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In Iran, you can marry your 13-year-old adopted child!


Aug 19, 2014
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In Iran, you can marry your 13-year-old adopted child
By Mahwash Badar 3 hours ago

A young Iranian girl holds a national flag during a ceremony marking the 36th anniversary of the return from exile of the founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. PHOTO: AFP

Define irony:When you pass a bill to ‘protect’ children and in that bill you allow a man to marry his adopted daughter even if she is as young as 13-years-old.

Woody Allen, are you listening? I think it’s time to move to Iran. Or at least base your next movie there. Or maybe George RR Martin would be interested in this as his next plot twist?

Parliamentarians in Iran have recently passed such a bill, I kid you not. It allows the caretaker to marry his or her adopted child if the court rules in the interests of the child. There are so many fundamental issues with this bill that human rights campaigners in Iran are, quite understandably, distressed.

It is ridiculous to assume that a caretaker can only fend for the adopted child in the shape of a marriage contract. If the child is still under adoptive custody, what sense does it leave for someone to marry them – other than physical or maybe, in certain cases, financial exploitation? The even more disturbing fact is the age limit. This allows, as rights activists note, paedophiles to act freely and legally. All they need to do is adopt/marry their victims and they are completely safe from all kinds of punishment.

Officials claim that this is a bill that helps solve the ‘headscarf’ issue – such that a girl in the same household, who reaches puberty, does not have to wear a headscarf in front of her adoptive ‘father’. This argument holds absolutely no water at all. In order to help women maintain their veil/pardah, the answer cannot possibly be for them to marry their adoptive fathers.

What’s next? Marry all your cousins if you live in a joint family system?

Countries such as South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and New Zealand all have strict laws against marriage of adoptive parents to their adoptive children. What possessed Iran, I wonder, to pass a law that not only creates a frightening loophole for paedophilia but also a way to further entrench women of the society?

In Iran, it is permissible for a girl under 13 years of age to get married via permission of a judge. Instead of addressing this issue and instead of legalising the age as more than 16, which is the standard for the rest of the developed world, Iran has taken a step back in the field of women empowerment.

Even though the said bill is yet to find a verdict from the Islamic Guardian Council in Iran, rights activists are concerned because it just might pass this time around. Shadi Sadr, a human rights activist working for ‘Justice for Iran’ fears this bill will be passed by the Guardian Council. Her fear is that this would eventually be paving way for legalising incest and paedophilia. The previous bill had completely prohibited marriage to adoptive children but this one might pass because it includes the ‘headscarf’ as an Islamic legal loophole to let these marriages take place.

She’s not wrong. In 2010, 42,000 children between the age of 10 and 14 were married off in Iran. Conservative and fairly retrogressive councils such as these need to be monitored and criticism for their decision should be allowed, as they should definitely not be considered as the last legal stronghold/authority for human rights clauses. While their suggestions can be taken seriously and their reservations can be addressed, letting laws become their personal and religious battleground will not bode well for anyone – and from the way things are right now, especially not for the women of Iran.

Mahwash Badar
A clinical psychologist and movie buff, hopping countries with her son and husband. Permanently in a state of flux.
In Iran, you can marry your 13-year-old adopted child – The Express Tribune Blog
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Why adopt a child when you can marry her straight away???
If this is true then this is the most atrocious thing I've ever read.
wtf Iran, they trying to out-do the Sauds at batshit crazy or what ? o_O
Tehran, June 25: In a shocking bill passed by Iran, men can now marry their adopted children, if they will to do so. Ironically, this is meant to protect minor children below the age of 13 years. Activists, however, are of a different opinion and believe that the legal system has opened the doors for legalised Paedophilia. However, Iran's top most Guardian Council is yet to approve of the Bill. Although marrying off girls below the age of 13, with the permission of the father and a judge was permissable in Islamic law, marrying one's own stepchildren was not legal till now. According to a leading Daily in the country, close to 42,000 children between the age of 10 and 14 married in Iran, out of which 75 children under 10 were married off in Tehran alone. Hassan Rouhani, a child right's activist here said,"It's not part of the Iranian culture to marry your adopted child. Obviously incest exists in Iran more or less as it happens in other countries across the world, but this bill is legalising paedophilia and is endangering our children and normalising this crime in our culture." She further said that if the father tries to consummate the marriage, it is rape. According to an Iranian law, an adopted daughter should be in hijab before her father and the mother should be in hijab in front of her adopted son if he is grown. While the initial draft of the bill was not acceptable by the Guardian Council, the MPs are feared to have introduced the condition in the marriage to satisfy the jurists and the clergymen. OneIndia News

Iran's legal system legalises Paedophilia.....literally - Oneindia
Crazy lets hear from Iran members there side of story.

First of all, it's completely legal in Islam to do that, although I strongly reject it.

Secondly, it was a bill proposed by some MPs, the organization responsible for organizing Orphans (Behzisti) is trying to prevent this bill from passing.

Anyway, even if it's passed, this practice is going to happen, perhaps one in a million, and perhaps won't happen at all.
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First of all, it's completely legal in Islam to do that, although I strongly reject it.
Well, that's the problem, isn't it? Why is paedophilia legal in Iran's Islamic legal system, while homophilia is not?
In Iran, you can marry your 13-year-old adopted child
By Mahwash Badar 3 hours ago

A young Iranian girl holds a national flag during a ceremony marking the 36th anniversary of the return from exile of the founder of Iran's Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. PHOTO: AFP

Define irony:When you pass a bill to ‘protect’ children and in that bill you allow a man to marry his adopted daughter even if she is as young as 13-years-old.

Woody Allen, are you listening? I think it’s time to move to Iran. Or at least base your next movie there. Or maybe George RR Martin would be interested in this as his next plot twist?

Parliamentarians in Iran have recently passed such a bill, I kid you not. It allows the caretaker to marry his or her adopted child if the court rules in the interests of the child. There are so many fundamental issues with this bill that human rights campaigners in Iran are, quite understandably, distressed.

It is ridiculous to assume that a caretaker can only fend for the adopted child in the shape of a marriage contract. If the child is still under adoptive custody, what sense does it leave for someone to marry them – other than physical or maybe, in certain cases, financial exploitation? The even more disturbing fact is the age limit. This allows, as rights activists note, paedophiles to act freely and legally. All they need to do is adopt/marry their victims and they are completely safe from all kinds of punishment.

Officials claim that this is a bill that helps solve the ‘headscarf’ issue – such that a girl in the same household, who reaches puberty, does not have to wear a headscarf in front of her adoptive ‘father’. This argument holds absolutely no water at all. In order to help women maintain their veil/pardah, the answer cannot possibly be for them to marry their adoptive fathers.

What’s next? Marry all your cousins if you live in a joint family system?

Countries such as South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and New Zealand all have strict laws against marriage of adoptive parents to their adoptive children. What possessed Iran, I wonder, to pass a law that not only creates a frightening loophole for paedophilia but also a way to further entrench women of the society?

In Iran, it is permissible for a girl under 13 years of age to get married via permission of a judge. Instead of addressing this issue and instead of legalising the age as more than 16, which is the standard for the rest of the developed world, Iran has taken a step back in the field of women empowerment.

Even though the said bill is yet to find a verdict from the Islamic Guardian Council in Iran, rights activists are concerned because it just might pass this time around. Shadi Sadr, a human rights activist working for ‘Justice for Iran’ fears this bill will be passed by the Guardian Council. Her fear is that this would eventually be paving way for legalising incest and paedophilia. The previous bill had completely prohibited marriage to adoptive children but this one might pass because it includes the ‘headscarf’ as an Islamic legal loophole to let these marriages take place.

She’s not wrong. In 2010, 42,000 children between the age of 10 and 14 were married off in Iran. Conservative and fairly retrogressive councils such as these need to be monitored and criticism for their decision should be allowed, as they should definitely not be considered as the last legal stronghold/authority for human rights clauses. While their suggestions can be taken seriously and their reservations can be addressed, letting laws become their personal and religious battleground will not bode well for anyone – and from the way things are right now, especially not for the women of Iran.

Mahwash Badar
A clinical psychologist and movie buff, hopping countries with her son and husband. Permanently in a state of flux.
In Iran, you can marry your 13-year-old adopted child – The Express Tribune Blog

If this pro-paedophilia law is indeed passed by the Islamic Guardian Council, I would have lost all respect I have left for Iran's so-called Islamic legal system!!!

@2800 @Akheilos @Arminkh @ArsalanKhan21 @B@KH @baajey @babbar @Baloch Pakistani @Bang Galore @Butchcassidy @Combat-Master @Daneshmand @danish_vij @dexter @gau8av @Gold Eagle @haman10 @haviZsultan @itachiii @Jaanbaz @jack 86000 @Jazzbot @jbgt90 @K-Xeroid @khujliwal @Kiarash @kollang @levina @lightoftruth @like_a_boss @LoveIcon @Madali @Maira La @MastanKhan @Metanoia @mike2000 is back @mohsen @New @Omega007 @Optimus prime @Pak47 @R0SC0SM0S @rahi2357 @raptor22 @ResurgentIran2 @Rohit Patel @SALMAN AL-FARSI @scorpionx @SecularNationalist @Serpentine @Shahryar Hedayati @Shotgunner51 @spiderkiller @Stranagor @The SiLent crY @TheFlyingPretzel @thesolar65 @Tridibans @vostok @WAJsal @Xracer

this news is as much disgusting as news of Gay marriage becoming legal in US of A-
this news is as much disgusting as news of Gay marriage becoming legal in US of A-
No, actually much worse. In US, this disgusting practice of paedophilia is actually banned and sexual offenders are sentenced to many years in jail without parole. In Iran, this activity is not only legalized, but actually promoted. How disgusting is that?
No, actually much worse. In US, this disgusting practice of paedophilia is actually banned and sexual offenders are sentenced to many years in jail without parole. In Iran, this activity is not only legalized, but actually promoted. How disgusting is that?

its all matters of perspective aint it-
how close are we now in legalizing incenst based on human rights? -
and dont you miss the important distinction here- its not pedophilia if its legal by law- as it is now incase of gay marriage in US of A-
so yours opinion based in your perspective does not matter here-
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