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Everyone will believe it accept you guys.

lol, its not about belief but your wish that russia ditches India, the same way how US ditched you, but, that is not going to happen. At a max, russia might stay neutral and don't take sides nothing more.
lol, its not about belief but your wish that russia ditches India, the same way how US ditched you, but, that is not going to happen. At a max, russia might stay neutral and don't take sides nothing more.

Keep on thinking it.

US ditched us really? nothing new because everytime they are going to need Pak, they will come to us.. But today China ditched you hard :D
lol, we didn't make it to NSG, now tell me what did we lose ?
Most importantly you guys have lost your precious time by posting those boycottchinese Product tags.
These whining wont gonna effect china nor will your entry to nsg will effect us that much.
And by the way our entry to nsg is also ambiguous but compare your country mens reaction with ours. There were so many countries who opted to go against pakistan and voted for india, US was one of them to whom we worked for so many decades. And by your reaction it seems as if you guys have lost alot.
Keep on thinking it.

lol, if only you had any idea about india-russia relations..

But today China ditched you hard :D

It was bound to happen and china made its stand known that it is against the rise of India, this will have its own repercussions and will erode the soft corner that chinese had in Indians.

BTW, what is in it for your joy ? India will be there tomorrow if not today. same can't be said about pak.
India is rising power and perhaps the only real counterweight to China in nazia outside of Japan.

China is flexing muscle now
lol, if only you had any idea about india-russia relations..

I had idea about it but I had knowledge about Russa-China relations too.

It was bound to happen and china made its stand known that it is against the rise of India, this will have its own repercussions and will erode the soft corner that chinese had in Indians.

You are free to think whatever you want.
....and watch the trade deficit decline with time and China's overcapacity get punished even more.

Wow, that sounds amazing.

India has been complaining (for over a decade) about the trade deficit to China, but the trade deficit keeps increasing every year.

The more they complain, the bigger the deficit gets.

What's going on? :blink:
If you want a certain thing from a certain country then you probably have picked that country to get that certain thing for some obvious reasons. The people of india are importing things from china is certainly because they need those things. And they find that market to be ideal or better than the others and that may be the reason behind getting the things from that country. If you go to market where they are selling some stuffs of low cost and at least with better qualities with many other markets then one will buy things from that market given that there is no market around to get things of low price and good quality. If you are planning to overlook it then what is your "replacement". Can you afford to buy costly things from other markets will this not gonna effect your budget.

That could be the case for the country, where the consumer are less, and the number of order would be less, but for India, the Indian Market is huge. For example We all know, there are only few refractories for manufacturing ICs, the smaller but the basic building blocks of the consumer products and for ordering few of them would be costly, but if those are ordered in bulk, the cost would be minimum. The Plus points for the China is the chain of the suppliers readily available and the stockists, which could supply the components in a matter of few hours, and in India those could takes several days. Another thing, is the Banks of China are readily giving the loans for setting up new company or factory, but in India, the Banks the paperworks and norms are too stringents, thus its difficult for the new company to setup which needs high setup or initial cost to setup. But if the Import duty in increased to an extend, that would make the consumer product cost increase for some time, but will give enough time, for the local industry to stand, so that it could compete with the International companies. Another things, which is lagging to increase the budget and investment on the new and innovative ideas, that's why I mentioned South Korean Model, where 4 percentage of the GDP goes on the Development and Technologies. The FDI can bring, large amount of funds needed, which is needed in large quantity though. Problem is that any change in the system, will have high resistance, and the internationally Certified Skill personals, which the foriegn investments would demand. For those two, PM Modi, played and is playing his part, he has visited several countries, to seek FDI, and the innitiative like Skill India. In Layman term, suppose there is person who has 20 years of experience of making Shoe upper, he knew his job perfectly, but don't have the Internationaly recognised Certificate, the Skill India program, will give them that certificate, and link them with its Adhaar Card, so that the International company suppose needed 1000 worker of that desired skill, could choose them from the list. Problem comes for those LALA company, which is paying him 5000 rupees salary, now by rule of the company like Woodland to pay 20000 rupees plus medical insurance plus transportation plus helmet, glooves and the working environment, will now have to increase the Salary.

India have everything -- Cheaper Workforce, High number of technicians and Engineers, Raw Material, and most important Market.

Most importantly you guys have lost your precious time by posting those boycottchinese Product tags.
These whining wont gonna effect china nor will your entry to nsg will effect us that much.
And by the way our entry to nsg is also ambiguous but compare your country mens reaction with ours. There were so many countries who opted to go against pakistan and voted for india, US was one of them to whom we worked for so many decades. And by your reaction it seems as if you guys have lost alot.

Out of 48 members of the NSG, 38 countries broadly backed India. The others said that before a decision can be taken on India, the nuclear bloc must first establish criteria that will be used equally for any applicants who have not signed the non-proliferation treaty.

Our stand on the NPT is well known. But let me underline that in September 2008, the NSG itself addressed this issue. Paragraph 1 (a) of the September 2008 decision states that the decision on India contributes to the "widest possible implementation of the provisions and objectives of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons". There is thus no contradiction between the NPT and India's closer engagement with the NSG."
If India gets into NSG without signing NPT then Pakistan will also enter NSG without signing NPT and Pakistan nuclear materials can go into the hands of Iran, North Korea.

Basically India is encouraging transfer of nuclear materials into the hands of aggressive countries. China just wants India to sign NPT.

India can supply nuclear materials to Vietnam, Taiwan etc..if the NPT is not signed.

Why Pakistan and India are Petrified of signing NPT. Go by international rules if you want membership of UNSC and NSG.

Actually Pakistan is waiting. The moment India signs NPT, Pakistan will follow suit.....
China's overcapacity get punished even more.

Overcapacity in manufacturing is there Achilles heel, even a small variation there will hurt them big. Some Chinese try to belittle the trade factor by comparing it with their total GDP, but what matters is the size, financial health and margin of overcapacity in that particular sector where the drop of trade is. In any case, NSG or not, we should have blocked imports of Chinese items that compete with our cottage industry and SMEs long back.

Wow, that sounds amazing.

India has been complaining (for over a decade) about the trade deficit to China, but the trade deficit keeps increasing every year.

The more they complain, the bigger the deficit gets.

What's going on? :blink:

Nothing, just enough focus was not there to plug a few holes. But now you can expect some motivation from our government to do the necessary.
India's NSG seat and UNSC seat are still available...

IF they come to the table for an honest negotiation. :azn:


Let's be frank, China and India are NOT friends. We all know this.

Yet whenever India needs something (NSG/UNSC), they suddenly pretend that they are our friends, and ask for "free favours", like in the case of the NSG.

Then at the same time, they went behind China and did their best to try and guilt/isolate China into supporting their NSG bid, by making deals with every other country besides China. Hoping that foreign pressure would force China to succumb. Sorry, that never works. Only one veto is ever needed, that's how veto power works.

But they never did the thing which could actually give them what they want. Which is to come to the negotiating table and offer us something in return.

For example, India agreed to sign the CISMOA/LSA in return for America getting them the NSG seat (which they failed to deliver). India has never fought a war with America... yet they paid SO much for America's support in the NSG (the biggest payment possible). Did India really expect China to offer the same support for free, considering that we are NOT friends?

You want something, you offer something in return. That's how the world works.

Now let India come and negotiate. :) We are businessmen after all.
Everything alright with you?
This news is not accurate. Even Russia is opposing India's bid alongside China, Ireland, Turkey and New Zealand. I think there a few more countries.
Wow, that sounds amazing.

India has been complaining (for over a decade) about the trade deficit to China, but the trade deficit keeps increasing every year.

The more they complain, the bigger the deficit gets.

What's going on? :blink:

Why don't you watch what happens now. For most of that decade we had a "PM" that makes Hu Jin Tao seem like a really aggro alpha male :D

I am going to sit back and watch, I suggest you do the same. Lets have a beer a few years from now and discuss who was right and wrong about things :P
My point is that if you want to safely boycott China, then you can't use any manufactured goods at all. And especially not any electronics.
Ah I see chinese are manufacturing Intel chips without which computers wont run.

China's reach is far, we invest all over the world in all sorts of things.
More the exposure greater the pain. Your investment can simply seized or forfeited

The only way to safely boycott China is to live in a jungle somewhere, wearing leaves and eating coconuts.
Do you know chinese dont even trust baby food produced in their own country. Better start hoarding coconuts they are not adulterated .
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