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Increase in Pakistan Defense and Nuclear Budgets Likely


May 21, 2006
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ISLAMABAD — Media reports here have outlined that Pakistan is set to increase funding for the armed forces and the national nuclear body, the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), under the forthcoming 2014-FY2015 budget.

The budget would be just over US $81 million for the PAEC, up from nearly $63 million the previous year (which was later increased to $66 million).

Mansoor Ahmed, from Quaid-e-Azam University’s Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, who specializes in Pakistan’s national deterrent and delivery programs, said although the figures earmarked for the national nuclear body are mainly for a civilian power generation project, there are national security implications.

“This sum is primarily geared toward the construction of the two 1,000-megawatt generation-III safeguarded Chinese nuclear power reactors to be established at Karachi, K-1 and K-2, that were recently initiated by the prime minister,” he said.

However, he added, “Additional financial allocations are most likely earmarked for the unsafeguarded Khushab Nuclear Complex where the fourth plutonium production heavy water reactor is reportedly nearing completion.”

Ahmed said the Khushab Nuclear Complex has been vital in allowing Pakistan to modernize its national deterrent due to its central role in the production of plutonium.

“These and other classified projects are presumably aimed at the development of a new variety of lightweight, compact and more powerful and efficient weapon designs, suitable for a variety of ballistic and cruise missiles, that require additional fissile material [plutonium] production, and fuel fabrication in addition to maintaining and improving existing infrastructure.

“All this has been possible due to the steady enhancement of indigenous manufacturing capabilities developed by the PAEC during the past 35 years,” he added.

The budget increase for the armed forces is also significant.

The new defense budget proper is said to be just over $7.6 billion. This is an increase from the nearly $6.4 billion the previous year, (revised later to $6.6 billion).

The budget is broken down to nearly $3.8 billion for the Army, about $1.6 billion for the Air Force and slightly more than $760 million for the Navy.

This puts the “operational” aspect of the budget at some $6.1 billion for the services and the remaining $1.5 billion earmarked for various defense and defense production bodies.

Former Australian defense attache to Islamabad, Brian Cloughley, says while the sources for the figures reported in the media “seem to be pretty good,” he cautions, “it’s still conjecture rather than hard fact.”

The possible increases “may well be because the Army and Air Force have asked for more in order to pay for the Waziristan operation” to root out the Pakistani Taliban, “which has got to take place, irrespective of what [Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif] thinks or says,” he said.

But this will not necessarily translate into acquisition of new equipment, he said.

“I think they’ll maintain the balance between operating costs and capital equipment acquisitions,” he said.

The Navy in particular could use a capital upgrade, he said.

“I don’t think it’s looking too good for the Navy” Cloughley said. Adding, “Pakistan has simply got to get some more submarines.”

The Navy operates two aging Agosta-70 submarines acquired in the 1970s and three more modern Agosta-90Bs equipped with air independent propulsion (AIP) under a deal signed in the 1990s, and which entered service in the last decade.

However, a deal for three German HDW Type-214 submarines fell through in 2008 due to a lack of finances, and negotiations have been underway for some time with China for six AIP-equipped diesel electric boats.

Analysts said these are likely the S-20 development of the Chinese Type-041 Yuan class, with government officials expecting a deal to be signed by the end of the year.

Analyst Usman Shabbir of the Pakistan Military Consortium think tank said too much cannot be read into the small size of the Navy’s budget, as it has generally been small compared with the other services.

“Large buys are not part of specific force budgets, so Navy’s budget will not tell you if [it] has money for subs or not”, he said.

There is more optimism among analysts over the possible acquisition of Chinese submarines than obtaining further Perry-class frigates from the US. These are desperately required to replace the aging ex-British Type-21 frigates.

One of the six Type-21s, Badr (ex-Alacrity), has already been decommissioned and the remainder will pay off by the end of the decade. Officials had hoped to acquire up to six Perrys to replace these, but to date only one, Alamgir (ex-McInerney) has been acquired. Recent proposals for three more are effectively being blocked by the US Congress.

Though US Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert was in Pakistan last week, it is not known if transfer of equipment was discussed in addition to the reported talks about regional security. ■
Reports: Increase in Pakistan Defense and Nuclear Budgets Likely | Defense News | defensenews.com
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7.6Billion dollars of official defence budget

110Billion PKR or 1.15Billion dollars seperate allocation for pension and other related right of retired officers.

This push the whole budget to 8.75Billion dollars
Very big army and only $3.8 billion budget.. Revenue expenditure (wages, training, transportation,stores etc.) will eat up almost entire budget.. There will be almost no money left for capital expenditure ( new acquisitions, modernisation etc) ..
As the total expenditure per soldier is very low, the standard will also very low.. Always a small but efficient force is better..
I think we should move towards resting all the BS related to defence, that is, going up or down etc

I think Pakistan needs two-tier strategy:

Tier 1: Defence budget should be allocated on performance basis just like any other government or private institution. Meaning the people of the country should see that there is no foreign interference selecting the army chief nor is any drone allowed within the territory of Pakistan. There should not be any proxies sitting in the madrassahs. Border areas should be secure. Immediate response if there is any corruption scandal. Jernails must declare all the property and anything that is not under their name (for you know why), it should be confiscated and the jernail put in jail.

Resource allocation is the key to satisfy the civilian leadership. Cutting necessary expenditures/minimizing operational costs.

Tier 2: Those jernails that allowed drones, didn't do anything when the Americans crossed borders and made illegal money should be put in jail.

If the army refuses this, all the political leadership should resign from the assembly and if the media starts propaganda, long march to GHQ should be initiated.

Bottom line: Key to the defence budget is performance. You perform, you get!

In house R&D will help the domestic industry and will make sure relevant jernails don't get their due share (commission).
Isn't 760 million for the navy kinda really low:undecided:
7.6Billion dollars of official defence budget

110Billion PKR or 1.15Billion dollars seperate allocation for pension and other related right of retired officers.

This push the whole budget to 8.75Billion dollars

Yes actual budget is $8.75b. Anyway i don't know if this report of $7.6bn is true, las time they said $7 billion. Pakistan need to decrease main army size by 100.000 and increase quality of equipment, tech etc. Anyway just couple of days left to get exact figure.
Yes actual budget is $8.75b. Anyway i don't know if this report of $7.6bn is true, las time they said $7 billion. Pakistan need to decrease main army size by 100.000 and increase quality of equipment, tech etc. Anyway just couple of days left to get exact figure.

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Very big army and only $3.8 billion budget.. Revenue expenditure (wages, training, transportation,stores etc.) will eat up almost entire budget.. There will be almost no money left for capital expenditure ( new acquisitions, modernisation etc) ..

Pakistan Military is an efficient organization. We don't waste billions to useless, failed projects like some other inefficient militaries end up doing...nor are we trying to make F-35s which will require alot of resources.

Pakistan Army is already up-to-date w.r.t to its primary foe.. Land Forces are equipped with hundreds of sophisticated tanks, artillery guns, APCs, bombs, anti-tank missiles, radars, MRLs, and what not. There isn't any significant need for modernization needed. Newer Al Khalid-1s are rolling out already...and they match, if not surpass, newest enemy's tank which hasn't come out yet but soon will.

Pakistan Army lacks in air-arm though...Cobras are getting old and are too few in numbers....Lets see what army does about it.

As the total expenditure per soldier is very low, the standard will also very low

What do you mean by "standard will also be very low" ? What do you see as "standard"? Pakistan Army's soldiers are one of the best trained in the world...Experience wise, Pakistan Army has fought more wars/conflicts than any other nation in the region...If anything, standards are improving even further as new camouflage is being introduced...UAVs are becoming part of every brigade, newer battle-rifles are being adapted (better versions of G-3Ms)...and training is becoming even more tougher (Search the forum about PACER program of Pakistan Army's basic training realm. More fitness, ever increasing endurance)..

Pakistan Army and PAF are at the highest point of integration they ever have been. And so on...

The conventional gap between Pakistan Military and its primary foe was the highest of history in 2001-02 stand-off....and the enemy couldn't break the morale, stature, and will of Pakistan military at that time...and unilaterally withdrew after losing 800+ soldiers during the stand-off...

Since then, the gap has been decreasing and Pakistan military is at very comfortable position today (minus the TTP crap) than it was 12 years ago.

.. Always a small but efficient force is better..

Exactly. But to counter large enemy forces..numbers are required.

Pak army is the least funded in the region :undecided:

Improve economic and taxation system of Pakistan...We'll have more resources to inject in our military build-up.
Performance based budget of any institution promotes healthy competition and nurtures a capable leadership. One of the problems with Pak Army is that it lacks true performance based measures.

It is important to be in the good books of the higher ups than being a professional soldier. And to be in the good books, you need to endorse and participate in land grabbing and commission activities. This is the primary reason ex army jernails are still enjoying with what they have. The current ones will be there too....wanna enjoy similar perks too.

So linking performance with budget will make sure that the institution thrives and is capable to defend itself and the country at large.
Imagine $1bn extra or more every year for higher tech? Even USA will reduce army to 450.000, and still remain undisputed super power. Indian navy and airforce is superior to our own.

It is easy to talk about all the hi-tech stuff.

Reality is Pakistani people at large are still way behind the curve. There is no single institution that is capable to produce such people let alone such technology. People in the higher ups are only concerned about their tenure and to get the maximum out of it. Add the jihadi war into it. It simply implies that another generation of people did not get education. So you guys will always be behind the curve. Now I do not want to touch on why does the local establishment gets into the jihad game. But to be specific, its about money. See how much money did the Amrikans give to the jernails. A whistle blower will release it very soon. Also exactly what are their kids doing....This will be told to the people too very soon.

To get to the level of producing hi-tech weaponry, it takes capable leadership, strong institution, country wide educational reforms and many things in between.

Ever wonder why the ex jernails and army chiefs are so secretive in their life style? Other than the obvious security reasons (they themselves are responsible for screwing up the country=need more security) where exactly do they live? How do they live? How much money do they spend a month?

If we can criticize politicians like God-knows-what, we can also criticize others too. Army is funded by the tax payers. Tax payers have the right to know where the money is spent.
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It is easy to talk about all the hi-tech stuff.

Reality is Pakistani people at large are still way behind the curve. There is no single institution that is capable to produce such people let alone such technology. People in the higher ups are only concerned about their tenure and to get the maximum out of it.

To get to the level of producing hi-tech weaponry, it takes capable leadership, strong institution, country wide educational reforms and many things in between.

Ever wonder why the ex jernails and army chiefs are so secretive in their life style? Other than the obvious security reasons (they themselves are responsible for screwing up the country=need more security) where exactly do they live? How do they live? How much money do they spend a month?

If we can criticize politicians like God-knows-what, we can also criticize others too. Army is funded by the tax payers. Tax payers have the right to know where the money is spent.

Well Pakistan can buy it from others. I mean soon Pakistan will need to think about 5th generation aircraft and making navy stronger. Hell we can't even afford ied resistance vehicles.
Well Pakistan can buy it from others. I mean soon Pakistan will need to think about 5th generation aircraft and making navy stronger. Hell we can't even afford ied resistance vehicles.

Ironically, we see F-16s and Pak Fauj fighting evil in the same image....

Evil - Only India?
Only Talib?

But not Amrika?

Maybe because that is the source of milk&honey.

And when that changes, you gotta see how the jernails will jump against Amrika.

Anyways staying on topic, nothing is better than producing in house. Amrikans or Europeans were not hegemonic since the Earth came into existence. There were greater powers than them in the past. All they did was to uphold their culture, learn from others and innovate further.

Buying from others is not the best solution. It never will be!

But the priorities at home are different. It does not matter. Buying from others provides me the opportunity to talk about how great the weapon is and of course the commission involved.
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Well we are discussing 8 billion Dollars for Defence.

I think there should be a "Freeze" in new purchases for 3 years.

Army : 700 Million Dollars for Maintaining present standards/ Salaries
Air Force : 500 Million Dollars for Maintaining present standard , modest Addition of 12 JF17 Thunders , may be 3 F16
Navy : 1 Billion Dollars, induct new ships /Subs

Total : 2.2 Billion Dollars

Money Saveed 5.8 Billion Dollars

1 Billion

Solve Pakistan Railways Loco Shortage for 10 years
Give 500 Million Dollars give to Pakistan Railways (Strictly 250 Locomotive Purchase)
Solve PIA plane shortage for 6 years
Give 500 Million Dollars to PIA for Lease of 40 planes (Strictly Lease)

1 Billion
Solve Transportation congestion in major cities for 10 years
Give 100 Million to Sindh (Karachi Metro Bus)
Give 100 Million to KPK (Pishawar Metro Bus)
Give 100 Million to Balouchistan ( Quetta Metro Bus)
Give 100 Million to Punjab (Rawalpindi Metro Bus)

Hospital Funding
Improve Health care facilities needed in large cities
50 Million for 2000 Bed Hospital in Lahore
50 Million for 2000 Bed Hospital in Karachi
50 Million for 2000 Bed Hospital in Peshawar
50 Million for 20000 Bed Hospital in Quetta

University Grants (Encourage Research & Development)
  • $1 Million Grants to 50 Universities of Pakistan 1 x 50 = 50 Million for research
  • $1 Million Scholar Ship 50 Universities of Pakistan = 50 Million for Advance studies (Students stay in Pakistan)
Largest Library Project - (Mega Project Largest Library in Asia)
  • 300 Million for Pakistan , Library , a project to build the largest collection of Books and Knowledge in Asia
  • Literary books, by International English Authors, Research papers and work by International scientist , Science / Math books , Arts and Humanities etc
  • Goal of that project should be to have 1 Billion Books & Research paper

Money Left Over 4.8 Billion Dollars :

Using 1 Billion to kick start Manufacturing/Auto Sector.

Solve Military Auto Engine Problem/Same engine can be also used for Civilian Application
  • Allocate 100 Million to construct Pakistan's first Automobile Engine Subsidy
Encourage Private Sector to make first Helicopter Engine of Paksitan
  • Allocate 400 Million to construct Pakistan's first Helicopter Engine
Solve Problem of Locally made engine for Tanks
  • Allocate 400 Million to construct Pakistan's first Tank Engine
  • Allocate 100 Million in subsidies for Private companies that make Automobile Engine & Transmission parts

Using 1 Billion Dollars for Schools (Primary & High school Overhaul)

Improve Primary and Highschools conditions Nation Wide
  • 200 Million Dollars for Primary & Highschools of Punjab (Chair , School Renovation, Fans, Lights , Free Books)
  • 200 Million Dollars for Primary & High schools of KPK (Chari , School Reno , Fans, Lights, Free Books)
  • 200 Million Dollars for Primary & High schools of Sindh (Chair , School Reno , Fans , Lights , Free Books)
  • 200 Million Dollars for Primary & High Schools of Balouchistan (Chair , Schools Reno , Fans, Lights , Free Books)

Using 1 Billion Dollars for Public Sector (POLICE , FIREBRIGADE, AMBULANCE SERVICE)

Fix up Police force with better salaries Nation Wide
  • 200 Million to improve salaries of Police / Firebrigade and Ambulance service
  • 200 Million for Training and Welfare
  • 200 Million for Better fire arms for Special Services of Police Force
Better Patrolling of Mega Cities like Lahore / Karachi / Islamabad or Rawalpindi
  • 200 Million for 50 Police Helicopters for Metro Cities of Pakistan, and 50 Ambulance Helicopters
  • 100 Million for Subsidies for Police force (Education for kids , cheap groceries coupons, free uniforms)

Using 1 Billion Dollars
Lower the burden on National Energy Grid

Solar Energy Programs: ($400 Million)
  • 100 x4 Million dollars for each province for Subsidies program you buy solar energy pannels / system , you gets you 50% discounts need to provide official reciept from Government approved vendors.
  • You can provide almost 800,000 Homes with at least 1 Solar pannel enough to run fan ,light and radio or tv

16 Cities of Pakistan , cleaned up European standard
City Clean up Projects for Turkish Company ($100 Million)
  • 100 Million dollar contract (3 Year) , for clean up of 16 Cities of Pakistan to Turkish Company
e.g Karachi , Multan, Quetta , Rawalpindi , Hydrabad , Peshawar , Lahore, Gawadar, Islamabad etc
Why not make the next iphone in Pakistan
  • Setup of Microchip/Hardware (Research Facility of Pakistan ) $500 Million Dollars

Remaining Money $800 Million Dollars

Renovation of Taxi System / bring in Limos

$400 Million
  • Yellow Cab Scheme 2 , give up you junk Taxi , as collateral and get a new Car (Nation Wide Program)
  • Get into contract with US company for cars / Limo
  • Removal of Illegal , rickshaws demolition. Capture and demolish
  • Purchase of City Tow Trucks

Providing Nutrition to Under paid families and children
$400 Million
  • Program for cheap roti / dal project for poor families (100 Million per province)
  • Distribution of nutritional packs (vitamins) for poor families
  • Excess food (mangoes etc or other items , are converted into canned food for distribution to poor families)
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