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'India an emerging power, but at loss how to exercise it'

^^one of the cities in the center of this red corridor is India's 7th largest city, with its own IPL team, green field airports, defense establish of central govt. and a booming IT&ITES and R&D center.The Red corridor claiming 1/3rd of India's landmass is a blown up propaganda to create hysteria about India in a possible COMMUNIZATION of India in future.
^^one of the cities in the center of this red corridor is India's 7th largest city, with its own IPL team, green field airports, defense establish of central govt. and a booming IT&ITES and R&D center.The Red corridor claiming 1/3rd of India's landmass is a blown up propaganda to create hysteria about India in a possible COMMUNIZATION of India in future.

okay I believe you, but do you deny that the Maoists are a terrorist force operating in your country?

Even your PM has said that they are the greatest internal threat to India.

My point being that if you are going to accuse us of something, make sure your own home is clean.

You know, people in glass houses and what not.
Relax man, this much hate is not good for you.

Terrorist ridden? Oh India has its problem, but did you even read about the Red problem? The place from
Well I guess India has no terrorist problems at all :whistle:
Oh they are not sponsored by India. Its 'similar', they dont ask for a separate country, to Sindh and Baloch, I expected you to know that. He meant more on the lines of TTP.. Osama found in Abbotabad, and major alqeda cadres getting killed by Drones and such.

Poverty ridden?
According to the UN India has more poverty then Pakistan. And judging from your reaction it seems like you people are proud of it.
Yes, we have a lot of Poor, we will not stop spending on Defence, and unless you do not have security even poor cannot stay free to become wealthy.

Once again, why do you compare your country to a country 6x smaller then you?
And the funny thing is that you compare things that you yourself are suffering from to a greater extent.
See you ask and answer at the same time.

Why should we not compare, both started at the same time.
We, according to you, have more problems than you guys and we still are more prosperous.
You guys have the same religion, we have a big mix so more problems.
You guys have one of the most fertile lands in the region, then why people still hungry in your country.

Ditto goes for you too..
Of course you people don't even understand the irony of it all.
It's like a blind person making fun of a person with 1 eye.
I thought India was a democracy and not a fascist state. but looks like i am wrong, apparently bringing up relevant topics and discussing them is not allowed .
I never badmouthed India, I brought up a legitimacy point. It was your own insecurity that lead you to believe that I badmouthed anyone.
It is, but as Sancho explained before, you derailed the topic first.. so kudos to make people believe that you were on topic.

Like Khalistan... But wait, BLA and Sindh whatever has not been active for months but Khalistan movement has. :P

Like Khalistan... But wait, BLA and Sindh whatever has not been active for months but Khalistan movement has. :P
I guess you will sleep better tonight with this good news... ill not snatch ur happiness...

Actually I'm waking YOU up.
Thanks for that, but please try to respond to my points rather than waking me up for your silly one liners which deserve none of my time and sleep. :)
Do we have things left other than indian super power dream?
India solve the poverty issue first!

your poor people is more than 27 poorest african countries combined!

If you dont know, China has 150 000 000 poor people so stop pointing fingers at others.
This huge figure 150 000 000 poor chinease people is definitely bigger than several african and asian nations.

@topic: Indian government should focus on bringing its economy back to 8-9% rather than on world politics.
If you dont know, China has 150 000 000 poor people so stop pointing fingers at others.
This huge figure 150 000 000 poor chinease people is definitely bigger than several african and asian nations.

@topic: Indian government should focus on bringing its economy back to 8-9% rather than on world politics.

Our poor standard = middle standard in India

sorry I just tell the truth
Relax man, this much hate is not good for you.

3% growth rate is economic failure?
I guess then all the western countries are all failures and only Shining India is an economic success. :rolleyes:
Terrorist ridden?
Well I guess India has no terrorist problems at all :whistle:


Poverty ridden?
According to the UN India has more poverty then Pakistan. And judging from your reaction it seems like you people are proud of it. :lol:

Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again, why do you compare your country to a country 6x smaller then you?
And the funny thing is that you compare things that you yourself are suffering from to a greater extent.

Of course you people don't even understand the irony of it all.
It's like a blind person making fun of a person with 1 eye.

I thought India was a democracy and not a fascist state. but looks like i am wrong, apparently bringing up relevant topics and discussing them is not allowed .
I never badmouthed India, I brought up a legitimacy point. It was your own insecurity that lead you to believe that I badmouthed anyone.

ahem ahem


Our poor standard = middle standard in India

sorry I just tell the truth

sorry your truth is cr@p
India is at its best as PACIFIST SUPERPOWER in line with Gandhi's NON- VIOLENT message.
You forgot the most important one
1. lift hundreds of millions of Indians out of poverty.
What use is power if your people are starving?

I mean this in the most sincer way possible, before you guys go out and become a super power, solve the poverty issue first.

we are doing both

we are strengthening our position and at same time focusing on welfare of our citizens

Every ****ing time!!! It is not a case of either or! Do you think the GoI is NOT bringing millions out of poverty every year?!! You need to educate yourself- India is lifting 1% (~10,000,000 people) out of poverty EVERY YEAR. Defence spending is ~2% of GDP (lower than the world average and far lower than the average in the region), poverty alleviation, health care, social housing etc all receive FAR, FAR higher proportions of GDP than defence. India is one of only 2 countries ON EARTH that is set to meet UN MDGs regarding poverty reduction- btw Pakistan isn't the other nation.

India is a sovereign nation who can spend what it likes on defence and doesn't need others to comment EVERYTIME such news is made.

i have also posted same thing many times

but it seems our friends are determined not to understand :disagree:

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