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In Oman, innovation meets tradition

Actually the latest mass-migrations from the Arab world into Latin American happened not long before WW2. It was just to show that Arabs have had no problems with mixing in their new surroundings whether in Latin America, Europe, Africa or South Asia/South East Asia.

It is just protectionism. I support this because otherwise the lesser populous Arab countries would not be Arab countries anymore if suddenly all foreigners were made citizens.
For all the nonsense talk about Europe being overrun by "foreigners" then France, which is the most cosmopolitan country in Europe only has 10% of its citizens being from Muslim backgrounds. If not less.

The numbers are much bigger in the GCC countries. And it is not like foreigners are denied any rights aside from being citizens.
I do respect and understand such an policy seen from an Omani perspective.

I never said that Arabs have no problem in mixing with others...I just think that they along with a few other ethnicities &/or nationalities are fiercely guarding of their Right to Citizenship because they look at what constitutes being an Omani or Irani or Saudi or Pakistani or Indian from a very parochial point of view; the world is changing....the world has changed & sooner or later such narrow perceptions of nationalism or national identity must give way to muliculturalism where an Omani has no issue with a Spaniard or a Russian or an Afghan being a Citizen of Oman & that a new chapter starts in the history of their countries !

Besides even smaller countries like Austria or Latvia with pretty small populations don't practice this kind of differentiation !

I mean no one is advocating an influx of citizenship rights for everyone but surely this differentiation between us & them is most nauseating !

I know a Pakistani family that has lived for the past 55 years in KSA & their children & their children's children have been born there - But they are not Saudi Citizens !

I don't have much love for them because they consider KSA their country before Pakistan but it really is sad to see this....!
A few photos of Oman












Point taken. It's an interesting discussion but I feel that it is more fitting in another thread if you do not mind.
I know....there are quite a few Baluch there but that happened centuries ago or at least a century ago; before Oman's value & worth as a possible welfare state was established due to oil reserves being discovered & extracted there !
Actually Oman has lax citizenship laws, anyone who worked in the country for long time can get Omani passport

Oman has the laxest citizenship laws in the GCC. There are many Indian workers who got Omani citizenship recently
More photos of Oman








Wild Arabian Leopard (extremely rare animal)


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IMG_8382 by fchmksfkcb, on Flickr

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NIZWA, OMAN-DEC2007 by Suavemente77, on Flickr

Actually Oman has lax citizenship laws, anyone who worked in the country for long time can get Omani passport

Oman has the laxest citizenship laws in the GCC. There are many Indian workers who got Omani citizenship recently

Yes, but that does not say much. Still strict compared to most if not all developed countries. Rightly so if you ask me. Where are you from BTW?
Omani , Baluchi and Makrani same race...all blood brothers
Omani , Baluchi and Makrani same race...all blood brothers

No, they are not. Totally different people. Omanis are Arabs. Baluch are Baluch and Makrani are mixed people of mainly Afro-African origins. Just because you can find all 3 groups in Oman and SOME have intermarried it does not make them the same people.

No, they are not. Totally different people. Omanis are Arabs. Baluch are Baluch and Makrani are mixed people of mainly Afro-African origins. Just because you can find all 3 groups in Oman and SOME have intermarried it does not make them the same people.

Some arabs have an african appearance too. It's interesting.

Some arabs have an african appearance too. It's interesting.

Yes, Afro-Arabs. A small minority of Arabs also have African admixture way back due to intermarriages. Nothing wrong with this. All humans have African ancestry. The first people who migrated out of Africa settled on the Arabian Peninsula and after living there for thousands of years they started venturing out to the remaining world by land and sea.;)

Yes, you are right. Only racists have a problem with this. Great photos, btw.
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