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In Indonesia, 1998 violence against ethnic Chinese remains unaddressed

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Ohhh... Chinese were victimized... they were suffering, they were in pain.. Indonesia is not fair... lol..
Duh! Everyone else also suffered under past oppressing regime... :cuckoo:
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instead debating with me here why not bring the so called evidence to KONTRAS and Komnas Ham, they had more time to be spared to listen you
Ohhh... Chinese was victimized... they were suffering, they were in pain.. Indonesia is not fair... lol..
Duh.... Everyone else also suffer under oppressing regime...

Read again the article. It is not about "only chinese" is suffering in Suharto regime.

It is about: "unadressed 1998 violence againts ethnic chinese"

I know many of you doesnt want to care about it, because natives see many chinese is living happlly and wealthy in Indonesia (social jealosy), but still being rich doesnt mean deserve being raped/looted, and many victim or potential victim in the future will come from low level class not the rich.

The suffering for all of Indonesian during Suharto regime has been addressed and is ongoing now though it is still long way to reach wealthy nation.

instead debating with me here why not bring the so called evidence to KONTRAS and Komnas Ham, they had more time to be spared to listen you

Read the article ... it is not addressed yet (by government).

We are not in debate because i want to report this to you, but to challenge your ignorance on the case.
Read again the article. It is not about "only chinese" is suffering in Suharto regime. It is about: "unadressed 1998 violence againts ethnic chinese" The suffering for all of Indonesian during Suharto regime has been addressed and is ongoing now though it is still long way to reach wealthy nation.

It's not about the article. It's about you comprehending the past situation and grasp what were going on at that time. Everyone can make articles, with different point of view depend on their interest. Even today, someone can potray Indonesia as an emerging economic power with growing democracy or a complete mess depend on his agenda.

Know your place, and make you stance firm.
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It's not about the article. It's about you comprehending the past situation and grasp what were going on at that time. Everyone can make articles, with different point of view depend on their interest. Even today, someone can potray Indonesia as an emerging economic power with growing democracy or a complete mess depent on his agenda.

Know your place, and make you stance firm.

I am waiting your argument how my point of view is wrong. Go ahead..

Of course Indonesia as an emerging economic is growing and has bright future I dont deny it.

But that is not my point or the article is talking/denying about.
Look who has the incorrect comprehension about the topic in this thread :-)

Are you a Chinese indonesian (out of curiousity)?

What level of anti-Chinese sentiment would you say exists in the majority indonesians as a rough % ? Are there areas where it is especially high and how high would you say?

Yes I am.

The level of anti chinese sentiment in Indonesia is still high. I dont know in term of % though rough. But it is like small living burn under husk that can explode.

Tanjung Balai riot is one example.
And many people is accussing chinese people living in that area as the root cause.

These are left side media that I mentioned before, you can sense the aroma:

and .... this:

Why should i argue about one specific issue with malicious intent, while Indonesia have soo many pressing and dire problems to look at. 98 was a great momentum for progress, things change, the long awaited momen. It's almost revolutionary in nature.

Yes, there're victims. But we should not bring any racial issue on the table here. Moreover gloryfing any racial prejudice by over victimazing any specific etnicity. Just stop self pitying yourself. All over Indonesia, others citizens also feel the same pain.
Damn you Chinese & Indo-Chinese! Tarnishing the name of Indonesia!
When I said that a few weeks back I was labelled as a "bigot" but you should be alright because you don't spot an Indian flag.

It is not Indonesia chinese who tell the truth that tarnish Indonesia name, but those who justify the violance and ignore the truth that tarnish Indonesia name. The whole truth of wrong deed need to be admitted thoroughly (not partially) and supporting the improvement is the way to bring good name for Indonesia.
It is not Indonesia chinese who tell the truth that tarnish Indonesia name, but those who justify the violance and ignore the truth that tarnish Indonesia name. The whole truth of wrong deed need to be admitted thoroughly (not partially) and supporting the improvement is the way to bring good name for Indonesia.

I will justify the violence to shut your mouth up for good, you spinless, frail prick. Life is tough and unfair sometimes in Indonesia. Deal with it.
Why should i argue about one specific issue with malicious intent, while Indonesia have soo many pressing and dire problems to look at. 98 was a great momentum for progress, things change, the long awaited momen. It's almost revolutionary in nature.

Yes, there're victims. But we should not bring any racial issue on the table here. Moreover gloryfing any racial prejudice by over victimazing any specific etnicity. Just stop self pitying yourself. All over Indonesia, others citizens also feel the same pain.

Your accusation of "malicious intent" is just your prejudice. You are free to debunk the article and bring the evidence show the other way round.

Again you are pretending being ignorant.

The 98 riot and the root cause is the "BIG problem" in Indonesia that you should not ignore in spite of so many other problems that Indonesia is facing.

Why I said so, because the similar ones can happen again and again. Look at Tanjung Balai.

Look again on the link I showed you before:


Look at the netters post there and in social media.

The 98 riot and the root cause is the "BIG problem" in Indonesia that you should not ignore in spite of so many other problems that Indonesia is facing.

The Big problem is people like you on both side that keep bringing up this kind of issue. Indonesia is fragmented, both physical and in spirit. That's why it is considered taboo to bring raciality, religion, race, and class issue to thrive, since this can grow out of hand, and even takes victims easily.

Just grow up, be wise, learn your way to deal with this kind of society or get out. Since you could not expect anyone else to change.
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The Big problem is people like you on both side that keep bringing up this kind of issue. Indonesia is fragmented, both physical and in spirit. That's why it is considered taboo to bring raciality, religion, race, and class issue to thrive, since this can grow out of hand, and even takes victims easily.

Just grow up, be wise, learn your way to deal with this kind of society or get out. Since you could not expect anyone else to change.

You said thats riots and potential riots because I am bringing this information up? LOLs. People like you are funny, and the logical thinking is funny if not hypokrit.

The root cause of riot in TanjungBalai and sort of is because "sentiment againts chinese" that still exist until now. Thats the truth. Read the links carefully.

Telling the truth is not the root cause, but jealosy, ignorance and hypocrisy are.

I will justify the violence to shut your mouth up for good, you spinless, frail prick. Life is tough and unfair sometimes in Indonesia. Deal with it.

Look how oppressive you are.

This is the reason why you will never see truth! because you will oppress truth if you dont like it. Sharing the same barbaric mentality with those radical fascist may be the cause why you will keep ignoring this painful truth?
I am waiting your argument how my point of view is wrong. Go ahead..

Of course Indonesia as an emerging economic is growing and has bright future I dont deny it.

But that is not my point or the article is talking/denying about.
Look who has the incorrect comprehension about the topic in this thread :-)

Yes I am.

The level of anti chinese sentiment in Indonesia is still high. I dont know in term of % though rough. But it is like small living burn under husk that can explode.

Tanjung Balai riot is one example.
And many people is accussing chinese people living in that area as the root cause.

These are left side media that I mentioned before, you can sense the aroma:

and .... this:

Dude why the hell you give link about shitty media
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