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Inclusion of KSA in CPEC is bigger than anyone thinks

Inclusion of KSA in CPEC is

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It's indirect involvement of USA in CPEC ,many will disagree but Mark it and remember it, a huge oil reserve is unofficially being discovered in Sea near gawadar but unfortunately by Americans,for that mega oil refinery needed, china was and will be reluctant to buy oil from a purely American dominant interprenure, so KSA was a some what acceptable for china , hence a win win situation for All, ,
It's indirect involvement of USA in CPEC ,many will disagree but Mark it and remember it, a huge oil reserve is unofficially being discovered in Sea near gawadar but unfortunately by Americans,for that mega oil refinery needed, china was and will be reluctant to buy oil from a purely American dominant interprenure, so KSA was a some what acceptable for china , hence a win win situation for All, ,
very good analysis. One of the American company has contract of drilling in sea near Gwadar. Reportedly huge oil reserve are present there.
very good analysis. One of the American company has contract of drilling in sea near Gwadar. Reportedly huge oil reserve are present there.

Which US company is involved? Exxon?

It's indirect involvement of USA in CPEC ,many will disagree but Mark it and remember it, a huge oil reserve is unofficially being discovered in Sea near gawadar but unfortunately by Americans,for that mega oil refinery needed, china was and will be reluctant to buy oil from a purely American dominant interprenure, so KSA was a some what acceptable for china , hence a win win situation for All, ,
Are Chinese not interested in developing the field themselves?
Which US company is involved? Exxon?

Are Chinese not interested in developing the field themselves?
Chinese don't have the capability of deep sea drilling,and the license was awarded to USA firm with some privileges,
Chinese don't have the capability of deep sea drilling,and the license was awarded to USA firm with some privileges,

That statement is incorrect. Bluewhale II can drill upto 50,000 ft. Capability is there, they seem not that keen to commit.
I couldn't find any offshore exploration by Exxon or ENI around Gwadar. ENI is leading in most of the exploration offshore Sindh, and Exxon signed a contract for exploring a block some months ago but that is also off coastal Sindh. Orion was doing some seismic evaluations off Makran coast in 2014 but that also seem to have been wrapped up.
Anyway, it will be interesting to know which companies are working offshore Pakistan, if you have some info on that, do share. Thanks.
Was hoping a Russian Oil distribution center but Saudi stole my suggestion

Russians must also be invited. They are quite keen on laying pipelines, we should let them do that.

Saudi's efforts at the moment seems to be limited at building a refinery. People have suggested (albeit unlikely) that we will be using our own untapped offshore oil reserves, that opens up alot more opportunities for Pakistan. If Americans or Italians are carrying out exploration in one block, why can't Russians or Chinese or French can do in other ones. Lets just hope the well they are planning to drill doesn't turn out to be a dry one, and you will see all these companies lining up to acquire drilling licenses.

Even-if its Saudi's Crude Oil, we will need a distribution center(s) (for Products) after-all. At the end of the day, this oil will go to China, so we will need pipelines and/or train tankers. This will not remain a mere $10B investment but a whole lot more, if planned and executed properly, honestly and above all sincerely by our government. With IK at the helms of things, I hope we don't have to worry about honesty or sincerity but the competency of the executors he will be delegating to.
That statement is incorrect. Bluewhale II can drill upto 50,000 ft. Capability is there, they seem not that keen to commit.
I couldn't find any offshore exploration by Exxon or ENI around Gwadar. ENI is leading in most of the exploration offshore Sindh, and Exxon signed a contract for exploring a block some months ago but that is also off coastal Sindh. Orion was doing some seismic evaluations off Makran coast in 2014 but that also seem to have been wrapped up.
Anyway, it will be interesting to know which companies are working offshore Pakistan, if you have some info on that, do share. Thanks.

Exxon should be drilling their offshore wildcat off of Sindh into the Sindh basin. They do not have a lease from Blalochistan. The news earlier about 3D-Seismic offshore Baloch was false.

It's indirect involvement of USA in CPEC ,many will disagree but Mark it and remember it, a huge oil reserve is unofficially being discovered in Sea near gawadar but unfortunately by Americans,for that mega oil refinery needed, china was and will be reluctant to buy oil from a purely American dominant interprenure, so KSA was a some what acceptable for china , hence a win win situation for All, ,

This is all nonsense. There is no such thing as "huge oil reserve is unofficially being discovered" off of Balochistan. There has been no exploratory drilling done there. It is no small feat to drill at those debths without notice. You cannot "secretly" drill and establish reserves in the middle of the night. Real life doesn't work that way... Only conspiracies do.
very good analysis. One of the American company has contract of drilling in sea near Gwadar. Reportedly huge oil reserve are present there.
Exxon mobil and another italy company are going to drill in 2019 so lets pray and hope we find oil there hopefully.
Exxon should be drilling their offshore wildcat off of Sindh into the Sindh basin. They do not have a lease from Blalochistan. The news earlier about 3D-Seismic offshore Baloch was false.

Exciting times ahead. Hopefully they find huge reserves, although I believe they already have a good picture of what's down there, Exxon wouldn't have committed otherwise.

Orion Energy was planning to conduct that seismic survey off Makran coast sometime in 2013/2014. I am not sure if that was done or not, but there was a contract. At the moment the focus should be on getting that wildcat drilled on schedule. Any idea who will be logging it, Halliburton or Weatherford?
Exxon should be drilling their offshore wildcat off of Sindh into the Sindh basin. They do not have a lease from Blalochistan. The news earlier about 3D-Seismic offshore Baloch was false.

This is all nonsense. There is no such thing as "huge oil reserve is unofficially being discovered" off of Balochistan. There has been no exploratory drilling done there. It is no small feat to drill at those debths without notice. You cannot "secretly" drill and establish reserves in the middle of the night. Real life doesn't work that way... Only conspiracies do.
Dear sensible I took this nonsense from the sayings of a nonsense called cheif of Naval staff, and the sying of an other nonsense who was caretaker fedral Minstr Hussain Haroon, and all most 3 to 4 threads were running on that topic on a nonsense fourum called www.defence.pk unfortunately whose nonsense members include you too,plus if you want to confirm who is leading the nonsense then just Google Exxion Mobil exploration you will get answers,

That statement is incorrect. Bluewhale II can drill upto 50,000 ft. Capability is there, they seem not that keen to commit.
I couldn't find any offshore exploration by Exxon or ENI around Gwadar. ENI is leading in most of the exploration offshore Sindh, and Exxon signed a contract for exploring a block some months ago but that is also off coastal Sindh. Orion was doing some seismic evaluations off Makran coast in 2014 but that also seem to have been wrapped up.
Anyway, it will be interesting to know which companies are working offshore Pakistan, if you have some info on that, do share. Thanks.
Just Google Exxion Mobil exploration in pakistan , you will have your answers
Dear sensible I took this nonsense from the sayings of a nonsense called cheif of Naval staff, and the sying of an other nonsense who was caretaker fedral Minstr Hussain Haroon, and all most 3 to 4 threads were running on that topic on a nonsense fourum called www.defence.pk unfortunately whose nonsense members include you too,plus if you want to confirm who is leading the nonsense then just Google Exxion Mobil exploration you will get answers,

Too bad you took it personally.

However, the Naval chief isn't a petroleum engineer. He gave the wrong information. Reserves are only established post drill and flow back. Seismic survey do not establish reserves.

ExxonMobil is not drilling off Balochistan. The mineral land lease is for the Sindh basin. They plan on spuding their wildcat on January 2019.

Google is not always the best source for credible information. Especially if one is unable to discern between facts and false information.
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It would be nice to see a Saudi statement regarding this.

And I wonder what the UAE has to say about this development.
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