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India and China agree to ease tension on border

China has control of 1000 kms of Indian territory, lol at the stupid Indians.

India has also taken 7k sq km Sikkim and 86k Arunachal Pradesh which Dragon consider as it's nails in claw...... see these 2 military mammoths know where to hurt each other where it pains..... they will try to humiliate each other to satisfy their egos but they will never henceforth fight a full blown war which fanboys are dreaming...... for both of them their national interests are top of everything...... they will find out a way to come out of the current situation..... fanboys should be more worried about what their country is doing to pay next IMF installment...... some countries I heard are taking loans just to pay their intrest on the loans..... dangerous situation....
India and China agree to ease tension on border

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India and China said on Saturday they had agreed to work towards reducing tensions along their contested border, following a meeting of the defense ministers of the nuclear-armed Asian giants.

Both sides deployed additional forces along the frontier running through the western Himalayas after a clash in June, during which 20 Indian soldiers were killed in hand-to-hand fighting. China has not released casualty figures for its troops.

In the highest level face-to-face political contact between India and China since tensions first flared along the border in May, defense ministers Rajnath Singh of India and General Wei Fenghe of China met late on Friday on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting in Moscow.

Both countries agreed that "neither side should take any further action that could either complicate the situation or escalate matters in the border areas," India's defense ministry said in a statement.

Wei said the two sides should promote peace and stability and work to cool current tensions, China's Ministry of Defence said in a news report about the meeting posted on its website.

He said, however, that blame for the recent tensions lay "entirely with India", adding that China was determined to safeguard its national sovereignty and territory.

China called on India to strengthen control of its frontline forces, refrain from provocative actions and "refrain from deliberately hyping and disseminating negative information".

(Reporting by Alasdair Pal and Dominique Patton; Editing by Tom Hogue and William Mallard)

The hype created by India against China should come to an end as it has been successful for China eventually. While the world wanted to see India lure China into a conflict, China wisely stood its ground. There were three developments that took place in the meantime but the ultimate focus of west was to set a trap for China so these developments were sidelined:
1. Russian troops inflicted injuries to US troops in Syria.
2. Russian jets intercepted USAF B-52. Its termed as unsafe intercept and also alleged to be in NATO airspace.
3. Trump doesn't condemn Russia over poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
Lol. And what exactly did you get?

this was a nice way of china telling India To vacate Chinese’s territory without losing life’s of troops but as we all know the Indian government and the Indian military command does not care about the lives of their troops! They psyche in India’s is that troops are expendable equipment is not!
with your -30 % GDP , you are not in any position to take care of anyone . Soon India might put itself up for ...adoption
It's still a lot of dough. Even if the contraction was 60%, we would still provide for the Chinese refugees here.
this was a nice way of china telling India To vacate Chinese’s territory without losing life’s of troops but as we all know the Indian government and the Indian military command does not care about the lives of their troops! They psyche in India’s is that troops are expendable equipment is not!
Lol. We will see.
Hey, the life expectancy of Indians has reached the level of China in the 1970s?
Of course ,life expectancy of animals in zoo(captivity) is more than the ones in the wild free.
Lol. We will see.
So will we 😂. We did see what happened in Galwan. What was it 40 Indian soldiers dead, 75 injured 10~15 including 6-7 officers taken prisoner by the Chinese . Why did these soldiers not have fire arms for self protection? Why did the Indian artillery allow its soldiers to be slaughtered. It’s all because of the pshyche that Indian soldiers are expendable! Equipment is not


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