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India airlifts military hospital to Tajikistan

slip of toungue from our neighbour.. :omghaha:

we killed 3 of them..you said that very thing in another forum...just accept and i'll let it go..

Consider yourself as the president of Tajikistan, would you embroil yourself in a conflict b/w 2 nuclear armed states?
Consider yourself as the president of Tajikistan, would you embroil yourself in a conflict b/w 2 nuclear armed states?

India has a "no-first" policy and has stated it will only ever use nukes against a nuclear-armed nation so Tajikistan has NOTHING to fear on this front from India. Are you trying to say Pakistan would nuke Tajikistan over this issue?!
It's far more than 100 Indian military personnel in Tajikstan!

You are vastly exaggerating Pakistan's offensive war-fighting capabilities. If India and Pakistan are locked in hostilities do you really think Pakistan has the capability to start striking targets in Tajikistan?!!

All I am saying is this base will not be used or allowed to be used for offense. Regarding the vastly exaggerating part, never underestimate the opponent.
Consider yourself as the president of Tajikistan, would you embroil yourself in a conflict b/w 2 nuclear armed states?

yes if I considered this situation and then I gave that base to a nuclear armed state as I know I'll go unpunished,and when my country is protected by Russian Air Force as a part of Joint CIS Air Defense System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ..which consists of...

20 fighter regiments;
29 surface to air-missile regiments;
22 electronic intelligence units;
2 electronic warfare battalions.
SAM regiments are armed with 9K33 Osa, 9K37 Buk, S-75 Dvina, S-125 Neva/Pechora, S-200 Angara/Vega/Dubna and S-300 Favorit systems. Fighter jets include MiG-23, MiG-29, MiG-31 and Su-27. Joint exercises of CIS AD System are commonly held at Ashuluk range in Astrakhan Oblast.

Early warning system

The Russian early warning system was set up in Soviet times. Its headquarters and two satellite data reception stations are located in Russia, as well as 3 out of 8 radar stations. They include the Dnepr/Daugava system in Olenegorsk, the Dnepr/Dnestr-M system in Mishelevka, Usolye-Sibirskoye, and the Daryal system in Pechora.
The remaining radar stations are:
Daryal radar in Azerbaijan (Qabala);
Dnepr/Dnestr-M system in Balkash-9, Sary Shagan, Kazakhstan;
Volga radar in Belarus (Gantsevichi);
Okno electro-optical space surveillance station in Tajikistan.
The two Dnepr radars in Ukraine (Mukachevo and Sevastopol) used to be part of the system until 2008.[2][3]
The next generation of Russian radar are the Voronezh radar.

(Statistics from 2005)
All I am saying is this base will not be used or allowed to be used for offense. Regarding the vastly exaggerating part, never underestimate the opponent.

Can you explain why this base wont be used for offence?
Question ?

In Invent of India Pakistan War Do we think we can use these base to air strike Pakistan from West side if yes then please provide the logic why Tajikistan Allow to use it land against Nuclear Power and against a Muslim country with which don't have any dispute and enemity and have brother relationship.

If No then why waste money and resources on which don't give us any strategic advantage.
Question ?

In Invent of India Pakistan War Do we think we can use these base to air strike Pakistan from West side if yes then please provide the logic why Tajikistan Allow to use it land against Nuclear Power and against a Muslim country with which don't have any dispute and enemity and have brother relationship.

If No then why waste money and resources on which don't give us any strategic advantage.

In a war we don't really need the base considering the size of Pakistan is not as big, and can be covered easily. However, the airbase let us keep track of the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan and also gives a foothold in the resource rich Central Asia. With the current expansion by Indian companies in Afghanistan and other central asian region it will help us keep track of terrorist activities against our workers in Afghanistan.
Question ?

In Invent of India Pakistan War Do we think we can use these base to air strike Pakistan from West side if yes then please provide the logic why Tajikistan Allow to use it land against Nuclear Power and against a Muslim country with which don't have any dispute and enemity and have brother relationship.

If No then why waste money and resources on which don't give us any strategic advantage.

Offensive doesnt mean air strike only....covert ops ( RAW and Special forces ) can be carried out from that base. The most Important part is that now pakistan has to invest on infra on the western side to keep India at bay.

As far as nukes go....Tajik is a no go area for Pak because of Mother Russia.

PS : if you look at the map, y'all will find India staring at china from another angle :lol:
Question ?

In Invent of India Pakistan War Do we think we can use these base to air strike Pakistan from West side if yes then please provide the logic why Tajikistan Allow to use it land against Nuclear Power and against a Muslim country with which don't have any dispute and enemity and have brother relationship.

If No then why waste money and resources on which don't give us any strategic advantage.
Who (other than the Pakistanis) are saying this base has ANYTHING to do with Pakistan?
I dont think Tajiks will be foolish enough to allow their territory to be used against another country, that will be akin to declaring war.

Exactly Tajikistan isn't going to allow its territory to be used as a platform for war. They're not going to allow the Indians to make offensive operations from that base, the base is leased to them with restrictions. As if Tajikistan is going to allow a third party country to wage war from its territory, the consequences to that are well known.
All These is used to protect CIS only not indian Asset and what make you think that CIS will allow other country to use its territory to strike Nuclear nation .we are just wasting our money and time did we see any negative reaction about this development because they know that we cannot do any thing from that base.

yes if I considered this situation and then I gave that base to a nuclear armed state as I know I'll go unpunished,and when my country is protected by Russian Air Force as a part of Joint CIS Air Defense System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ..which consists of...

20 fighter regiments;
29 surface to air-missile regiments;
22 electronic intelligence units;
2 electronic warfare battalions.
SAM regiments are armed with 9K33 Osa, 9K37 Buk, S-75 Dvina, S-125 Neva/Pechora, S-200 Angara/Vega/Dubna and S-300 Favorit systems. Fighter jets include MiG-23, MiG-29, MiG-31 and Su-27. Joint exercises of CIS AD System are commonly held at Ashuluk range in Astrakhan Oblast.

Early warning system

The Russian early warning system was set up in Soviet times. Its headquarters and two satellite data reception stations are located in Russia, as well as 3 out of 8 radar stations. They include the Dnepr/Daugava system in Olenegorsk, the Dnepr/Dnestr-M system in Mishelevka, Usolye-Sibirskoye, and the Daryal system in Pechora.
The remaining radar stations are:
Daryal radar in Azerbaijan (Qabala);
Dnepr/Dnestr-M system in Balkash-9, Sary Shagan, Kazakhstan;
Volga radar in Belarus (Gantsevichi);
Okno electro-optical space surveillance station in Tajikistan.
The two Dnepr radars in Ukraine (Mukachevo and Sevastopol) used to be part of the system until 2008.[2][3]
The next generation of Russian radar are the Voronezh radar.

(Statistics from 2005)
Consider yourself as the president of Tajikistan, would you embroil yourself in a conflict b/w 2 nuclear armed states?

Question ?

In Invent of India Pakistan War Do we think we can use these base to air strike Pakistan from West side if yes then please provide the logic why Tajikistan Allow to use it land against Nuclear Power and against a Muslim country with which don't have any dispute and enemity and have brother relationship.

If No then why waste money and resources on which don't give us any strategic advantage.

Why do the two of you have Indian flags on? - you two clearly are Pakistani's or closet Pakistani's.
It's not going to serve much of a "geo-strategic" advantage or benefit, it's really just a waste of money a show-off move more than anything else. Having a small military "hospital" isn't really going to "strengthen geo-strategic footprint".

Yes, this small "military outpost" is going to prevent "any anti-Indian activity", it sure helped with the bombing of the Indian embassy in 2008. This is how you know the idiotic Indian media wrote this stuff, and fortunately for us this is what population of that country consumes as brain food.

Though on the bright side, at least Tajikistan is earning good profits off the lease, these days growing number of countries have their hands in the Indian pockets, the Russians, Tajiks, Israelis, and French.

Another gem from an "apne muh miya mithu" "academic" who thought it was a "masterstroke" of Turkey when the Israelis kicked out that boat.

That NATO will now be forced to fight with Israel!

Or that Russian military will become Muslim and it will be a problem for India!

What actually happened! Russia stopped recruiting Muslims. ;)

You have very little sense of the real world. Living in denial does have it's advantages though.

The reality is too bitter.
Did you read the article?

The Indian "military outpost" at the Ayni airbase, around 15 km from Tajik capital Dushanbe, also helps New Delhi keep tabs on its economic and strategic interests in Central Asia as well as "any anti-Indian activity" in the terrorism-infested Af-Pak region.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...litary-hospital-tajikistan.html#ixzz2QpekHsfV

Who (other than the Pakistanis) are saying this base has ANYTHING to do with Pakistan?
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