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India: a global hub for warship building

In last 5 years? ok I will try

2 frigates
1 Corvette
3 amphibious warfare vessels
8 Patrol Vessel

I don't think there is any place for corvette and patrol boat if we are talking about a global warship building hub.
^^^ Any links for this claim ?

excuse me, do you provide any links to support your claim that you have a navy?

these are WELL KNOWN FACTS, known to all military fans in China. now you wanna have links for that? you post the link of the indian-navy-does-exist evidence, I post the links for these.
excuse me, do you provide any links to support your claim that you have a navy?

these are WELL KNOWN FACTS, known to all military fans in China. now you wanna have links for that? you post the link of the indian-navy-does-exist evidence, I post the links for these.

I'm talking about last 5 year commissioned ships... Don't loose temper little man..
why you don't just google those names?

don't get shocked as the infrastructure projects we completed in the past 5 years are more shocking.

052B destroyer were launched in 2002 and 052C were launched in 2003 ie 6 years old .only four 054a are commissioned yet which they stared in 2002 Type 094 nuclear subs were launched in 2004 ie 5 years back
why you don't just google those names?

don't get shocked as the infrastructure projects we completed in the past 5 years are more shocking.


Just calm down dude..........
India got it's independence in 1947, and now it's 2009 or say 2010. that’s 63 years.......
When India got its independence India didn’t have any infrastructure or any money or education or any good things..... but now see what happen in 63 years..........

1) Biggest Democracy in the World.:smitten:

2) 2nd Fastest Growing Economy in the world.:smitten:

3)6th nation to send rocket in the world.:smitten:

4)First nation to send 9 Satellite by one rocket.:smitten:

5) 6th nation to have atomic capability and nuclear Sub.:smitten:

6) 6th nation to have SLBM capability.:smitten:

7) 2nd Largest Army in the World.:smitten:

8) 4th Largest Air force in the World.:
9) 5th Largest Navy in the World.

10) 12Th biggest Economy in the World.

11) Produce more Engg., Doctor, and MBA Graduate in year then UK and France who Ruled India for 200years....

And List Is still Going on....................
All this happen in 63 Years. I Know china is ahead of India now but Compare this..........

India is created all this in 63 Years while China......>2000 Years....
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How that can be possible? Let me tell you the truth:

1. a lot of indian just keep talking and dreaming while refusing to work hard on what they have on hand.

2. always thinking about the "future" while just let "today" go away.

it can be loosely translated into English as:

tomorrow after tomorrow, there are always another tomorrow, nothing can be achieved if I spend my entire life waiting for tomorrow.

you guys can keep dreaming about your "future", we will work hard to earn our future, a real future.

I will start with two of the popular doha (couplets)of Sant Kabir ( read as Saint Kabir), a very popular scholar from India:

1.Kaal Kare So Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare So Ub
Pal Mein Pralaya Hoyegi, Bahuri Karoge Kub

which can be translated as:

Tomorrows work do today, today's work anon
if the moment is lost, when will the work be done

2.Aisee Vani Boliye, Mun Ka Aapa Khoye
Apna Tan Sheetal Kare, Auran Ko Sukh Hoye

which can be translated as:

Speak such words, sans ego's ploy
Body remains composed, giving the listener joy

The last one ( dont know if its from kabir , I think this one is from Tulsidas)

karat karat abhyaas ke, jadmat hoth Sujaan
rasri aavat jaat hai, sir par hot nisaan

Persistence makes even a dumb man intelligent, just like (even) a soft rope, when rubbed continuously on stone, makes a mark on it.

Now you can very well understand what will I be stressing upon in the following few lines:

I dont know how you genralized about a lot of india .As I see it India has risen from almost nowhere in 1947 to one of the powers to reckon with in the 21st century. Now for starters that can not be without hardwork. What did India in terms of resources or economy have that this world didnt . The plain answer is nothing. But today the world sees India as an important player. The Indian brain has created thousands of job in U.S for the U.S citizens. Just browse through the list of start-ups in the Silicon Valley. Who gave us the first Email?Its an indian by the name of Sabeer Bhatia ( Remember Hotmail being bought by M$ ages ago)

The second point that I want to make is that do not indulge in a versus fight. You dream while we will work etc. As a whole this world will only be better if all the nations ( all the human race) makes a collective progress. The domination of any nation, be it UK or US or any other is only temporary in nature. The sooner the whole race understands this the better it is.

As for the saying that you have posted, well its a good one seems like an off shoot of the 1st couplet that I posted.
no troll please, tell me how many recently completed ships were put into active service in your navy in the past 5 years.

in case you can't understand, let me give you an example on what we have been doing in the past 5 years,

all ships below are in active service and all completed in the past 5 years, look carefully and learn something.

2 x 052B destroyer, 7000 tons each.
2 x 051C destroyer, 7100 tons each.
2 x 052C destroyer, 7500 tons each.

8 x 054A frigate, 4000 tons each.

40 x Type-022 stealth missile boat.

2 x Qiandaohu class replenishment ship, 23000 tons each.
2 x Yuanwang class satellite tracking ship, 20000 tons plus each.
1 x Type 071 amphibious transport dock, 20000 tons.

3 x Type 094 nuclear subs, 9000 tons submerged each.
2 x Type 041 sub.

are we clear?

Currently we dont build mercedes..... we are planning to built one in future...

do u have any problem with above statement or u have inability to understand such a statement...??? make your pick.

India is looking ahead and planning great things....there is a first for everything.... we didnt bult any ships in 1947 so we should not think about building any now also...!!!!!!!!! is this u want to say...??????
At least once use your mind....:disagree:

India is already producing some quality ships... just look for the Info in the previosu posts...


Yes we are promising some seriously hot stuff for the future(keep away from India it will be difficult for you to handle it...:smitten:)......we will become the hub for ship building as we improve our facilities with time......:)

some wise man said:
it is always the desire which comes first and than act on it to fulfill it....
thinks dont happen by accident.. u have to think first......u have to desire first...and India has the punch and the facilities and the ppl and the economic might to act on what it wants to do.....and India have collaborations with the best of the scientific community in the International world... ...:cheesy::cheesy:

unlike China which lives in a shell and no one is ready to work in cooperation with it ...which is really sad for china/chinese.....and bad for their development....

When u work in teams/ cooperation u always develop more... this is a universal fact and those who stay in isolation are doomed to failure.....Chinese technology is poor and is decades/too far behind Russia and West.....and will continue to do so in future.......in case they dont change their poor attitude....
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no troll please, tell me how many recently completed ships were put into active service in your navy in the past 5 years.

in case you can't understand, let me give you an example on what we have been doing in the past 5 years,

all ships below are in active service and all completed in the past 5 years, look carefully and learn something.

2 x 052B destroyer, 7000 tons each.
2 x 051C destroyer, 7100 tons each.
2 x 052C destroyer, 7500 tons each.

8 x 054A frigate, 4000 tons each.

40 x Type-022 stealth missile boat.

2 x Qiandaohu class replenishment ship, 23000 tons each.
2 x Yuanwang class satellite tracking ship, 20000 tons plus each.
1 x Type 071 amphibious transport dock, 20000 tons.

3 x Type 094 nuclear subs, 9000 tons submerged each.
2 x Type 041 sub.

are we clear?

Since you claim you dont have sources to backup your claims I presume you are done in by Chinese propaganda machine. Its good to read neutral sources once in a while. Here you go-

China's Shame

The U.S. Navy was forced, by a "Freedom of Information" lawsuit, to release its data on Chinese submarine operations. The data showed that, while Chinese subs are putting to sea more often (a fact that has generated many headlines about the Chinese naval threat), they are still doing so much less than U.S. subs. In 2007, American subs went to sea for long term operations (this is called "patrols") seven times more often than Chinese boats. But the 55 Chinese subs went out on only six patrols in 2007, versus two in 2006 and none in 2005. Before that, through the 1990s, Chinese subs averaged 1.2 patrols a year. The one Chinese ballistic missile sub (SSBN) has never, in its 25 years of existence, gone out on a patrol.
This is not to say that the Chinese boats don't go out at all, but these are largely day trips, moving off shore into the open water, in order to train and test the equipment. But this is no replacement for the long term (two months or more) tours American boats have been doing since World War II. While the Chinese are modernizing their submarine force, half their boats are still basically obsolete diesel-electric designs. The U.S. nuclear submarine fleet contains more than half the nuclear boats in service worldwide.

But the major American problem is anti-submarine warfare, because even elderly diesel-electric boats have proved difficult to detect. So the U.S. Navy is rebuilding its anti-submarine capability. That may take a few more years, and the main goal is to keep ahead of Chinese developments. The biggest thing the Americans have going for them is that, while the Chinese are building more subs, they are not training with them. Why is that? Partly it's a matter of money, partly it's the poorly maintained equipment. But mostly it's fear of embarrassment. Over the last few years, there have been several disastrous accidents involving Chinese subs at sea. These were usually just the day trips for training. Boats broke down, sailors died (in one case, an entire crew). But the Chinese have to go to sea a lot more before they become a serious threat to the United States. If the jump in patrols last year is the start of a trend, then the threat is indeed growing.

Does say a lot about the quality of chinese vessels, wouldn't you agree.
Since you claim you dont have sources to backup your claims I presume you are done in by Chinese propaganda machine. Its good to read neutral sources once in a while. Here you go-

Does say a lot about the quality of chinese vessels, wouldn't you agree.

:lazy: when you even don't have such vessels, you are complaining the quality of Chinese ones? keep this in mind dude, there is 10-20 years to go for india to build such craps.
warship building hub? what a huge propaganda.

China is completing 2-3 modern warships such as 052c and 054a a year, plus multiple subs during the past few years, tell me what's india's output?

Please no troll, let's talk about numbers that can be verified by everyone.

Dude what's your problem, everytime we mention any development in India you will say I have bigger. Agreed you are big whatever but that does not mean you have to belittle everything India is doing. Let's once and for all clarify that China is ahead of India and anything we do you might have done already. Happy now, chill man get the context of discussion.
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