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In Case you Missed it: Indian army Staged a Drama Today


Mar 30, 2010
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From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)
10. Plastic ki Kangi (looks are important)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious
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From the picture we can see Indian army recovered these items from the dead militants

1. NICs (like always)
2. UBL Atm card (obviously militants wanted to go shopping during their mission hence the card)
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)
4. 8 packets of Capstain cigarette (because why not? It was a fun trip for the militants and not a mission)
5. Ding Dong bubble gum (as I said it was a fun trip for militants)
6. Chocolato biscuits (because militants loved chocolate in biscuit)
7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)
8. Paradise chocolate (as I said these militants loved chocolate and couldn't live without it even in a mission)
9. Niswar (fun trip after all)

Surely very credible operation by Indian army. Nothing to doubt here. Nothing suspicious

5 AKs and 7 Pistols for 3 guys rather than just carry more ammo, all them grenades but I don't see a duffle bag anywhere...

Who the hell these rats think their fooling.
All these recovered items are so clean, no visible blood or dirt on them. It seems Indian army strangled them to death.
Baal bhi to bananai hain mission main
wait they entered IOK with Pakistani rupees, Pakistani ID card, Pakistani health insurance card and their Pakistani bank card? I mean were they going for an armed struggle or shopping at Emporium mall?

lol this just makes no sense...
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100 rupees old notes is so funny lolllllzzzz i need them too for memories of 90s :rofl:
oh yeah these notes are from my childhood like I clearly remember shopkeepers stopped accepting them when I was in my adolescence

If Indians had any sense they would have been saying this to their Bollywood of an army , GOI
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You missed the Islamic colour green comb.....obviously one should be well groomed before going into battle.
BTW, were these so called terrorists were gassed to death.....all the items look neat clean and polished.
No blood, bullet holes or burns.....maybe the bullets bounced off the grenades....like they did on five rupee coins.
3. Insaf Health Card (obviously militants thought they can use it in Indian hospitals to get health coverage)

Issued in 2020/21

7. Old 100 rs notes (which are not even in use in Pakistan. Don't know why militants took that to India)

Withdrawn from circulation in 2005

15-16 years gap .. were these so-called terrorists time travelling???!
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