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India 11,000 years back!!!

Not know much about India 11,000 years back.....but absolutely sure that it would be equally INTOLERANT then as in today!
Great research, makes for some really nice reading!
Our very own Atlantis.
PS: What is with this new roop, madamji?:pleasantry:

That's nice. It's nice to get excited even if I can't figure out what it is exactly that your excited about. And what's with the name change?

* Just add the "dumb factor" you of course realize 11,000 years back is 10,000 before the name India was coined by the British.
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This was probably Dravidian civilization since Vedic Aryans were still in Eurasia plains in modern Ukraine and have not invaded and settled in South Asia.
I find it odd to believe. Many sources have did mentioned about the oldness of Dravidian civilisation but nobody discusses bout it. Our literature is full of stories of sea consuming great cities 10000 years back. Perfect example like the one storm destroyed and swallowed Dhanushkodi as recent as 1964.
Most of the civilisation have went into the sea. Though there are few rock cuttings now, we need to find actual evidence to hypothesise the civilisation.
That's nice. It's nice to get excited even if I can't figure out what it is exactly that your excited about
I'm excited because I know that soon scientists and archeologists would be able to find more proof to prove, what was once called mythology by Britishers, actually existed.
* Just add the "dumb factor" you of course realize 11,000 years back is 10,000 before the name India was coined by the British.
Jealous are you??? I understand that you are allergic to the word India. :lol:
And what's with the name change?
I wanted a gender neutral name, so that ppl didn't pick on my gender while debating. This way I get a fair chance to debate.

Hastinapur ???? read somewhere about this..
I thought hastinapur existed towards the north east, and not on the coastal line. I will work more on this topic. Thanks!!!
I find it odd to believe. Many sources have did mentioned about the oldness of Dravidian civilisation but nobody discusses bout it. Our literature is full of stories of sea consuming great cities 10000 years back. Perfect example like the one storm destroyed and swallowed Dhanushkodi as recent as 1964.
Most of the civilisation have went into the sea. Though there are few rock cuttings now, we need to find actual evidence to hypothesise the civilisation.
There are 2 reasons why archeolohists shy away from working on history of south India.
1) Harappa is the trend, so every archeologist looks northwards. Also, south India has been inhabited continuously since last thousands of years so finding evidences is difficult, since most of it is hard to find. Rarely anything intact evidences are found.
2) Some of the evidences are hidden in sea, but using sonar near the India-Srilanka border doesn't get permission from the forces. For example- in the OP of this thread I have mentioned a horse shoe shaped structure which was found very close to water borders we share with SL.
Yeah, this is just mostly fringe non sense.

Early farming, agriculture was just starting to happen in middle east, let alone complex civilzation building.
Yeah, this is just mostly fringe non sense.

Early farming was just starting to happen in middle east, let alone complex civilzations.
Well not so long back,to the Europeans, Earth was the Center of the world.
You're welcome to believe their theories, while ignoring the proof and facts I 've presented.
Well not so long back,to the Europeans, Earth was the Center of the world.
You're welcome to believe their theories, while ignoring the proof and facts I 've presented.

If there was conclusive evidence down there - you would see this being established in the scientific community by now in 2015. It's not, and it's fringe non sense.

Agriculture was at it's baby steps at this point, and in a small part of the planet, let alone a complex civilization.
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