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In Case you Missed it: Indian army Staged a Drama Today

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious

What you miss to mention is that three people were killed.

What seems to have happened is that three Kashmiris were picked up, killed and then passed off as militants.

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious
Named any spy agency of the world which sends terrorists to other countries with national identity cards and local made biscuits, cigarettes, etc other then ISI ?? :rofl:
5 AKs and 7 Pistols for 3 guys rather than just carry more ammo, all them grenades but I don't see a duffle bag anywhere...

Who the hell these rats think their fooling.

Researchers including those from IIIT Hyderabad developed the first Indian human brain atlas which revealed that India has some of the smallest brains in the world. The study found that there is a significant difference in the shape and size of the brain between Indians, Chinese, Koreans and Caucasians. In fact, the brain size of Indians is smaller in height, width, and volume in comparison with the western and other eastern populations.

Who all were involved in the research?

The study, published in the journal Neuroscience India, was a collaborative effort by researchers Raghav Mehta from McGill University in Canada, Jayanthi Sivaswamy and Alphin J Thottupattu from the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad, and R Sheelakumari and Chandrasekharan Kesavadas from Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology in Kerala.

Note : I copied this gem of comment a while back on here.

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious
things you missed

- Old American Express card which no bank in Pakistan issue as these are out of operations in Pakistan after the closure of American Express Bank since

- Old Currency Note of 100 rupees denomination, the old currency notes are demonetised approximately 10 years ago.
Lol that blue color askri bank atm card is expired in 2019 , now askri bank issued new ATM cards with new color schemes :rofl:

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious
Brilliant resistance fighters, they take their IDs and every possible thing that can be traced back to Pakistan with them. At least they could have learned a thing or two from indian terrorist, kalbhushan. Come on pajeets, you can do better drama than this crap
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things you missed

- Old American Express card which no bank in Pakistan issue as these are out of operations in Pakistan after the closure of American Express Bank since

Apparently the guy who was supposed to arrange all this stuff for Indian army for this "operation" was still stuck in the late 90s or early 2000s I guess

From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious
Boxes of condoms as well as these guys did not want Indian stds, why did they have 4 guns for three forks? maybe a backup gun ?

What you miss to mention is that three people were killed.

What seems to have happened is that three Kashmiris were picked up, killed and then passed off as militants.

Just another day in the office for Indian army in IOK
Infiltrators: Imma keep my Pakistani ID card with me in case someone stops me at a security check. Gotta need them Identification papers with me.

Also i am pissed that that didn't have Mitchels toffees and spacer candy.
I Fell of the bed laughing………. Wait so these 3 guys had 6 ish sub machine guns 10 ish pistols a bazillion grenades……. These guys were not terrorists, they were Pakistani business men there to sell guns to Indian soldiers who are unhappy with blowing up INSA rifles lol.

india arrested their guns smugglers supplying the Indian army.


with that much stuff how did the 3 walk ?

5 AKs and 7 Pistols for 3 guys rather than just carry more ammo, all them grenades but I don't see a duffle bag anywhere...

Who the hell these rats think their fooling.

Indians must be sh!tting their pants:-


Infiltrators: Imma keep my Pakistani ID card with me in case someone stops me at a security check. Gotta need them Identification papers with me.

Also i am pissed that that didn't have Mitchels toffees and spacer candy.
Incompetent Indians didn't find the birth certificate and passport and the packet of Toberone.
Boxes of condoms as well as these guys did not want Indian stds, why did they have 4 guns for three forks? maybe a backup gun ?

Have they looking to stay in wife swappers indian military homes for few days with boxes of condoms ?
the reason why there are so many magazines instead of more ammo is that these jehadizzzz believe in one bullet one kill thus they only put one bullet per magazine
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