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Incredible India! Muslim man from Kerala builds, prays at Hindu shrine

Unfortunately for you, india has the HIGHEST number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. In fact india is home to nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor people. india is a failed state that is the biggest recipient of american aid and over 732 million indians defecate in the open. india is also the most dirtiest country on the planet and is often referred to as the world's biggest shi*hole and open sewer:

We dont brag we are god chosen people.
A shamelessly propagated myth is that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s relations with the Muslim community are frosty at best, bitter at worst. Any contrary opinion is treated with disdain and ridicule. Having followed this subject closely for 20 years, I am convinced that this is the right time to break free from the shackles of false narratives.

The project of portraying Modi as anti-Muslim fails the test of facts. At every step in his political and administrative career, PM Modi has done everything he can for the welfare of the community. Yes, his style of working does not fit the conventional approach — it provides a refreshing alternative to how empowerment can be done without appeasement and tokenism.

It is not widely known that Modi’s house in Vadnagar was situated in an area where there were many Muslims. Some of his first and long-lasting friends are Muslims. When he was the chief minister of Gujarat, the two districts whose development indices shot up were Kutch and Bharuch. These are districts with high Muslim populations.

Kutch, among India’s western-most districts, was known for two things post-1947 – “registan” and “Pakistan” (the desert and a long border with Pakistan). Tourists would never go there. Officials would not want to serve there. But this was until Modi became CM. After 2001, Kutch’s agriculture flourished, industry came to the district, its coastal strengths were harnessed and it emerged as a vibrant tourist destination.

In Bharuch, the problem was law and order. Previous Congress governments and top Congress leaders allowed Bharuch to deteriorate. Children who grew up in the 1980s and ’90s in Bharuch can never forget the curfews there. Such a scenario prevented wide-scale development.

Friends in Gujarat, both Hindus and Muslims, often tell me about the efforts Modi made to develop key spots linked with the Muslim community. The Sarkhej Roza in Ahmedabad witnessed massive rejuvenation and restoration works under Modi as the CM. Modi visited the Sarkhej Roza on a few occasions, including once with former President APJ Abdul Kalam. Working closely with the ASI, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation worked hard to make the Roza and its surrounding areas better. Heritage festivals were initiated, making the Roza a vibrant cultural landmark in Ahmedabad. The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque also got a facelift. As PM, Modi also took the then prime minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to the mosque.Kutch is home to the Hajipir Dargah. Like all parts of Kutch, it faced massive infrastructure-related problems. Modi improved local road networks, enabling devotees to visit the Dargah.

As our PM, Modi has time and again showed that he is a leader of the entire nation. I can never forget PM Modi’s words at the Islamic Heritage Conference, organised in Delhi. He said (young) Muslims should be well-versed with the Holy Quran and the computer. His words have resonated across the community.

At the core of his leadership is respect for human dignity. PM Modi’s single step of abolishing the triple talaq has ensured that generations of Muslim women lead a better life. Likewise, the decision to allow women to proceed on Haj without mehram has been hailed a major step towards their empowerment.

PM Modi has also developed a close bond with the Dargah Ajmer Sharif. The 188 toilets constructed there have helped devotees, particularly women. There has been an extensive beautification process at the Dargah, which includes the construction of “Silver Katahra” at Astana Sharif, a new fountain and renovation of the Nizam Gate and Akbari Masjid. Cleaning machines have been placed at the “jhalra” at the iconic palace and a water tank with a capacity of three lakh litres has been constructed. Besides, PM Modi has been offering “chadar” at the dargah of the Sufi saint Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer Sharif for the last six years. This is a clear reflection of his respect and obeisance to all deities and Sufi saints.

For the last many years, it has become fashionable among some sections to hate Narendra Modi. My humble question to them is: When will you stop?

After 2002, the Supreme Court of India took over most of the probes. The Nanavati Commission was formed, there was an SIT in front of which Modi himself deposed for hours. The findings of the Commission and the SIT are in the public domain. Yet, there is a refusal to believe any of these findings.

There have been many analyses of the Modi-led foreign policy but one facet that stands out is the excellent relations with the Muslim world. Bahrain, the UAE, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan have conferred on him their top honour. The crown princes of the UAE as well as Saudi Arabia have strong personal friendships with the PM. Can anyone forget PM Modi’s special visit to the grand mosque in the UAE? Can we forget the PM paying obeisance at Bahadur Shah Zafar’s mazar?

Today’s Muslims, especially the younger ones among them, are fed-up with vote-bank politics. Vested interests took away their votes and scared them but delivered nothing. The community wants prosperity and opportunity. It is high time the old “shopkeepers” of vote-bank politics shut shop. In a new India, it is aspiration and inclusion that will speak. Modi has made a start. It is up to us to support him and nurture this great nation that has given us so much.

Yes, I heard he visited Babri Masjiid too.
Don't know how many times I have heard the "not Muslims" tag thrown about Indian Muslims(even bangladeshi) from Pakistanis. Funny thing is that's exactly what the arabs think about you(vice versa?) :rolleyes: It's like no one is good enough in each other's eyes.
Did you read my previous post? The difference between our countries is that we don't pretend to be secular. India doesn't even understand what secularism means. You think erasing Islam is the meaning of secularism.

yes we know you are not secular you can not be , so don't comment on our secularism , we have given all rights to muslims . that is our secularism.
we have better option this time ,
we have ghar wapsi programme for them. it is better you save pakistan whatever is left over from the original one .

If Ghar Wapsi had worked, India would not introduce image-tarnishing CAA bills. You thought about Ghar Wapsi, you tried, you failed. It's time for Allama Iqbal's plan to work... divide India giving Muslims and other minorities their separate states.
MANGALURU: A 65-year-old man from Kerala built a shrine for demigod Koragajja and has been offering daily and special poojas for 19 years now, sending a strong message of communal harmony in Dakshina Kannada district.
A resident of Chittalancheri village in Palakkad district of Kerala, P Qasim Sahib came to Karnataka along with his family in search of a job about 35 years ago and settled down in Kavatharu in Mulki taluk, about 40km from Mangaluru.


While his family comprising wife and five children was going through a rough patch, he suffered an injury on his leg, forcing him to approach a village paatri (priest) to chalk out the road ahead. That was when he was advised to build a temple for Koragajja, a demigod revered in coastal districts. He built the temple on a small piece of land - a stone's throw from his house - in Kavatharu which comes under Balkunje panchayat.

Every day, Sahib says, about 50 devotees offer prayers at the Koragajja shrine, which also has idols of Koragathi, besides a dedicated shrine for Durgaparameshwari. The temple conducts kolotsava every two years with bedecked deities being taken around the temple complex in ceremonial splendor. The village has a population of 1,500, and devotees from all castes and religions visit the shrine.


As paatri of the shrine, Sahib has been listening to the problems of devotees, who visit the shrine regularly. He offers a solution by giving sandal paste as prasadam of Koragajja to the devotees.
Sahib recalls, "After I built a house on land allotted by the gram panchayat 35 years ago, I ran into a few problems. The darshana paatri of the village said Koragajja was earlier worshipped near my house. Hence, I decided to start worshipping Koragajja and other daivas here," he said.

It's a SATNIC peace plan for religions.

When you combine islam with any other religions.

You will become munafiq even degraded than non-muslims.
yes we know you are not secular you can not be , so don't comment on our secularism , we have given all rights to muslims . that is our secularism.
You are under no authority to give "rights to Muslims". Your nation was built by Muslims and Christians. You are simple inheritors of the legacy of others. Muslims will not ask you for equal rights, but the day will come when they simply take them. This is what Muslims did in 1947. History will repeat itself.
Hindus have no experience with ruling, because they used to serve and worship everything stronger than them (you know those few thousand horsemen ruling over India for millennia). It’s time that Hindus are shown their place once again.
I mean, they prance around saying "hum ne musulmanon ko yeh diya, wo diya...". Who do they think they are? The Hindu qom neither gave anything to Muslims, nor was anything begged from them, nor did the hindu qom have anything to give. I would argue that all Muslims across the subcontinent are tired of the arrogance of the Hindu rashtra. We will take what we are entitled to if Hindus cannot simply learn to treat us as EQUAL custodians of south Asian history and legacy.
the best example of our secularism is that we are allowing muslims to live and have equal right on hindu lands after muslims got there land in pakistan. we did not kicked them to go to pakistan , on the other hand hindus were forced to leave pakistan . hindus living in pakistan have second class citizen status .no political rights .
Im not having a go at you mate and i dont think you meant bad but by saying we are allowing muslims to live in india that des not sound good . Those muslims in your village are living in their land the land of their ancestors they just chose a differant religon. Just like me being a sikh from punjab those are my lands where my ancestors are from i dont need anyones permission to live there . Again i dont think you meant bad and dont take this the wrong way but a person from a minority faith are just as Indian as any hindu our people all fought for a common cause in the past a independant India and all faiths serve on our borders .
Disregarding all other matters and opining only on matters of fiqh here, all his prayers are "batil".
Then again, people prayed behind the Prophet PBUH with idols in their under arms.

Maujaan hi maujaan.
Hindus have no experience with ruling, because they used to serve and worship everything stronger than them (you know those few thousand horsemen ruling over India for millennia). It’s time that Hindus are shown their place once again.
So looking at current state of Pakistan should we say muslims have no experience in ruling? :rolleyes:
See This its in very first Surah of The Noble Qur'an

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful.

Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alameen
Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds.

Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen
The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning.

Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een
You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.

Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem
Guide us on the straight path,

Siraatal ladheena an ‘amta’ alaihim
The path of those who have received your grace;

Ghairil maghduubi’ alaihim waladaaleen
Not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray.


You ˹alone˺ we worship and You ˹alone˺ we ask for help.

No exception Period Full stop!!!
Im not having a go at you mate and i dont think you meant bad but by saying we are allowing muslims to live in india that des not sound good . Those muslims in your village are living in their land the land of their ancestors they just chose a differant religon. Just like me being a sikh from punjab those are my lands where my ancestors are from i dont need anyones permission to live there . Again i dont think you meant bad and dont take this the wrong way but a person from a minority faith are just as Indian as any hindu our people all fought for a common cause in the past a independant India and all faiths serve on our borders .

india was divided bt jinnah sahab on hindu muslim basis of very good two nation theory , muslims of india got their land pakistan , they should have gone to pakistan . muslims living in india are living on hindu land , they should know it . india is hindu land.
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