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In Case you Missed it: Indian army Staged a Drama Today

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious

also add perfectly unwrinckled wallets.....
Can any intelligent Indian on PDF (if there is such a thing) please explain indian army's lastest and greatest hit?..
What you miss to mention is that three people were killed.

What seems to have happened is that three Kashmiris were picked up, killed and then passed off as militants.

nothing new.. indian army has done alot of this in the passed.. raped two kashmir women, murdered then aburned their bodies and dumped in the river... and we passed as "terrorist"
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Good going Indian Army!
Terrorist attacks and violence are already at an historic low in the valley, civilian deaths on cross firing and mob instigation also greatly reduced.

Goes to show how well the IB is guarded. Kudos to Pak army as well for maintaining an unexpected ceasefire and very less infiltration across border.

When did the IB extend to LOC and WB? Please do some basic research before spouting your propaganda here.
the reason why there are so many magazines instead of more ammo is that these jehadizzzz believe in one bullet one kill thus they only put one bullet per magazine

May be they didn't had money to buy more ammo. So whatever money they had they purchased ding dong bubble gum with it since it was more important

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious

Dont you love it when 'militants' take along with them more Pak items used to ID them than weapons. I am surprised they didnt have a flashing neon sign on them saying "I am Pak agent". The health card was important in case they would be shot dead and needed treatment afterwards.
Good going Indian Army!
Terrorist attacks and violence are already at an historic low in the valley, civilian deaths on cross firing and mob instigation also greatly reduced.

Goes to show how well the IB is guarded. Kudos to Pak army as well for maintaining an unexpected ceasefire and very less infiltration across border.

your Indian .
Dont you love it when 'militants' take along with them more Pak items used to ID them than weapons. I am surprised they didnt have a flashing neon sign on them saying "I am Pak agent". The health card was important in case they would be shot dead and needed treatment afterwards.

After death health coverage. Pti winning next election for sure
Yes - trained militants took old money that is barely in circulation anymore.

Do you know who might have old Pakistani money? Indian money changers.

This is only for their local and then western audience - but alas there aren’t any people in the Pakistani foreign service both sharp and witty enough similar to PDF members(no joke) to rebuke and ridicule them. They’ll just give the same piecemeal statements.

No joke but if PDF was made Foreign Ministry Spokesman we would legit tear into everyone and become a major exporter of Burnol after that.
May be they didn't had money to buy more ammo. So whatever money they had they purchased ding dong bubble gum with it since it was more important
Ding dong bubblegum is lethal when fired from AT guns

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious

They forgot something - their passports, Return Airline tickets from PIA, and their Ancestry DNA results.
Most Indians are too stupid to understand this is a drama. Those tricks work brilliant on the "Jantaa".

Try a similar thing to fool Pakistani "Awaam" and plenty of questions will be asked.

No questions asked by stupid "jantaa" .
Only "Paak kii napaak saajish ".
Thanks for your generalist comment on stupid Janata... We Indian Janata have different priorities.. that is food, job, shelter and few other things... We might not be as intelligent as Pak Janata which always elects excellent leadership.... If Indian Govt and Army is playing to galleries... Let it be... It is screwing our enemy who tried to disrupt our normal life and wasted our precious resource on defence... Now we will be happy with our govt, if it extract every pound of Pak's Govt and Pak army's flesh and will cheer every drop of blood oozing out of your authorities. Let me be clear we don't cheer or feel happy if common Pakistani suffers... But we give big thumbs up to whomsoever screw your authorities... This includes NZ fiasco.... As per your World Best and No. 1 Kooffffeee agency... It is our Om Prakash Mishra caused millions of $$$ loss to Pak... If it is true.... God bless intelligent Pak awam...
Simply falling in love with troll threads like this ...
Thanks for your generalist comment on stupid Janata... We Indian Janata have different priorities.. that is food, job, shelter and few other things... We might not be as intelligent as Pak Janata which always elects excellent leadership.... If Indian Govt and Army is playing to galleries... Let it be... It is screwing our enemy who tried to disrupt our normal life and wasted our precious resource on defence... Now we will be happy with our govt, if it extract every pound of Pak's Govt and Pak army's flesh and will cheer every drop of blood oozing out of your authorities. Let me be clear we don't cheer or feel happy if common Pakistani suffers... But we give big thumbs up to whomsoever screw your authorities... This includes NZ fiasco.... As per your World Best and No. 1 Kooffffeee agency... It is our Om Prakash Mishra caused millions of $$$ loss to Pak... If it is true.... God bless intelligent Pak awam...
Simply falling in love with troll threads like this ...
wait hold up
you didn't waste $$$ cause of Pakistan- everyone spends money on defense, if it wasn't Pakistan you'd spend money against China
its normal

2- c'mon they really presented a Pakistani government issued health insurance card and a discontinued rupee note that shopkeepers have stopped accepting more than a decade ago as "evidence" that a recent incursion was stopped
you genuinely believe that? cause if not I don't see how this thread is troll thread - funny sure, but troll I am not too sure
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