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India, Afghanistan to sign mining agreement soon

and pakistan in USA's control zone..:victory::victory:

Thats why not even interested to go for North Wazirstan operation and not even interested to tel where is our nukes (LOL @ UR COMMENT)

PS: I will ask you after few years..... who is under control by US ;)

hahhaha love US- India Deals
You're not sure why huh? Come on don;t be foolish...the ISI is pressing the taliban and such outfits to attack Indian interests. Simple....its been announced by the US as well, remember the bombing and killing of the INdian brigadier general! I'm surprised India has not responded in kind by assassinating Kalyani or Mushi. Maybe India lacks that capablitily or the Pakistani's contour intel is much better..

i'm sure Mr. Mehta was cognizant to the nature and danger of his job.....wasn't his office not far from the border with Pakistan? ;)

i'm not really interested in what the US ''said as well'' -- but you have zero evidence to support your own allegations, therefore no need to bring up old issues

not to say that that particular attack wasn't an ''eye-opener,'' if you will

get that saffron coloured drape off your head as it seems to be blocking some vital oxygen; perhaps you would understand if Pakistanis felt india was part of the 'problem' in this Afghan equation

you support our enemies then, as you do now.....so hypothetically speaking, why WOULDNT we do the same?

hopefully for everyone's sake, the war-lordism and factionalism of society there ends sooner than later --- b/c you are very naiive if you think that the Afghans (not just the regime of Kabul) will blindly allow foreigners to come in and start digging away. You should be more familiar with Afghan culture.

then again, the Chinese seem to be having a field day in Afghanistan....so i guess they're doing something right! Theyre even using Chinese workers; whereas i've heard of indian workers getting bullied kidnapped and even shot at from time to time; not sure why....

you can continue to support the afghan taliban and help them attack the Indians there , we are still there and we will remain until and unless we wish to get out ourselves.

That strategy of yours has clearly failed.
you can continue to support the afghan taliban and help them attack the Indians there , we are still there and we will remain until and unless we wish to get out ourselves.

I am not in charge of the civil or other affairs of Pakistani Nation; I speak humbly, as a civilian.

However I'm surprised that the standard indian reaction is still to pin Pakistan & taleban when, looking at patterns and how things are transpiring, even the soon-to-withdraw NATO forces are engaged in closed-door talks with the taleban. Pakistan is merely helping with the peace and reconciliation process.

as for attacks on indians there -- it is not my concern, it is your own. As long as those indians weren't involved in nefarious activity, they may garner some sympathy.

I have my own doubts, but lets just leave it there

That strategy of yours has clearly failed.

Just another useless one-liner rant.

but let us see how things transpire in, say, the next 2-5 years or so from now

on a side, but somewhat RELEVANT note:

China, Not U.S., Likely to Benefit from Afghanistan's Mineral Riches


Although the U.S. government has spent more than $940 billion on the conflict in Afghanistan since 2001, a treasure trove of mineral deposits, including vast quantities of industrial metals such as lithium, gold, cobalt, copper and iron, are likely to wind up going to Russia and China instead of American firms.


[W]hile the United States and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries are providing the bulk of the security for Afghanistan -- U.S. troop levels are set to rise to 100,000 by year's end -- the firms that are profiting from the resource boom are primarily Chinese, and to a lesser extent, Russian.

The Washington Post, quoting a U.S. intelligence official, reported that the Afghan minister of mines was accused of taking approximately $30 million in bribes from the Chinese company in exchange for the contract. The minister denied the charge and said the Chinese firm had offered the best deal.

The irony is that it is U.S. government geologists and Western companies that are locating the vast mineral deposits that the Chinese and Russians are exploiting in Afghanistan.

"The problem with the Chinese is that they are developers of resources and not explorers of resources," Yeager says. "They will look at projects where they already have a reserve in place and then go out and buy it. They don't spend the risk capital and the exploration dollars."

Mining Afghanistan: How China and Russia Are Winning the Gold ... and Lithium, Copper and More - DailyFinance
This co-operation between India and Afghanistan will help help both the countries as both of us have a huge scope of growth.Even though we cannot help them get rid of all their problems,we(as Baba Amte said) certainly can help them to help themselves.
i'm sure Mr. Mehta was cognizant to the nature and danger of his job.....wasn't his office not far from the border with Pakistan? ;)

i'm not really interested in what the US ''said as well'' -- but you have zero evidence to support your own allegations, therefore no need to bring up old issues

not to say that that particular attack wasn't an ''eye-opener,'' if you will

the world has their eyes open..

President Obama obviously chose the central hall of the Indian Parliament to deliver his message to Pakistan, and the message was crystal clear: the US does not intend to withdraw from Afghanistan next July as is expected by the Pakistani army and establishment. Obama asserted: "We are making progress in our mission to break the Taliban's momentum and to train Afghan forces so they can take the lead for their security. And while I have made it clear that American forces will begin the transition to Afghan responsibility next summer, I have also made it clear that America's commitment to the Afghan people will endure. The United States will not abandon the people of Afghanistan or the region to the violent extremists who threaten us all. Our strategy to disrupt, dismantle and defeat Al-Qaeda and its affiliates has to succeed on both sides of the border. That is why we have worked with the Pakistani government to address the threat of terrorist networks in the border region. The Pakistani government increasingly recognises that these networks are not just a threat outside of Pakistan � they are a threat to the Pakistani people, who have suffered greatly at the hands of violent extremists."

He has also indicated to the Pakistanis and those who empathise with them and support them in the US military establishment, that he did not buy the propaganda that they needed jihadi outfits as strategic assets against future Indian influence in Afghanistan. The joint statement issued by the Indian prime minister and the US president makes it clear that the two sides have resolved to pursue joint development projects with the Afghan government in capacity-building, agriculture and women's empowerment. Pakistan and its supporters in the US military establishment are being told that the Indian presence in Afghanistan will continue and increase.

His message to Pakistan on terrorism was equally blunt. He reiterated: "We will continue to insist to Pakistan's leaders that terrorist safe havens within their borders are unacceptable, and that the terrorists behind the Mumbai attacks be brought to justice. We must also recognise that all of us have an interest in both an Afghanistan and a Pakistan that is stable, prosperous and democratic - and none more so than India."

This was further elaborated in the joint statement which stated: "Condemning terrorism in all its forms, the two sides agreed that all terrorist networks, including Lashkar-e-Toiba, must be defeated and called for Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. Building upon the Counter-Terrorism Initiative signed in July 2010, the two leaders announced a new Homeland Security Dialogue between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Department of Homeland Security and agreed to further deepen operational cooperation, counter-terrorism technology transfers and capacity building. The two leaders also emphasised the importance of close cooperation in combating terrorist financing and in protecting the international financial system." Presumably, the Pakistani army is already aware that terrorist activity directed from Pakistan against India after 26/11 will be under the watch of both Indian and US intelligence capabilities cooperating with each other. Apart from the increased capabilities of Indian intelligence, this cooperation may be yet another reason why there has been no successful terrorist attempt on India after the Pune bakery outrage.

On Kashmir, Obama endorsed Manmohan Singh's approach of a dialogue and peace process between the two countries, which should progress from more easily solvable issues building up confidence to addressing the most difficult problem - the 63-year-old Kashmir issue. There was also a subtle message to Pakistan in his assertion that India is not a rising power but one that has already arrived. One of the long-cherished myths in Pakistan, going back to Zulfikar Bhutto's time, is their fervent belief that Pakistan can hold India's rise hostage to New Delhi settling Kashmir on their terms. Obama was telling them to give up such ideas. When Obama refers to Pakistan being a state that was strategically important to the world, that was a veiled reference to its being a nuclear-weapon power that has to be handled appropriately.

Telling it like it is to Pakistan - Yahoo! India News
India, Afghanistan to sign mining agreement soon

India and Afghanistan are set to take up their economic engagement to a new level as the war ravaged nation has invited India to explore and mine its large mineral deposits, reports CNBC-TV18’s Rituparna Bhuyan quoting sources.

Initially, the Afghani mineral resources were estimated at around USD 1 trillion. Now it turns out that the reserves are actually worth 3 times that initial estimate and have been presently valued at around USD 3.3 trillion. Sources have told CNBC-TV18 that being a strategic partner, Afghanistan is now actually looking at India to formalize an agreement for cooperation on mining through which Indian companies can go to Afghanistan and mine Afghani mineral resources.

India and Afghanistan will soon be signing an MoU on this and Afghani Mines Minister Wahidullah Shahrani is already in India and has had talks with the Mines Minister B K Handique and Commerce Minister Anand Sharma.

India already has an advantage in this regard as the Geological Survey of India already has maps of the region. Sources said that the Geological Survey of India as well as officials from the Indian Bureau of Mines will be going to Afghanistan in April after the winter is over.

Moreover, executives from Hindustan Copper Limited are also likely to visit the war ravaged country to assess the copper reserves in that nation. Sources said that Indian interest in that country includes huge reserves of copper, iron ore, gold, uranium and lithium deposit.

What remains to be seen here is that if India is able to have a first mover advantage in the region as other resource hungry nations will be vying for the same resources as well.

India, Afghanistan to sign mining agreement soon: Sources - CNBC-TV18 -

Its appreciable move and think PAK & INDIA both have to help Afghanistan to stand economically & where I think there must be joint pak-indo move in many industrial & economical sectors. If it is possible!?
the world has their eyes open..

countries like the ''conjoined twin'' (as per Karzai), Iran, and the C.A.R.s more so, as we share borders with the country and are situated where any aftermath directly affects us....

as for the article you posted, it contained nothing I havent read or heard before; usual rhetoric, just worded differently. But yeh, thanks anyhow :coffee:
As usual the thread has been degenerated into a load of cr@p. These days the standard answer that Pakistani members have to all positive news about Afghanistan is.. Let USA go away in 2011, then we will act. Like a kid telling another one that I will beat you up after my dad goes to office ;)

And then Indians are accused of talking in future tense..
Pakistan can't even control its own territory, how can it control another country?

well same can be said about parts of hindustan i.e. the restive northeast + naxal affected areas

nevertheless -- i think every person here in this forum can agree that we pray for the best for Afghanistan and her people, they have suffered a lot - due to their own actions as well as short-sightedness of externals (to a degree, this reality can also be attributed to other countries nearby)

we can also agree that anything done for the betterment of Afghanistan is positive; as long as there are no 'strings' attached
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nevertheless -- i think every person here in this forum can agree that we pray for the best for Afghanistan and her people, they have suffered a lot - due to their own actions as well as short-sightedness of externals

we can also agree that anything done for the betterment of Afghanistan is positive; as long as there are no 'strings' attached

I think most pakistanis want peace in afghanistan,and their only worry is india may use afghanistan for destabilising their motherland.I would be having same feeling if i am a pakistani.And i think india should be more transparent in it's actions in afghanistan.
And regarding private investments,we should welcome it in war torn afghanistan, be it from china or india or pakistan,instead of statements like 'we will show you after usa leave'.Dont you agree?And this thread is about indian private firms entering afghan,i hope you welcome it,for the betterment of afghanistan.
yes i agree that betterment of Afghanistan is an important goal; i agree there should be transparency --as much as possible

my father tells me about his days as a kid; when they used to go by road from Parachinar to Kabul as that was the place to go for dance or movies or picnic outdoors....Afghanistan was much happier place. Some people think we Pakistanis are abusive and have nothing but animosity and rage and are selfish people. Well, that is incorrect assumption to those who believe or imply it

we all want best for Afghans.....and the whole region. People wouldnt rather fight and be paranoid; people would rather be minting money and enjoying life peacefully --of course without sacrificing honour or honesty

maybe im thinking too idealistically on a sunny Saturday
well same can be said about parts of hindustan i.e. the restive northeast + naxal affected areas

we can also agree that anything done for the betterment of Afghanistan is positive; as long as there are no 'strings' attached

what are you going to do for the betterment of Afghanistan with your government running under capital loss.
What ever you get from West you use them to build weapons, what ever support and finance you are getting from muslims around the world you use them in Kashmir for the destabilization. From where will you get money to spend on other issues????

See the important thing, I am not blaming you or any other person, I am blaming your leaders and your policy makers. Because they do not have base beneath them their foundation is hollow.

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