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In Kabul, Tillerson sets the tone for Pakistan visit


Oct 10, 2017
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In Kabul, Tillerson sets the tone for Pakistan visit

KABUL: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday he would travel to Islamabad on Tuesday to reinforce President Donald Trump administration’s demand that Islamabad move against the Taliban and other extremists based inside its borders or face the consequences.

Speaking at a press conference after meetings with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah during an unannounced visit to Kabul, Tillerson said America’s future policy towards Pakistan would base on whether Islamabad takes action that “we feel is necessary”.

“We have made some very specific requests of Pakistan in order for them to take action to undermine the support the Taliban receives and other terrorist organisations receive,” he told reporters at the Bagram airfield, America’s largest base in Afghanistan.
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US policy toward Islamabad “will be based upon whether they take action that we feel is necessary to move the process forward for both creating opportunity for reconciliation and peace in Afghanistan but also ensuring a stable future for Pakistan,” he continued.

Islamabad needed to “take a clear-eyed view of the situation that they are confronted with in terms of the number of terrorist organisations that find safe haven inside” the country, he said.

“We want to work closely [with] Pakistan to create a more stable and secure Pakistan as well.”

Tillerson spent almost three hours at Bagram, most of the time in talks Ghani, Abdullah and other US and Afghan officials.

A small group of US media accompanying him on his first official visit to Afghanistan were prohibited for security reasons from filing reports until they returned to Qatar.

The top US diplomat announced that he would be flying to Islamabad on Tuesday, adding that from there, he would then travel to India to discuss a request that it expand its economic and development assistance to Afghanistan.

A statement posted on Twitter by the US embassyin Kabul said Tillerson reiterated the US commitment to working with the Kabul government and regional partners “to achieve peace in Afghanistan and deny safe havens to terrorists who threaten that goal”.

He said President Trump “has declared that we are here to stay until we can secure a process of reconciliation and peace” but adding: “It’s not an unlimited commitment.”

He said: “Clearly we have to continue to fight against the Taliban, against others, in order for them to understand they will never win a military victory.”

It was Tillerson’s first trip to Afghanistan as secretary of state and comes several weeks after US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis also paid an unannounced visit.

The closed-door talks covered Ghani’s reform programme, his anti-corruption strategy and preparations for parliamentary elections due next year.

Tillerson’s unannounced visit follows one of the bloodiest weeks in Afghanistan in recent memory, with more than 200 people killed in multiple attacks on security installations and mosques across the country.

Militants fired several rockets into Kabul on Monday morning but there were no casualties.
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A small group of US media accompanying him on his first official visit to Afghanistan were prohibited for security reasons from filing reports until they returned to Qatar.

How Brave :lol:

What can you expect from these Americans
It's easy to obtain a divorce for a bachelor folk - a Turkish saying

As if the Taliban are awaiting the next moves from the Pentagon boys!!! And, as if the Pindi boys own the Taliban!!!! In fact, the perception among the Taliban is that it's they who built the Empires in India which have given rise to the foundations for the Pindi boys - not the other way round!!!!! And, add to it the fact that some Afgan veterans -as young folks who took the brunt of the misadventure and resultant loss of the Soviet Empire- are now at the helms in Russia!!! And, historically speaking - personally on the basis of 14 wars that the Turkish folks fought with the Russians - how seriously they take the regimes in their periphery in terms of friendly or adverse to their interests!!! All the ingredients for a perfect storm are gearing up as have already been observed from the spate in actions from the Taliban in the most recent week!!!! Our national security advisor is a student of Military History. The question is whose history has he studied?? Eskimos????

Bottom-line: Pak's leverage is directly proportional to the stability in Afganistan. As the Taliban is dumping Pak it's time to panic....
Does he mean we should act against the Us:butcher:

I think it's way better to face consequence
lol we already faced them for the past 15 yrs and won, now the ailing corpse of uncle sam in afghanistan can do nothing but whine n utter threats...

Last time COAS said world need to do more.. And drones came. So just watch before you say .. :-)
What drones u piss drunkard, the drone strikes were conducted in Afghanistan on the border against a top ttp leader wanted for APS massacre...
Well, it looks like the US doesn't want to face consequences of fighting Taliban alone eventhough it is its own problem created by its own policies.. So why they don't go asking Mexico to stop the Drugs cartels pouring in thousands of tons of dangerous drugs into the US, harming the US citizens more than anything Taliban can or even imagine to do..This is a strategic power game played by the US in the region to expand its influence and limit or contain the Chinese influence..the expansion to India proves this thought..more so its justification by blaming Pakistan..
Islamabad needed to “take a clear-eyed view of the situation that they are confronted with in terms of the number of terrorist organisations that find safe haven inside” the country, he said.

Okay, we will take action against them when you take action against TTP and other groups that seem to be flourishing on the Afghan border close to Pakistan without much action from the U.S.

“We want to work closely [with] Pakistan to create a more stable and secure Pakistan as well.”

These words mean nothing if the above what I stated is happening.
This is going to be an Afghan us Ann's India love affair... he should be asked to met only with foreign minister and asked to leave...

Let's face the consequences... they are going to learn the hard way only
I think Pakistan will make the most sensible choice

They will crack down on proxies and militant groups OR certainly show this to be happening tp appease USA and reduce the huge ever encreasimg pressure and threats from Washington people to Pakistan.

Them my guess is that Pakistan will re launch these proxies with support and approval of Pak military when their own national interests are required to be met.

FOR NOW despite much bravado in PDF I think the generals will appease USA
It's easy to obtain a divorce for a bachelor folk - a Turkish saying

As if the Taliban are awaiting the next moves from the Pentagon boys!!! And, as if the Pindi boys own the Taliban!!!! In fact, the perception among the Taliban is that it's they who built the Empires in India which have given rise to the foundations for the Pindi boys - not the other way round!!!!! And, add to it the fact that some Afgan veterans -as young folks who took the brunt of the misadventure and resultant loss of the Soviet Empire- are now at the helms in Russia!!! And, historically speaking - personally on the basis of 14 wars that the Turkish folks fought with the Russians - how seriously they take the regimes in their periphery in terms of friendly or adverse to their interests!!! All the ingredients for a perfect storm are gearing up as have already been observed from the spate in actions from the Taliban in the most recent week!!!! Our national security advisor is a student of Military History. The question is whose history has he studied?? Eskimos????

Bottom-line: Pak's leverage is directly proportional to the stability in Afganistan. As the Taliban is dumping Pak it's time to panic....

Every thing is changing very fast. Mr Tillerson job is in danger. For US there is no easy fix of afghan problem. US Installed government in Afghanistan is not working. US cannot control Taliban (time has proved). Europe is not coming to help US. India is the only *Reliable* horse US can bet on. But can India send their army to help US? or as per Trumph even financial level help and how much and how long India can help US? Can US go out of Afghanistan through Iran using Indian route, from Chabahar to Afghanistan ? or any other route, except Pakistan.

Yes Pakistan due to corrupt/traitor politicians stuck. Let see which option Pindi Boys are in favor of.
For US the only way to cover the loss of Afghanistan war is to takeout afghan minerals as much and as long they can. Meanwhile Using Indian stupidity to sell more weapon and use india against China. Which is next to impossible as this is hard fact every Indian know as well. So now India thinks India is using US in their favor at the same time US is thinking the same.

Pakistan has already sealed it's border with Afghanistan. Games is set, there is no indian or US favorable government in Pakistan now. Who ever make the wrong decision will die first.
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