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In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

I wasn't trying to be flippant. India does have a majority Hindu population, and the Hindus have a perfectly reasonable right to have their sensitivities respected. But it is a complicated matter, as I was trying to point out.

exactly- and banning the cow meat has made it more complicated-
And the state or local government should not pass such harsh laws-
Election times bring out the strangest things.

The Congress added a reservation within reservation for Muslims while the BJP goes to the other extreme.

I am against both.

Just coz my religion does not allow something for me why should it be denied to another for his ?

Both communities have lived together for centuries , these yahoos are doing their best to upset the delicate balance that exists.
On balance, I have to support this law. It's good for communal harmony and, after a generation, non-Hindus won't miss beef anyway. You get used to everything.

It seems some Muslim clerics have also supported this move as a gesture of goodwill. That's good.

When I was living with a Hindu roommate, we always avoided certain toppings on the pizza. Common sense.
majority dislike their sleep being disturbed early morning..or their whole day getting disturbed by loudspeakers from church on sundays...but still we have allowed it..why..? india is a secular state where freedom to practise your religion is there...

you are confusing way too many things....eating beef is NOT a religious habit that denying it violates secularism...get that properly first..

I am clear- its you who is confused and treating this as a religious problem-
Put the religious aspect of beef aside- Think Secular- what it means- then talk-
Talk about what a secular society should be-
I am a hindu i eat Beef and i feel this law is stupid bcoz if you take kerela and tamilnadu

lots of hindu's eat beef
@ third eye..

its not about election times...its about standing up for your rights..your sensitivities to be respected in a country where you are the absolute majority....when christians can demand for banning da vinci code because it offends them and muslims can ask taslima to deported or satanic verses to be banned because it offends them why cant hindu stand up for banning something that directly offends them ?

its high time hindus stopped being so apologetic...we need to respect the minority rights...but at the same time go to the last for our sensitivities also to be respected..

---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------

I am a hindu i eat Beef and i feel this law is stupid bcoz if you take kerela and tamilnadu

lots of hindu's eat beef

kerala yess...tn no....

---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------

I am clear- its you who is confused and treating this as a religious problem-
Put the religious aspect of beef aside- Think Secular- what it means- then talk-
Talk about what a secular society should be-

secular society - respects all religions.....in this case hindu sentiments respected....so secular..beef is not religiously mandated in islam..so banning it does not offend islamic sentiments..so again secular...

now give it a rest..
I am clear- its you who is confused and treating this as a religious problem-
Put the religious aspect of beef aside- Think Secular- what it means- then talk-
Talk about what a secular society should be-

I agree, but don't you think sometimes it's better to compromise for the greater communal harmony? It's not a sign of weakness, it's a gesture of goodwill.
But isn't India the worlds largest democracy, Democracies give freedom of choice to their citizens, why indian government wants to enforce peoplein to eating somethin or vice versa.
FIRST GIVE FREEDOM TO Hindus in the Pakistan they talk to the other world.
On balance, I have to support this law. It's good for communal harmony and, after a generation, non-Hindus won't miss beef anyway. You get used to everything.

It seems some Muslim clerics have also supported this move as a gesture of goodwill. That's good.

When I was living with a Hindu roommate, we always avoided certain toppings on the pizza. Common sense.

What will your common sense say- when your hindu roommate will force you not to eat Beef at all?-

---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ----------

I agree, but don't you think sometimes it's better to compromise for the greater communal harmony? It's not a sign of weakness, it's a gesture of goodwill.

I am all up for greater communal harmony-
Decision like these cannot be seen as a step towards it- it is seen as oppression-
It would have been better if the majority accepts the "urge of beef" for Muslims- in the name of communal harmony-
I agree, but don't you think sometimes it's better to compromise for the greater communal harmony? It's not a sign of weakness, it's a gesture of goodwill.

Yap,... if you really think that there are some religious fanatics who are out of control and will kill people for just eating beef then yes it could be a good step to stop massacres.

But don't you think those fanatics need some education about food ?
Decision like these cannot be seen as a step towards it- it is seen as oppression-
It would have been better if the majority accepts the "urge of beef" for Muslims- in the name of communal harmony-

Some extremist Hindus will see it as a victory over Muslims. But moderate Hindus will see it as a gesture of goodwill and will reciprocate on other matter which are much more important to Muslims than beef -- like disparities in access to education, infrastructure, higher-than-average poverty rates, etc.

Yap,... if you really think that there are some religious fanatics who are out of control and will kill people for just eating beef then yes it could be a good step to stop massacres.

But don't you think those fanatics need some education about food ?

I am saying in the grand scheme of things, this is not the biggest problem facing Muslims. It's give and take. You can't play hardball on everything.
Will India stop exporting beef? We import alot of beef from India. My friend used to import beef direct from India and sell to our army.

Malaysian beef imports increase 20%

You are here: Home / News archive / 2011 / Malaysian beef imports increase 20%


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23 June 2011


Malaysian beef imports during April increased 15% year-on-year, to 9,994 tonnes swt, lifting volumes during the first four months of 2011 by 20%, totalling 40,074 tonnes swt - the highest level since 2006.

The increase in imports was largely due to an upsurge in demand from the Malaysian foodservice sector, alongside increased efforts to replace imports from Brazil and Uruguay. Beef imports from Uruguay and Brazil have been stopped since June and October 2010, respectively, as the beef did not meet local government's halal requirements.

Malaysia was the second largest export market of Indian carabeef in 2010. It was the eighth largest market for Australian and Chinese beef exports last year and ranked twelfth for New Zealand beef.

During January to April 2011, Malaysia imported 24% more beef from India, with Indian carabeef representing 82% of total beef imports. Imports from Australia also jumped 73% over the same period, to secure 12% market share. New Zealand and China each represented 3% of the total imported beef market.

Despite the dominant market share, Indian carabeef was mainly sold through traditional markets and utilised at low-end foodservice. In contrast, Australian beef was served at high-end foodservice and modern retail outlets in Malaysia.
During January to April 2011, Malaysia imported 24% more beef from India, with Indian carabeef representing 82% of total beef imports. Imports from Australia also jumped 73% over the same period, to secure 12% market share. New Zealand and China each represented 3% of the total imported beef market.

thats just hypocrisy at its best-
Since the Muslims of India chose to live under the majority Hindu India-
i'll leave it to that-
Some extremist Hindus will see it as a victory over Muslims. But moderate Hindus will see it as a gesture of goodwill and will reciprocate on other matter which are much more important to Muslims than beef -- like disparities in access to education, infrastructure, higher-than-average poverty rates, etc.

I am saying in the grand scheme of things, this is not the biggest problem facing Muslims. It's give and take. You can't play hardball on everything.

Well , my opinion is that when hindus also eat beef (as told by noksss ) only a specific sect of hindus don't eat beef , this sect is also oppressing those hindus who eat beef , this is a serious religious extremism issue.
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