

Im aware of your position that is not new or unchanging but the question was on Turkeys
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and yes there is no place for India on Afghanistan table, come back when you get invited.

India does not require Pakistan invitation for Afghanistan peace process because India was one of the key co-developer of war torn Afghanistan.
LOL... Pakistan this ... Pakistan that...typical indian bs...

And a person of your nationality should be the last one to claim this.

do you seriously think Turkiye will some how ditch Pakistan in favour of india?

That remains to be seen my friend.

Trade, business and financial exchanges have moved mountains of diplomatic roadblocks.

You on the other hand, are just a... hindrance. :D

or even other important muslim countries like KSA etc?

Can't ever speak for yourself alone, can you?

Have to drag in either Muslim, Islamic countries or a specific country along isn't it?

For defence it is China dragged, for money it is EU/US dragged in and now for foreign policy, Turkey is dragged in.

When will you stand on your own feet? :rofl:

moreso has Pakistan ever stopped or made any requests to Turkiye, KSA or any other muslim country to boycott india? you people seriously need to get a life...

Knock Knock! Remember Afghanistan summit by Turkey where your envoys spent special request to exclude us?

Or you conveniently forgot that?

You know, eat some almonds every morning.

It is good for your memory. :lol:

Are your providing any official source or just whinging?

and yes there is no place for India on Afghanistan table, come back when you get invited. No need to troll this thread.

We didn't ask you either.

Whether you invite or not, Afghanistan is a sovereign nation and by their permission, we are doing what we can.

Don't waste your time considering yourself significant.

Do something which makes Afghanistan come to you as a friend seeking guidance rather than an enemy that hates you.
Turkey only has a small amount of troops in Afghanistan and that too for peaceful purposes. Turkey will be leaving Afghanistan by the 2014 deadline. So any recognition by the Turks of Indian importance in Afghanistan is just worthless because they don't have any capacity to give India any leverage in Afghanistan. So I'm not sure why you are banking on Turkey to help you on your interests in Afghanistan, a country where your embassies have been bombed twice in recent years.

India does not depend on any nation because India have their independent foreign policy to insure their interest at any cost. If you think you could break his will through your covert operations then you fool yourself. India answers covert operation with covert operation and more destructive.
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