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India all set to develop reusable rockets: DRDO


Feb 1, 2010
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United Kingdom
New Delhi: After the successful launch of Agni-V Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), India is all set to develop reusable rockets which will combine the technologies of both ballistic and cruise missiles.

As part of plans to develop reusable ballistic missiles, Defence Research and Development Organisation will test indigenously developed scram jet engine next year, DRDO Chief VK Saraswat said in an interview to Doordarshan.

"We have propulsion technology, we have re-entry technologies, we have the technology which can take a re-entry system which will deliver a payload and have yet another re-entry system which will bring the missile back when it re-enters the atmosphere on its return journey," he said.

New Delhi: After the successful launch of Agni-V Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), India is all set to develop reusable rockets which will combine the technologies of both ballistic and cruise missiles.

As part of plans to develop reusable ballistic missiles, Defence Research and Development Organisation will test indigenously developed scram jet engine next year, DRDO Chief VK Saraswat said in an interview to Doordarshan.

"We have propulsion technology, we have re-entry technologies, we have the technology which can take a re-entry system which will deliver a payload and have yet another re-entry system which will bring the missile back when it re-enters the atmosphere on its return journey," he said.

India is all set to develop reusable rockets which will combine the technologies of both ballistic and cruise missiles.
"We have demonstrated the performance of a scram jet engine operating at Mach six speed (six times the speed of sound)," he said.

On the range of Agni-V missile which was successfully test-fired recently off Odisha coast, the DRDO chief said with moderate modifications, "it can be extended to any range which is of our interest."

On technological capability available with the agency, he said, "DRDO has built the necessary technologies, production infrastructure and design capability for developing a booster or a sustainer... We have the capability to develop a re-entry nose cone which can withstand higher temperature and velocity."

Reacting to reports that India does not possess sufficient indigenous technology for missile guidance systems, Saraswat said Agni-V has used a completely indigenous and high precision missile guidance system with "0.001 degrees of per hour accuracy."

On criticism that DRDO sometimes does not live up to expectations, he said the agency was as good as its counterparts in advanced countries.

"Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), F-18 and Eurofighter took similar number of years and cost wise they were three times more than what we have put in our LCA," he said.

On development of Kaveri engine, Saraswat said it too has performed well and was, "flown an IL-76 aircraft in Russia, 55 hours of successful flight... We are going to upgrade it so that it can be used in India's LCA Mark-II and future systems."

India all set to develop reusable rockets: DRDO - India News - IBNLive
Saraswat said Agni-V has used a completely indigenous and high precision missile guidance system with "0.001 degrees of per hour accuracy."

This is the most important data in the interview.

This means that Agni-V has an accuracy of about 25 meters for a flight of 5000 km taking 20 minutes!

A very creditable achievement by the DRDO.

I would not be surprised if this is as good as, if not better than, any other system in the world.

Even at 10,000 km, the error would be well below 100 meters.

Note that for ICBM applications you can't rely on GPS.
Reacting to reports that India does not possess sufficient indigenous technology for missile guidance systems, Saraswat said Agni-V has used a completely indigenous and high precision missile guidance system with "0.001 degrees of per hour accuracy."

Some moron was spamming here saying guidance was imported for the last 2 days..:laugh:
Saraswat said Agni-V has used a completely indigenous and high precision missile guidance system with "0.001 degrees of per hour accuracy."

I think our Chinese friends must take note of this !!!
Some moron was spamming here saying guidance was imported for the last 2 days..:laugh:

Ddint you say its a moron? So let them go :P Morons usually have no bizz other than spamming.

but the interesting past is how world viewed the NoKo ICBM( imported from china) launch to Indian A-V launch.

I bet US was double happy that NoKo ICBM failed its launch which means, we currently doubt chinese ICBMs as well and their reliability.

If an off-the shelf ICBM randomly picked from PRC inventory fails means, something is not surely right :D
Some moron was spamming here saying guidance was imported for the last 2 days..
Why would india import it ?? In Brahmos also we are providing our own guidance system if i am not wrong.
I think India asked for the seeker for Agni 5 from Russia. And if thats true then i think its fine for now, considering only a few countries can make seeker. I am not sure even China has the technology to make all kinds of seekers, one or two is fine becuase we have also made mmW seeker.
There's a JV with an isreali company, when that comes into effect, we will be able to make seekers. DRDO themselves are building seekers too.


The Hindu : News / National : DRDO scientists to develop advanced seekers for tactical missiles


During the first press release DRDO said only a few components were imported, i think this person automatically deduced that guidance system is one of them. People on this forum likes to assume alot from time to time.
I don't get it... how is combining of cruise missile and ballistic missile giving us reusable rockets ?

I am not an expert but i think the concept is to create a reusable spacecraft where there is no jettisoning of hardware expending only propellents and fuel.To attain such a feat it uses turbo ramjet engine(like the one in brahmos) for take-off from runway.After reaching cruising speed it uses scram-jet engine(used in hypersonic brahmos) further attaining a speed of about mach 8,collecting oxygen from atmosphere to be used in final phase where a conventional rocket engine is used to propel the craft to outer space.After the delivery of payload it will can re-enter the atmosphere and glide back to earth.In short it uses the technology of our cruise missiles(ramjet and scram-jet propulsion) and ballistic missiles(solid fuel rocket propulsion,re entry etc).
guys i think there is something wrong hereee, i have never heard of anything like reusable missile. i think its about avatar rlv rocket . plz share if u think the same.
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