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In Riyadh, Obama to open Muslim dialogue


Nov 3, 2008
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Meeting with Saudi king comes amid broader outreach effort

updated 8:42 a.m. ET, Wed., June 3, 2009

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - President Barack Obama arrived Wednesday in Saudi Arabia, where he will begin his latest bid to open a dialogue with the Muslim world by paying a call to Saudi King Abdullah, guardian of Islam’s sacred sites in Mecca and Medina.

Saudi Arabia's monarch greeted Obama at Riyadh's main airport with a ceremony when the new U.S. president arrived after an overnight flight from Washington. A band played each country's national anthem, the Saudi national guard was on hand and there was a 21-gun salute.

Obama and Abdullah then sat together in gilded chairs, sipped cardamom-flavored Arabic coffee from small cups and chatted briefly in public before retreating to hold private talks on a range of issues at the king's desert horse farm. There, guards on horseback flanked the long driveway, carrying swords and flags of the two countries as the king and his guest arrived.

Obama and Abdullah were set to discuss a host of thorny problems, from Arab-Israeli peace efforts to Iran's nuclear program. The surge in oil prices also was on the agenda. The president was to stay overnight at the king's horse farm in the desert outside Riyadh before heading to Egypt.

Saudi Arabia is a stopover en route to Cairo, where Obama is to set deliver a speech that he's been promising since last year's election campaign — aiming to set a new tone in America's often-strained dealings with the world's 1.5 billion Muslims.

Many of those Muslims still smolder over Iraq, Guantanamo and unflinching U.S. support of Israel, but they are hoping the son of a Kenyan Muslim who lived part of his childhood in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, can help chart a new course.

“I ... don’t want to load up too many expectations on this speech. After all, one speech is not going to transform some very real policy differences and some very difficult issues surrounding the Middle East and the relationship between Islam and the West," Obama told NBC's Brian Williams on the eve of his trip.

"But I am confident that we’re in a moment where in Islamic countries I think that there is a recognition that the path of extremism is not going to deliver a better life for the people," the president told Williams.

'Sustained effort'
Aides cautioned that Obama was not out to break new policy ground in his Cairo speech, which follows visits to Turkey and Iraq in April and a series of outreach efforts including a Persian New Year video and a student town hall in Istanbul. And they said the president is not expecting quick results, even though the speech will be distributed as widely as possible.

Officials said Obama also wouldn't flinch from difficult topics, whether it's the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, the goal of a Palestinian state or democracy and human rights. Obama has been criticized for setting the address in Egypt, where President Hosni Mubarak has jailed dissidents and clung to power for nearly three decades.

Obama likely will be looking for help from Saudi Arabia on what to do with some 100 Yemeni detainees locked up in the Guantanamo Bay prison. Discussions over where to send the Yemeni detainees have complicated Obama's plan to close the prison. The U.S. has been hesitant to send them home because of Yemen's history of either releasing extremists or allowing them to escape from prison.

Instead, the Obama administration has been negotiating with Saudi Arabia and Yemen for months to send them to Saudi terrorist rehabilitation centers.

The president was to stay overnight at the king's horse farm in the desert outside Riyadh. Abdullah, who hosted then-President George W. Bush at the ranch in January of last year, keeps some 260 Arabian horses on its sprawling grounds in air-conditioned comfort.

Saudis are key
In any effort to court Muslims, the Saudis will be key — not just for their oil wealth, but by virtue of the authority they wield at the center of Arab history and culture.

Obama's meeting with the 84-year-old Abdullah will be his second in three months. The two saw each other at the G-20 summit in London, a meeting both sides called friendly and productive. Perhaps a bit too friendly: Critics accused Obama of bowing to the Saudi monarch during a photo-op. The White House maintained he was merely bending to shake hands with a shorter man.

"This in many ways will be one of the pivotal relationships President Obama can develop," said Robin Wright, a scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center. "Saudi Arabia is important not just in terms of the Gulf and oil prices. It sets the tenor. It's one of the most conservative regimes. It's also important because King Abdullah is, among the various royals, more open-minded than others. These are two men who might actually deal well with each other."

In Riyadh, Obama to open Muslim dialogue - White House- msnbc.com
Oh gee, I have my hopes up, and what happens after that speech?
Israel gets its Apaches and it's unconditional aid, money, support, military intelligence, hardware etc.
What are we excited about...?
What is going to change..?
Things may or may not change.... peace must always be given a chance! USA will never back off its support for Israel, but if someone is reaching out to us Muslims, don't back off. Islamic history details, how many times the Jews and pagans deceived us, yet beloved Prophet (pbuh) never refused a chance for peace. We must remain optimistic! I give credit to Obama for atleast indicating a change, by reaching out to us.

I also condemn the various media channels that aired Osama Bin Laden's outrageous video/speech, that talks against Obama visiting Muslims countries. They should not attempt to sabotage the peace dialogue.
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