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India abandons UN Security Council seat ambitions

BTW, UN or UNSC and any such organizations are useless. Today, only countries or entities with the adequate population, innovative, scientific and military prowess have a say; until then, been members of organization like UN is a waste of time.

I agree.. If not reformed, UN will become an organization of five only.. world will move on.. BTW nobody today cares who were the victors of World war II.. That has no relevance today and such theory is utter useless to be applied in the new world we are living in..
please don't lie, thanks.

the NDTV article clearly says China backs India's aspirations for UNSC. It is like:

india: I want to be rich.
china: Right, it is 100% good aspiration.
india: are you going to back it?
china: of course, I back your aspiration.
india: are you going to back me to achieve that?
china: no way
india: then why you say you would back the aspiration.
china: I said I will back your aspiration, you can even have the aspiration to be No.1, that is of course not a wrong aspiration to have, I back your aspiration.

Is there anyway I can give this guy a mouthful & not get banned?
This thread which started on a non-verified article has turned into Indo-China I have a bigger d**k fest. HAs anyone actually found a neutral source for this article? Else I dont see any point in this thread's existence.
This foolish thread is still running because people like to bash each other.And that's why the technical threads usually die premature death.Example:the DRDO sonar thread started by Kinetic.
This is my 1st and last post in this thread.
Good bye....
dont think its true..... Just last year we had all the permenant members in india saying they support our bid..... Still this is a long process and will probably take about 7-8 years in the best of circumstances

yes you are right. i see no reason for which India has to abandon UN Security Council seat ambitions.
there is a neutral source:

India's UN Security Council Ambition is on track with no Hiccup- Ajaxpaul, full member- Defence.pk
UN and UNSC is very useful.

It helps to justify your war with a foreign nation if you can get it backed by UNSC (e.g. NATO vs. Libya).
The war against Libya was justified as Gaddafi was bombing his own people.
The war against Libya was justified as Gaddafi was bombing his own people.

Don't completely agree with that. In fact it took all of the diplomatic muscle of the US to get India, China, Russia and Germany who were against the UNSC proposal to abstain from voting against it. He may have been a dictator and everyone agrees he has to go. But his fight against the rebels was an internal matter. And unlike a lot of other cases,these were armed fighters.
Are you sure you were united through out all those 4200 years? What was warring state period? what about Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms? Did you forgot the mighty mongols who thrashed you? In the end, you are free today thanks to the western countries.. Had that not been the case you would have been enslaved by Japanese today..

So you want to talk Chinese history? you are not qualified for any knowledgeable discussion, but I can certainly offer you some free tutorial:

1. Periods like Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and Three Kingdoms are not rare in Chinese history, the nation was divided into multiple "kingdoms" ruled by different regimes at the same time. Yet, all of those "Kingdoms" and the regimes have a common goal: to fight for a unified China.

Yet in the history of South Asia, there was never such unified nation named india, there were no such regimes fighting for a unified "india", because there was no "india" at that time.

2. Even during those periods, Chinese people identified themselves as Han Chinese, they all spoke the same language, follow the same tradition. In the history of South Asia, I can't say the same for "india" or "indian".

3. Mongols conquered most part of China, the entire Korea, most part of Europe by the end of 1300. I don't understand how it is related to a unified China?

China was also ruled by Manchu for hundreds of years, that doesn't change the fact that it was a unified nation with a dominant Han Chinese culture, language and tradition. In fact, Qing Emperors were more "Han" that most real Han Chinese.

Let me tell you the difference here: when india was ruled by the UK, it was a colony:
Colony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one ever say China was any colony of any nation. We lost a couple tiny fishing villages, not even cities.

You guys just followed your masters, learned their language and start to follow their traditions. In China, because of our 4200 years history and tradition, Qing Emperors who were 100% pure Manchu, they admired our culture and spend their entire lives to learn and contribute to it.

how many UK kings or Queens spent their entire lives practising Hindu and become famous for that?


4. We fought Japanese in WWII, killed almost 1 million Japanese troops and 100+ Japanese generals. UNSC permanent seat was given to us because of our contribution to the WWII. Compared to this, india's contribution to international security can be happily ignored completely. Period.
The war against Libya was justified as Gaddafi was bombing his own people.

you are naive, aren't you?

by applying your laughable theory, North Korea should be nuked decades ago for the bad treatment Kim did to its people.
by applying your laughable theory, the entire earth should fight with China when PLA killed hundreds of trouble makers on 4th June 1989.

grow up dude, it is never about "bombing his own people", it is about oil.

unhappy about this? how about admit it: NATO illegally killed Gaddafi's baby grandsons.
4. We fought Japanese in WWII, killed almost 1 million Japanese troops and 100+ Japanese generals. UNSC permanent seat was given to us because of our contribution to the WWII. Compared to this, india's contribution to international security can be happily ignored completely. Period.

And we did too by sending 2.5 million troops and if what you say is the sole deciding factor we would have had it long before.
yea yea the whole world knows who is the biggest contributor to the UN's peace keeping force ,so stop ranting the BS idiot
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