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Incursions in Ladakh, a prelude a coming war with China, says analyst Bhara

Still trolling around with the old news piece,even after i refuted ur claims with newer news pieces that quoted indian army northern command chief himself saying there was no deal and other reports saying india to patrol closer than before.But i guess trollers are shameless.

Can you please post that article . It will give a befitting reply to all .
Can you please post that article . It will give a befitting reply to all .

Govt made no compromise to end standoff with China: Parnaik
From horse's mouth,commanding chief of northern command.And this is as late as june 17,not the old rumor repoprt the troll is spamming from around the timeframe of the standoff when nothingwas clear.

No deal with China, says Salman Khurshid; India removed tin shed at Chumar - Indian Express
Also salman khursid ,foreign minister.
Chinese govt itself said india made no concessions.

Indian patrols to move closer to China border - Hindustan Times
Here indian forces to patrol closer,rather than stopping lol.

Trolls will be trolls mate.
Which one of your disputed borders has not seen the use of Force?

Disputed borders and the use of Military Force go hand in hand.

It has been the same way throughout human history.

When foreign soldiers launch an incursion deep into your territory, the standard procedure is to forcefully remove them.

If you are weak, you will jump up and down .. panic all sorts .... take stupid and random actions .. while clueless what to do ... and still you would lose your territory, get raped and laughed at.

Didn't china see that happen to it between 1937-45 ?

That's exactly where Sun Tzu got it wrong ... his "standard procedure" doesn't work.

While "Chanakya Niti" works .. which says, have excessive strength .. so that you never need to use it.
And this is exactly what worked for India .. and achieved without a single soldier being mobilized. India Govt acted in a mature and measured fashion, fully in control of the situation. As they say, speak softly but carry a big stick.

The "tent" rolled back ... without any action in those weeks .. but a lot of action in years preceding those weeks... which includes outclassing PRC in conventional strength projectable on the field; development of redundant and multi-modal second strike nuclear capability; neutralization of PRC infra-build up (roads) with excessing air transports et al.

PRC was quick to realize ... India had ample capability to beat the $hit out of Xi Jingping right into his "den" in Beijing.

PRC (atleast those sitting in Beijing) are well aware, they can't use a nuclear blackmail against India, for they will be returned overwhelming destruction raining from the sky. (And btw.. if hongkong is seen to side with PRC, it's well within the circle of nuclear bombardment; so I'd say move your family to Xinjiang or Tibet if you see PRC trying such a thing - they are safer there than in HK).

Next, PRC also realized that India will well match up and exceed, if the escalation is conventional in nature. Any conventional build-up by PLA on the borders will easily be countered by aerial transport. In fact, once a conventional escalation is in place, the otherwise un-ecomonical "roads" china built will aid Indian armoured forces to drive deep into PRC. On the other hand, PLA can't do the same because India wasted no money on otherwise un-economical "roads" - so PLA will be stuck on the border itself.

(on the cheeky side, the air tranports - C-130s and Hal Dhruvs actually performed a great duty in flood relief in Uttarkhand ... rather than against PRC. So, wise not to build un-economical "roads" while develop a huge aerial transport capability, useful in civilian field as well. :laugh).

Escalation would have been bad for both PRC and India.. but more so for PRC. It would have come out worse in every possible scenarios, be it a hot war or a cold escalation. And this was why you saw what happened to the "tent".

PRC will wiser to follow the route of talks. It cannot change anything by force. The only thing that the incursions achieve is that they hurt the speed at which talks proceed, by increasing mistrust.

In any case, India will have patience .. while maintaining an overwhelming deterrence. Better PRC learn, what works and what doesn't.
China has no need to fight India but when they try to demarcate the LAC they are met with slanderous and insidious allegations from the Indians its a barren wasteland and your getting all booty tickled about it, btw If China really wanted to they could have taken Tawang back into their control.

Borders has already been demarcated for over a hundred years..by what is know as McMahon Line. It was agreed by Tibetan authorities who were in charge in Tibet(this was the time before Tibet was captured by China). Now Chinese do not want to honor that agreement.So it not for us but for Chinese to accept, that some things are just beyond their control.

If they could have, they would have!!They did capture a part of Tawng in 1962, but then they had to retreat..do you know why?
China cannot afford to go on a WAR with India. Even if it wins, China will be viewed as an aggressor in World arena and countries like Vietnam, Phillipines and Japan would start worrying and there will be increased presence of US troops and Naval ships in the area.

Also, If china starts offensive operations against India, Do you think their Northern neighbors and India's long time friend would keep quiet? They would do anything & everything to stop an Chinese invasion into Indian territory. There may be a few skirmishes. But thats it.

:)))) yes ONLY india can afford to go to war not only with China but all its neighbours.

by the way Chinese dont beat war drums its always you Indians
by the way Chinese dont beat war drums its always you Indians

In fact, it's the other way round.

And everyone knows it.

As for affordability, neither India nor China can afford it. It will hurt both the economies, while rest of the world will laugh .. or at best, shed crocodile tears, as they always do.

It's best for both, to go the talks way.

India will continue to retain redundanct deterrance capability.

China is also free to have the same.

Deterrence brings peace.
:)))) yes ONLY india can afford to go to war not only with China but all its neighbours.

by the way Chinese dont beat war drums its always you Indians

lol @ pakistani cheerleaders:lol:

ontopic-i stopped reading after the first line which stated that this looney bharat verma is defence analyst
If you are weak, you will jump up and down .. panic all sorts .... take stupid and random actions .. while clueless what to do ... and still you would lose your territory, get raped and laughed at.

Didn't china see that happen to it between 1937-45 ?

That's exactly where Sun Tzu got it wrong ... his "standard procedure" doesn't work.

While "Chanakya Niti" works .. which says, have excessive strength .. so that you never need to use it.
And this is exactly what worked for India .. and achieved without a single soldier being mobilized. India Govt acted in a mature and measured fashion, fully in control of the situation. As they say, speak softly but carry a big stick.

The "tent" rolled back ... without any action in those weeks .. but a lot of action in years preceding those weeks... which includes outclassing PRC in conventional strength projectable on the field; development of redundant and multi-modal second strike nuclear capability; neutralization of PRC infra-build up (roads) with excessing air transports et al.

PRC was quick to realize ... India had ample capability to beat the $hit out of Xi Jingping right into his "den" in Beijing.

PRC (atleast those sitting in Beijing) are well aware, they can't use a nuclear blackmail against India, for they will be returned overwhelming destruction raining from the sky. (And btw.. if hongkong is seen to side with PRC, it's well within the circle of nuclear bombardment; so I'd say move your family to Xinjiang or Tibet if you see PRC trying such a thing - they are safer there than in HK).

Next, PRC also realized that India will well match up and exceed, if the escalation is conventional in nature. Any conventional build-up by PLA on the borders will easily be countered by aerial transport. In fact, once a conventional escalation is in place, the otherwise un-ecomonical "roads" china built will aid Indian armoured forces to drive deep into PRC. On the other hand, PLA can't do the same because India wasted no money on otherwise un-economical "roads" - so PLA will be stuck on the border itself.

(on the cheeky side, the air tranports - C-130s and Hal Dhruvs actually performed a great duty in flood relief in Uttarkhand ... rather than against PRC. So, wise not to build un-economical "roads" while develop a huge aerial transport capability, useful in civilian field as well. :laugh).

Escalation would have been bad for both PRC and India.. but more so for PRC. It would have come out worse in every possible scenarios, be it a hot war or a cold escalation. And this was why you saw what happened to the "tent".

PRC will wiser to follow the route of talks. It cannot change anything by force. The only thing that the incursions achieve is that they hurt the speed at which talks proceed, by increasing mistrust.

In any case, India will have patience .. while maintaining an overwhelming deterrence. Better PRC learn, what works and what doesn't.
exactly, what i am trying to say.... many pakistanis , chinese and even indians are whining that the govt. was a p**** regarding the incursion, but it was maturity from the govt's side and this is same kind of maturity that nawaz sharif currently is trying to show regarding indo-pak talks but looks like their own people are against it........
:)))) yes ONLY india can afford to go to war not only with China but all its neighbours.

by the way Chinese dont beat war drums its always you Indians

India maintains its troops close to LAC because we don't have infrastructure to counter any chinese buildup in the area. So, We will be maintaining our troops close to LAC till the time we build proper infrastructure. Its just a stop gap measure.

Let me ask you a question. Consider a situation where it would take months for pakistan to deploy its sodiers in a disputed area like P0K and less than a few weeks for India to deploy its soldiers. What would pakistan do then? Build Infrastructure or Maintaining troops close to the border?
India maintains its troops close to LAC because we don't have infrastructure to counter any chinese buildup in the area. So, We will be maintaining our troops close to LAC till the time we build proper infrastructure. Its just a stop gap measure.

Let me ask you a question. Consider a situation where it would take months for pakistan to deploy its sodiers in a disputed area like P0K and less than a few weeks for India to deploy its soldiers. What would pakistan do then? Build Infrastructure or Maintaining troops close to the border?

It is a difference between building infrastructure on your rear area and building forward bases like India is doing.
That lead to war in 62 and 87(almost). The PLA were ready to open a second front through Pakistan until your foreign minister showed up in Beijing.
It's a historical fact that the Sino-Indian War began with the Forward Policy.

No one disputes this, not even the Indians. They set up forward military posts deep into the Eastern sector (where they do not even claim any land)

There is not a nano atom of truth in even a single word you said above.

You are a liar. Do not think that this forum is a ccp classroom where you can convert lies into facts.

fact remains fact and it was China's actions SINCE 1950s onwards which led to the war.

Read below (not for you but for others as you already know that China's greed and duplicity and back stabbing lead to war. But you want to misrepresent the facts deliberately)

In 1950, the Chinese People's Liberation Army annexed Tibet and later the Chinese extended their influence by building a road in 1956–67 [8] and placing border posts in Aksai Chin.[12] India found out after the road was completed, protested against these moves and decided to look for a diplomatic solution to ensure a stable Sino-Indian border.

In 1954, China and India negotiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, by which the two nations agreed to abide in settling their disputes. India presented a frontier map which was accepted by China.

In 1956, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai stated that he had no claims over Indian controlled territory. :cheesy:

In 1960, Zhou Enlai unofficially suggested that India drop its claims to Aksai Chin in return for a Chinese withdrawal of claims over NEFA. Adhering to his stated position, Nehru believed that China did not have a legitimate claim over either of these territories, and thus was not ready to concede them.

and mr liar Forward Policy started in 1961. The reasons for war were created by Chinese deceit, duplicity and backward stabbing from 1950s onwards itself.

and the last:

Nehru had ignored Burmese premier Ba Swe when he warned Nehru to be cautious when dealing with Zhou. People knew Zhao was a liar and only Nehru was naive enough not to understand the deceitful Zhao :lol:

Only if Nehru should have listened to the Burmese Premier India would have been able to win or draw the 1962 war.

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