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India always supported traitors in Afghanistan: Taliban negotiator

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India always supported traitors in Afghanistan: Taliban negotiator
By News DeskPublished: May 17, 2020

Abbas Stanikzai says New Delhi has always played a negative role in the war-torn country. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE
Abbas Stanikzai says New Delhi has always played a negative role in the war-torn country. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai, the chief Taliban negotiator, on Sunday said that India has always supported traitors in Afghanistan.

“India has always played a negative role in Afghanistan. India supported traitors in the country,” Stanikzai said in an interview today, according to Hashim Wahdatyar, former director at Institute of Current World Affairs.

Washington-based Wahdatyar didn’t share details of the interview, which has already ruffled feathers in India as its jingoistic media has started agitating the statement.

India has repeatedly been accused of using the Afghan soil to destabilise its arch nemesis Pakistan. And it has been investing massively in minority ethnic groups against the ethnic Pashtun majority in Afghanistan due to their Pakistan-leaning.

US wants India to shun role of Afghan peace spoiler

While retweeting Wahdatyar’s statement, Pakistan’s sci-tech minister Fawad Chaudhry said India’s involvement was a serious threat to peace in Afghanistan. He also asked New Delhi to “stay out” of Afghanistan and let peace prevail in the war-ravaged country.

A recent upsurge in violence in Afghanistan threatens the historic peace agreement between the Taliban and the United States in the Qatari capital of Doha.

India has always sided with the ethnic minorities against the Pashtun majority in Afghanistan since the civil war following the Soviet withdrawal from the strife-torn country.

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, during a recent India tour, said in an interview with The Hindu newspaper that it would be “appropriate” for an India-Taliban engagement.

Asked if he was open to an Indian dialogue with the Taliban, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Asad Khan said: “If India feels that their engagement is going to help the peace process, then we would defer to their judgment. But it’s not for us to sit in judgment on what they should do or they shouldn’t do.”

US says Taliban fulfilling promises in Afghan withdrawal deal

However, Khan said he would hopefully be speaking with Khalilzad soon and did not go by Indian media accounts, which he said in many cases are “fanciful” and give their own interpretations.

Officials and diplomatic sources say one of the reasons the US has reached out to India is because it fears New Delhi is creating impediments in the way of intra-Afghan talks. They believe India was behind President Ashraf Ghani’s reluctance to abide by the peace deal including the prisoners swap agreed in the US-Taliban deal.

The delay in the prisoner exchange, which is crucial to the success of the Doha peace deal, has put on hold the start of critical intra-Afghan talks, which were originally scheduled for March 10. But the Ghani administration’s reluctance to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners has put the process in jeopardy.

India, Afghan govt could be behind gurdwara attack: analysts

It is believed that Khalilzad travelled to New Delhi with a brief, urging India not to create hurdles in the Afghan peace efforts.

India is the principal backer of Ghani after his controversial victory in the presidential elections. India feels that the peace deal in Afghanistan will erode its influence while Ghani also fears his political demise if the US-Taliban agreement succeeds.

This, according to observers, brought India and Ghani on the same page in opposing the deal with Taliban. But the Trump administration is keen to see this deal succeeding and hence is willing to make all out efforts.

Read more: Afghanistan , india , Latest
Did the Talibs declare war on India?
this statement is being taken as an act of war in new Delhi :welcome:

India always supported traitors in Afghanistan: Taliban negotiator
By News DeskPublished: May 17, 2020

Abbas Stanikzai says New Delhi has always played a negative role in the war-torn country. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE
Abbas Stanikzai says New Delhi has always played a negative role in the war-torn country. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai, the chief Taliban negotiator, on Sunday said that India has always supported traitors in Afghanistan.

“India has always played a negative role in Afghanistan. India supported traitors in the country,” Stanikzai said in an interview today, according to Hashim Wahdatyar, former director at Institute of Current World Affairs.

Washington-based Wahdatyar didn’t share details of the interview, which has already ruffled feathers in India as its jingoistic media has started agitating the statement.

India has repeatedly been accused of using the Afghan soil to destabilise its arch nemesis Pakistan. And it has been investing massively in minority ethnic groups against the ethnic Pashtun majority in Afghanistan due to their Pakistan-leaning.

US wants India to shun role of Afghan peace spoiler

While retweeting Wahdatyar’s statement, Pakistan’s sci-tech minister Fawad Chaudhry said India’s involvement was a serious threat to peace in Afghanistan. He also asked New Delhi to “stay out” of Afghanistan and let peace prevail in the war-ravaged country.

A recent upsurge in violence in Afghanistan threatens the historic peace agreement between the Taliban and the United States in the Qatari capital of Doha.

India has always sided with the ethnic minorities against the Pashtun majority in Afghanistan since the civil war following the Soviet withdrawal from the strife-torn country.

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad, during a recent India tour, said in an interview with The Hindu newspaper that it would be “appropriate” for an India-Taliban engagement.

Asked if he was open to an Indian dialogue with the Taliban, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Asad Khan said: “If India feels that their engagement is going to help the peace process, then we would defer to their judgment. But it’s not for us to sit in judgment on what they should do or they shouldn’t do.”

US says Taliban fulfilling promises in Afghan withdrawal deal

However, Khan said he would hopefully be speaking with Khalilzad soon and did not go by Indian media accounts, which he said in many cases are “fanciful” and give their own interpretations.

Officials and diplomatic sources say one of the reasons the US has reached out to India is because it fears New Delhi is creating impediments in the way of intra-Afghan talks. They believe India was behind President Ashraf Ghani’s reluctance to abide by the peace deal including the prisoners swap agreed in the US-Taliban deal.

The delay in the prisoner exchange, which is crucial to the success of the Doha peace deal, has put on hold the start of critical intra-Afghan talks, which were originally scheduled for March 10. But the Ghani administration’s reluctance to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners has put the process in jeopardy.

India, Afghan govt could be behind gurdwara attack: analysts

It is believed that Khalilzad travelled to New Delhi with a brief, urging India not to create hurdles in the Afghan peace efforts.

India is the principal backer of Ghani after his controversial victory in the presidential elections. India feels that the peace deal in Afghanistan will erode its influence while Ghani also fears his political demise if the US-Taliban agreement succeeds.

This, according to observers, brought India and Ghani on the same page in opposing the deal with Taliban. But the Trump administration is keen to see this deal succeeding and hence is willing to make all out efforts.

Read more: Afghanistan , india , Latest
Modi has been vocal against Taliban .. he used to say there is no difference between Good Taliban and Bad Taliban!! now it is time to take U turn..
India is only protected due to NATO presence . Otherwise............... India has all right to do trade with Afghanistan peacefully without disturbing Pakistan.... but the nature hard to change .
India is only protected due to NATO presence . Otherwise............... India has all right to do trade with Afghanistan peacefully without disturbing Pakistan.... but the nature hard to change .

Frankly it is time for India to pack the bags and leave Afghanistan before US leaves.

Did the Talibs declare war on India?

I read on a thread earlier that Taliban has declared war against India which means there would a lot of bomb attacks in India in the coming months.

This is not going end well for the subcontinent. A major war is imminent now.

this statement is being taken as an act of war in new Delhi :welcome:

Modi has been vocal against Taliban .. he used to say there is no difference between Good Taliban and Bad Taliban!! now it is time to take U turn..

Taliban is basically saying a good Indian is a dead Indian. This is not looking good for the future of the subcontinent.

Well, this can only mean one thing: Taliban No IndiaPhraandz!

How can ISI / Taliban be friends with India? ISI has deep relationship with CIA since cold war days.

I am glad that Indians did not send any boots on the ground.

All Indians should leave Afghanistan before US leaves.
Frankly it is time for India to pack the bags and leave Afghanistan before US leaves.

I read on a thread earlier that Taliban has declared war against India which means there would a lot of bomb attacks in India in the coming months.

This is not going end well for the subcontinent. A major war is imminent now.

Taliban is basically saying a good Indian is a dead Indian. This is not looking good for the future of the subcontinent.

How can ISI / Taliban be friends with India? ISI has deep relationship with CIA since cold war days.

I am glad that Indians did not send any boots on the ground.

All Indians should leave Afghanistan before US leaves.
I think its a Hoax.

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