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India Acquiring Six Predator b(MQ-9 Reaper) armed drones on Emergency Basis

Only if they had them earlier, Chinese would be shivering in Beijing rather than leisurely swimming in Galwan river.

India is a classic example of an insecure nation, that takes SOLACE in buying advanced weaponry on the brink of a war. A country that has spent trillions in acquisitions over a passage of time , still feels coming short in its abilities and capabilities. Nevertheless the knee jerking Indians have added REAPERS to their shopping list on a fast track basis.


In 1962 the West filled India with all the advanced weapons of its time. Although by the time they reached India Aksai Chin was lost, and all these weapons were used against Pakistan a few years later. Reapers are a good platform but the Chinese have made great strides in this field, so it may not trouble them that much. As far as Pakistan is concerned we dont have a good history with them on our Western borders, maybe this time around we may be able to take our REVENGE that is long overdue.:pakistan::china:
As usual one guy has his panties in his twists seeing quote from Indian media whenever it suits him.

I think India shouldn't invest in US drones. Better invest that money in Ghatak, stealth drones. Investing 3B on this project can be a great way for India to move forward.
As usual one guy has his panties in his twists seeing quote from Indian media
What did i twist in it can you kindly elaborate, its even in your main newspapers. You should be happy India is getting reapers. Nevertheless i am amazed some of you still consider PDF as a picnic spot for Indians!
What did i twist in it can you kindly elaborate, its even in your main newspapers. You should be happy India is getting reapers. Nevertheless i am amazed some of you still consider PDF as a picnic spot for Indians!

I thought Indian newspaper are fake, false quotes. So why do you use them?

For me yes it's a picnic spot. Whenever I am looking for some comedy content I just come in here and look at your analysis.
You see this Indian mentality is your biggest drawback....as soon as you purchase an item, you start boxing above your weight, it suddenly becomes the war winner......remember how you people use to boast, ''SU-30 is an overkill for Pakistan, its meant for China and how MiG-29s are sufficient to take care of PAF''.....guess what, when the test came.....there were no MiG-29s in sight .

I believe we still think that. Not sure why we would deviate from that POV.
I thought Indian newspaper are fake, false quotes. So why do you use them?
Most do get carried away in nationalism. I know a lot of Indians in UK with balanced minds. PDF is a defence forum and again is not a picnic spot for the Indians, you may end up reading stuff which you may not like. If you need your type of news Bharat Rakshak might suit you, our content may not be very mellow for our opponents most of the time.
The link goes to the acquisition of new P8 Poseidon aircraft folks, the stuff about drones is a smaller reference.
The US has not cleared such armed drones yet either.

Yeah may be.. but US relaxed export restrictions on armed drones recently...
India is a classic example of an insecure nation, that takes SOLACE in buying advanced weaponry on the brink of a war. A country that has spent trillions in acquisitions over a passage of time , still feels coming short in its abilities and capabilities. Nevertheless the knee jerking Indians have added REAPERS to their shopping list on a fast track basis.


In 1962 the West filled India with all the advanced weapons of its time. Although by the time they reached India Aksai Chin was lost, and all these weapons were used against Pakistan a few years later. Reapers are a good platform but the Chinese have made great strides in this field, so it may not trouble them that much. As far as Pakistan is concerned we dont have a good history with them on our Western borders, maybe this time around we may be able to take our REVENGE that is long overdue.:pakistan::china:

You are a quintessential troll. You are either posting news without any substantial insights. Just your own ramblings else you are on every post posting inane BS again. I have also noticed you start almost every sentence with I think. But, I reckon you don't think a lot.

This deal has been in the works since June 2017.

Your Gen tried to take REVENGE in the recent past. We celebrated 21 yrs of that victory today!
The problem for India is that it doesn't know nor have the ability to use any weaponry effectively. It is a shambles.
Armed drones are useless as they need 100% air superiority .... if they sell global hawk that will be real value addition in IOR
You are a quintessential troll. You are either posting news without any substantial insights. Just your own ramblings else you are on every post posting inane BS again. I have also noticed you start almost every sentence with I think. But, I reckon you don't think a lot.

This deal has been in the works since June 2017.

Your Gen tried to take REVENGE in the recent past. We celebrated 21 yrs of that victory today!
There were a proposal to buy Predator drones alongside P-8I's with SAR for extended maritime patrolling, but it got shelved because of budgetary constraint and other restrictions. Good to see the project is back online.
Pak should immediately start making efforts for the joint production of Aksungur and Akinji drones...



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