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Inclusion of KSA in CPEC is bigger than anyone thinks

Inclusion of KSA in CPEC is

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There is no confirmation from saudia yet if they will join or not. Please share source if you have one. Thanks
If comes to fruition, a definite YES!!!! But, hurdles put on the road, by both the usual and unusual suspects, will be huge!!! It's a test of the nerves for all folks involved - a purely Shakespearean-class test of Iman and Ihlas...

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
the heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks

- William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
There is no confirmation from saudia yet if they will join or not. Please share source if you have one. Thanks
Arab News Pak Edition reporting this with reference from Daily Pakistan.........
Daily Pakistan: Saudi Arabia ‘joining CPEC to make Gwadar an oil city’

China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is set to get a major push as Saudi Arabia is expected to join the multi-billion-dollar project soon. (Shutterstock)
Updated 17 September 2018
September 17, 201814:57

September 16 – Daily Pakistan report by Usman Arshad states that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is set to get a major push as Saudi Arabia is expected to join the multi-billion-dollar project soon. With the Islamic kingdom joining the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of the Chinese government, the major stakeholders – Islamabad and Beijing – would speed up the efforts to complete projects as soon as possible.
There is no confirmation from saudia yet if they will join or not. Please share source if you have one. Thanks
It is confirmed and signed..

It's equivocal for Pakistan to count on Saudi's for anything, particularly if theres Chinese involvement. All it will take is for US to snap its fingers and KSA will drop Pakistan like it doesn't even know such a state exists.
I think you have no idea about how investment works.
Great news. Finally IK does something worthy of a leader. Use the Saudi Money!!!
I think you have no idea about how investment works.
I know what I need to know. States can pull out investment in a heart beat or leave projects in the middle citing plethora of reasons, let alone the obvious that political strings are firmly attached to such deals. Saudis have been strong opponents of Pakistan buying gas from Iran, while the strong influence US holds over Saudis is an another matter in question. FATF is one word but will never be forgotten when it comes down to Pak-KSA relations.
I know what I need to know. States can pull out investment in a heart beat or leave projects in the middle citing plethora of reasons, let alone the obvious that political strings are firmly attached to such deals. Saudis have been strong opponents of Pakistan buying gas from Iran, while the strong influence US holds over Saudis is an another matter in question. FATF is one word but will never be forgotten when it comes down to Pak-KSA relations.
So after, they have invested billions of dollars, do you think they will just leave and lose all that investment? Furthermore, they have hundreds of billions of dollar at stake since that oil will mainly be exported to China: the biggest importer of oil in the world.
So after, they have invested billions of dollars, do you think they will just leave and lose all that investment? Furthermore, they have hundreds of billions of dollar at stake since that oil will mainly be exported to China: the biggest importer of oil in the world.
It's Saudis we are talking here, they bestowed gifts worth 1.2 billion dollars upon that orange fatboy running the US. The alleged 10 billion dollars investment is peanuts to what the Saudis can flush down the drain. Still it sounds great that Saudis have hinted at a possible investmnet but at what cost that remains to be seen.
We have to be very careful whilst dealing with the house of $aud. Their 10 billion USD won't guarantee a military intervention from Pakistan but they continue to be hopeful. Saudi's lack Military Central Command dynamics and they're failing miserably in Yemen since 2016.

In case of an invading force that reaches the steps of Medina/Mecca Pakistan will retaliate with PAF armed with nuclear ALCMs. A looming mushroom cloud on the horizon for the house of $aud courtesy of Pakistan. $auds want our boots on the ground against Houthi Rebels and also want us to challenge Iranian Proxies that are shelling Saudi-Arab's southern towns close to Yemen. The $aud's only pursue their interests and their money comes with some heavy strings.

Saudi Hajj/Ummrah Empire mints a revenue of 22 Billion USD yearly and is in desperate need of its favorite tourist Pakistan to shill on its behalf some more by sending more senior citizens for Hajj & Ummrah and Military Seniors for an Invasion plan. The industries of "Oil" keeps running and Pakistan gets a loan for being a good boy perhaps even its first Oil City in Gawadar. All promises shall be honored as long as Pakistan commits to "Saudi" War on Terror.

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