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India and NSG-News, Updates and Discussions.

The diplomatic recognition of the Republic of China and the Government of Tibet are long overdue.

Please do it and make more blunders.
Why don't you understand that it's all about bussiness for China.For once you have to be humbled and offer what China signals.You make blunders in your 'aggressive' foreign policy and now u're in a compromising position.And no,you don't need to accept it here on pdf.
Get ready to be milked by China.Offer them expensive economic deserts,u'll get NSG.
Human development is all about learning from each other. US learned from UK and even Nazi Germany and Japan learned from US and in the end they both developed their ability to do their own. Learning or even copying, if you can, is nothing to be shamed of, the shame lies with those who never even bother trying and thus will never move forward. China now has world fastest computer that 100% made by China, what does India have?
Does this 100 % chinese and the world fastest computer post ,two words ,stupid CCP in china,my old and slowest nokia does when i type stupid modi.
Can't boycott electronics. But can give all manufacturers 2 years to reach 30% local sourcing and 5 years to reach 60% local sourcing.
Human development is all about learning from each other. US learned from UK and even Nazi Germany and Japan learned from US and in the end they both developed their ability to do their own. Learning or even copying, if you can, is nothing to be shamed of, the shame lies with those who never even bother trying and thus will never move forward. China now has world fastest computer that 100% made by China, what does India have?

They are world leaders in blame game and pointing figure on others
Russia didn't oppose india for the NSG approval. It was China, Brazil, Austria, New Zealand, Ireland and Turkey raised objections.

India is a huge country and the main reason india is keen on this is the leap in the energy production which would benefit the manufacturing sector of india.

China knows this would propel India forward so they can compete with the Chineese market. The actions of China is to establish a chineese supremacy in the Asia. India don't want to start a war with pakistan either. If India wanted it could've defeated Paks 10 times over. India knows only Imbeciles wage war like mongerels when there are larger problems.

Modi is nothing like Trump. Trump can be said to be like the long lost brother of North korean president Kim jong. If Trump did come to power that's when Paks have to worry. Modi did made blunders. He is currently trying to piece together a larger picture without assembling minute ones.

The confusion with India's nuclear programme is the reason for opposition for the other countries. The PM was trying to sort this out. People outside India think india is becoming a super power like USA and opposing it. It all depends on people's POV and their self interest. Dont just get on the bandwaggon and be an imbecile.
Washington: The US on Friday said that there is "a path forward" for India to become a full member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group by the end of the year, hours after the group's plenary meeting ended in Seoul with no decision on India's membership in face of strong China-led opposition.

"We are confident that we have got a path forward by the end of this year," a top Obama administration official said.

"It needs some work. But we are confident that India would be a full member of the (NSG) regime by the end of the year," the official said.

Refusing to divulge the discussions and opposition to Indias membership within the 48-member grouping, the official said details of the internal deliberations are confidential.

But the US strongly believes in India's membership in the NSG and the Obama Administration has "worked closely" with New Delhi and other countries on this issues, the official said.

Without going into details of deliberations, the official referred to a similar discussion within the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) to which India was inducted early this month after months of discussions within its member countries.

Like NSG, decisions within MTCR is taken with consensus.

"We expected a discussion on the role that India will play and where it has been," said the official.

"We were able to end discussion this week and we have a clear path forward for India to become a full member by the end of the year," the official asserted.

"That's our expectation," the senior administration official reiterated when asked if US expects that India's NSG membership could be achieved by the end of this year.

"Our expectations is that this would be finished by the end of this year," the official said.

The NSG ended its plenary meeting in Seoul with no decision on India's membership.

China, which had made no secret of its opposition, succeeded in scuttling India's bid despite a significant majority backing the Indian case. Thirty-eight countries supported India, according to Indian officials.

China should thank us because we point out as the only country that counts and don't class them with New Zealand and Austria
Mods, I know it might be a bit of an ask time-wise....but could we possibly combine all the India-NSG membership threads into one or just a few? They have proliferated beyond reason.

@waz @Icarus @Oscar @WAJsal
It's why I said every import category must be analysed as to its importance in any supply chain within India. They seem to be skipping this important fact. There is not going to be a blanket ban, but a selective strategic one dependent on how many and quality of Indian jobs any imported item supports.

I mean India already imposed large anti-dumping duties on Chinese steel a couple times (and much lower than other countries have, since Indian steel is quite cost-effective)...and that too steel is an intermediate that supports a lot of manufacturing in India (automobiles, auto parts, construction) so all of these could have simply benefited if we just let cheap chinese steel in as is and sacrifice all the steel worker jobs (if they are much lower in number compared to the manufacturing jobs that would have been created).

But in the overall analysis, Indian govt felt that steelworker jobs were worth saving and imposed the duties.

Now one can imagine what other sectors such analysis will also be opened up for now if China keeps being stubborn about the NSG. The first easy target is really going to be the cheap consumer items made from plastics....given the high price elasticity of supply for those (i.e relatively easy to transfer suppliers by pricepoint to even domestic ones...which will also help make in india program). There are others too.

Indian exports if China takes a trade war approach will not suffer as much in USD terms....because most of them are raw products that we really should not be exporting in the first place. Buckle up, switch them to internal consumption (it will help reduce prices because of the larger supply available)....and watch the trade deficit decline with time and China's overcapacity get punished even more.

I hope none of the above is for Chinese members here

As per their reasoning every "made in China" product/electronics used by Indians is a Chinese export to India and hence an Indian dependency on China.

CCP economics 101.
Iran has placed orders worth $35 billion with U.S Boeing for commercial planes. Iran is the biggest threat when nuclear weapons comes into picture.

What about Korea, why US give free passage to Korea for Nuclear bomb?. Its about politics not about seriously implement nuclear bomb ban.
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