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In Future we should get Gripen NG for our AF

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I think it's time we sold our migs to some african country and put in some more money and go for Chinese birds!

I also think we should sell our all mig-29s and f-7s to some african country. And get some j-10 and j-11/j-16 for our AF. We need attack helis too for anti-tank role.
Please suggest your own list. Western ACs will not help us to build our own. If anything, Chinese may transfer more tech than the West, if we stay within Chinese sphere of influence, the way Pakistan does.

Amar kuno list nai - My list is Blank.

Bro, transfer of tech required lot of money. I told about reverse engineering and make our own copy like China, in future.

If China want we always stay with them. (dui din pore to herai dunia lutbo)

I also support to go all Chinese, as they now have indigenous WS-1xx engines. Their tech is on a steep rise, the Russians will fall behind them in 10 years max. And it is better for us to source as many equipment as possible from one country. We are a small country with small budget, we cannot afford to put our eggs in more than one basket, specially if that basket can supply us everything in near future. So best for us is to stay loyal to the future No. 1 power of the world who will gain that position in 20 years and will stay in that position for the foreseeable future.

Only if the Chinese have issues with Russians and cannot supply us the twin engine planes for some years, we should go for Su-xx as a stop gap measure.

Bro, save money for future too.:china:
$75 million is still too much.

And export class Sukhies? Depends on how much you are paying. The Indians got a good deal. If you pay well for a Su-35, you'll get everything.

This isn't the Soviet age where other countries get "monkey models".

Though, the Russians still often like to keep the best to themselves. The Su-30SM is one example.

Look at this BEAST:


I also heard that their MiG-29K's would be featuring AESA radar unlike the ones exported to India. Though, I may be wrong.

In my opinion? No.

How much we have to cost to get the SU-30SM?
And as like them China will do the same.

Yes, but it is in Chinese interest to have a strong Bangladesh, specially if we move to strengthen an alliance with China. Russian interest is money only.

So Chinese have strategic as well as financial interest in Bangladesh. Russian interest is financial only, and they may not want to loose their biggest customer for a small customer.
Yes, but it is in Chinese interest to have a strong Bangladesh, specially if we move to strengthen an alliance with China. Russian interest is money only.

So Chinese have strategic as well as financial interest in Bangladesh. Russian interest is financial only, and they may not want to loose their biggest customer for a small customer.

Time will tell the truth.:agree:
The S-300 is nice. Though, not cheap.

However, I am doubtful if the Indians would ever allow us to access such a powerful system. They have a powerful lobby at The Kremlin.

Myanmar's air defense systems are largely outdated by today's standards. Though, they operate around 32 MiG-29's. Variants are thought to be SE standard.

Our best bet would be either Chinese or Western (if wallet allows). But before anything, Bangladesh really need a national defense policy, which it doesn't have at present. And of-course, there's always the money.

Our 2 poor neighbors achieved nuclear power, money matters very little when we have a population of 160 million ...it's the national defense policy that we need right away.
This is just one of those hoaxes they created to fool themselves.

Putin's Defensive Visit to India

(Original article in Kommersant but they have removed the English article from their site, apparently)

Religion – Russiapedia Basic facts about Russia

And here's what apparently set some of those 'bovine excretion' consumers ablaze.

BBC News - India MPs angry as Russia court ponders Hindu book ban

If those folks had any sway over Russian decision, why has Russia been the principal source of weapons imports for China for the last two decades? Which is the single most capable adversary of those Sangh Parivar imbeciles? Pakistan?

Or China?

Think long, think hard. Read history, and analyze trends.

It'd be obvious, if needed, from conversations with Russian friends and acquaintances in Russia (not living abroad), if you have any, that Russia's major concern is NATO, and China is their major ally in countering that. However, China being located next to them and a major global power in its own right in all spheres of life (economy, culture, science, military, possession of the nuclear triad, operation global satellite navigational system, ASAT test, etc), they feel that even a much weaker (even if disgustingly poor, malnourished, disorganized and incapable) counterweight to China in its southern periphery must be empowered to ensure they maintain some sort of 'hold' on China (although those plans are bound to fail, they still try).

The reason Pakistan does not obtain any major system is its own diplomatic failure, and for its role in helping the Mujahideen in the 1980s. It has little to do with so called "Indian lobby". They could not give two hoots to India, they express the same 'glee' or diplomatic admiration for all their clients from Vietnam to Venezuela. Except China, none of their traditional weapons importers is capable of challenging them, and they still sell these weapons to China when China overpowers those weakling Gandhians so easily they were 'crushed' like bugs in 1962.

Russia mostly understands one thing, that's money and more money.

Consider every aspect, Russia didn't allow S300 for Iran on Netaneyahu's lobbying in Moscow. Both China and india are big customers, so they can take everything. Rivalry between the two isn't headache of Russia. But if BD wishes for S300, simply Russia could serve india's interest as it's their big customer.
Consider every aspect, Russia didn't allow S300 for Iran on Netaneyahu's lobbying in Moscow. Both China and india are big customers, so they can take everything. Rivalry between the two isn't headache of Russia. But if BD wishes for S300, simply Russia could serve india's interest as it's their big customer.

1. No comparison between so called "Israel" and world Jewry, to that fake country with the highest number of illiterates and hungry.

For example, the bulk of the oligarchs stealing Russians' money, owning Russian media (Abramovich etc) and selling Russian women into disgusting professions in so called "Israel" are mostly Jews.

Hinduism is not even an official religion of Russia.

The level of 'influence' of these two religious communities in Russian decision making is vastly different.

2. Bangladesh can not be compared to Iran from an international or a Russian perspective. Russia itself voted FOR many sanctions against Iran, but so no such pressure on Bangladesh.

Russia and Iran has some issues over the Caspian Seas, Russia does not want a very weak Iran that can be taken over by NATO, but it does not want a very strong Iran that can interfere with its southern Caucasus or Caspian Sea region, or Central Asia.

Russia is no Soviet Union, so they do not care much about Bay of Bengal region like Soviets did in 1971, nor do they care much about Bangladesh.

3. For countries like Iran, lots of deals are unreported. From publicly available reports, things may appear to be different from reality. Where do you think Iran developed its "indigenous" Dehlavieh anti-tank guided weapon from (Kornet-E copy)?

4. If Russia does not sell Bangladesh S-300 (I never said Bangladesh should procure S-300 from Russia in the first place), Bangladesh can go to China for the alternative - HQ-9 or HQ18. China even produces HQ-19, the counterpart to the S-400. Never putting all our eggs in one basket is a good choice.

That's the good thing about having both China and Russia as your weapons supplier. They manufacture and can supply countries with the entire range of conventional weapons systems, and some others too if you get the drift.

If your point was that somehow that fake country decides Russian policy, that is false. Even though Armenia and Azerbaijan are enemies, Russia supplies weapons to both, just an example. Ethiopia and Eritrea is another example.
@Banglar Lathial My prime concern is whether the Russians can sell us technology in a secured manner.

And if they can assure us that, then there shouldn't be any problem.

By the way, China is a big and influential country unlike Bangladesh. Additionally, its Su-30MKK's and MK2's are a bit inferior to that of India's MKI's.

Do you know why Russia doesn't sell offensive platforms to Pakistan? It's very simple! India is the most important military customer for Russia, and they'll never risk losing that kind of customer.

If Bangladesh does indeed acquire any weapon from Russia to counter Indian influence, India will always have an edge simply because of the nature of their military relationship. The Russians are no fools, mate.

Bangladesh is a small country, and it will need to ensure every edge it can possibly gain over India. And Russia is simply not a reliable source.

Of-course, Russians would like money. But giving us an edge is something else entirely. Remember, we are a small country.

Russia and China do generally cooperate together against NATO, but that is a different affair. India wants to keep the neighborhood such that it runs on its own terms. And not on the host countries.

Simply put, we need to keep a low profile while ensuring that we handle things on our own terms. And not on India's.

Being militarily hostile toward India is the last thing we'd want to do for the time being. There are many other factors for Bangladesh to address India's rising influence. Not just military.

And please, mind your language :D

No problems, I understand your concerns, and although some of them are valid, I think many of them are invalid.

Nowhere do I say that Bangladesh should rely on Russia as the primary source of weapons, but this so called "Indian" influence is overblown.

What's with all this "small country" nonsense? Does Bangladesh have the world's eighth largest population or not? Even those same Westerners that created acronyms like BRIC and other nonsense, did they include Bangladesh in Next Eleven or not (granted BAL ruined much of those prospects but who is to say things won't turn around with capable leadership, intelligent policies and wise decision making??

Secondly, Russia does not sell weapons to Pakistan because of Pakistan's own actions and failures. Pakistan and Turkey are amongst those states that were pro-American puppets during most of the 'cold war', they could not give two hoots to those inept Indians.

China is a far more potent military power than Pakistan X 10, and Russia sold plenty of "higher quality and higher quantity" of weapons to China. That fake country created by Britain is just a Russian client and nothing more. Have you seen how that 'aircraft carrier' has been delayed indefinitely and prices have been hiked numerous times by Russians? They play with "Indians" knowing fully well the incompetence of their client, not vice versa.

Of-course, Russians would like money. But giving us an edge is something else entirely. Remember, we are a small country.

Nonsensical defeatist mentality. Bangladesh is world's eight most populous country, and in 1971, had more people than West Pakistan.

Russians can not be trusted, that is about the only thing I can agree with, but nobody should put all their eggs in one basket. We do not have to counter the Hindutva radicals alone, we also have another tree dwelling troglodyte regime to deal with.

Russia and China do generally cooperate together against NATO, but that is a different affair. India wants to keep the neighborhood such that it runs on its own terms. And not on the host countries.

We should not pay any attention to whatever that illiterate country wants, they even want to re-establish their prehistoric Ram Rajya and create some Hanuman temple or some other bizarre form of atavism suiting their culture.

Now that we agree that China and Russia do work against NATO, and it is also clear that China is the most favourable source of weapons for Bangladesh, we have not many points of contention.

You need to stop viewing Bangladesh's situation through "Indian" or Pakistani experiences with China and Russia. None of them can obtain weapons from both these sources because of their international political affiliations and history, that does not affect us in anyway.

Simply put, we need to keep a low profile while ensuring that we handle things on our own terms. And not on India's.

Being militarily hostile toward India is the last thing we'd want to do for the time being. There are many other factors for Bangladesh to address India's rising influence. Not just military.

It's them who have initiated hostility - remember Peelkhana massacre and reports in their media, even suggesting that BAL head honcho should be rescued from BD if necessary?

We do not need to rush into any project, but we can not dilly dally with them either. It's of utmost importance for BD to strengthen its military offensive and defensive capabilities.

'Military power' is just one component of a comprehensive diplomatic effort. Diplomacy can never be conducted on a level basis without any 'cards' in your hands. Military might is one such card, supporting freedom fighters in all their restive 'states' is another. Forming active alliance with China is another, and leveraging on "Muslim world" is another - Bangladesh is a part of the Muslim world, not a part of the Hindu world.

To our (south) east lies Indonesia and Malaysia, leverage those connections; to our west, lies all the oil rich countries, provide profitable avenues for investment, grants and returns, those 'swashbuckling' Emirs will be rushing in on their gold-plated private jets to pour billions of their surplus earnings. Our policymakers need to know how to attract that cash, just chanting same old "Muslim Brother hood" will not cut it with them (when most of them are American stooges).

Muslim world has more people than that dump of a country intent on establishing a terror state in South Asia with Chanakyabad as its state policy. So, "we" are not small - it's upto us to leverage that connection. Likewise, China has more people (and more of every other important item) than that dump, and it's upto us to leverage that relationship.

I agree with some of your other concerns, like military power being only one component of overall diplomatic leverage, and Russia being not very trustworthy.
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