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In big boost for Army, Narendra Modi government clears procurement of critical weaponry for short in

Which is why the india was too weak, powerless and impotent to attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008 and and uri 2016 even though they are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege...........:azn:.....the epitime of a supremely ugly and inferior people.
Why would we want to attack Pakistan when it is already on a self destruction mode? We will use the resources for creative works. War for India is the last resort when all other avenues of reconciliation close. Read about '71 from neutral sources to know more about that principle.
But if you desperately seek conflict you will have it, better be ready because it will be on our terms.
Going by your logic australia should never have won even a single game against any asian country . Your stupidity knows no bounds. But then you can't be blamed .
Innocence of muslims......remember ?

So Pakistan is inferior to Australia at cricket. Considering how many times Pakistan is bigger than Australia and looking at the cricket record, I accept that fact :D
Lol.....lol.....lol.....retarded delusional indian fantasist. Pakistan has a better head to head record against india in cricket. Go and check for yourself. It's laughable that an inferior conquered race as you indians are should call anyone ugly. Especially in light of the fact that the indian race is the most ugliest, grotesque, disgusting and physically repulsive race/creatures on earth.

Think you are suffering from "lesser male" syndrome so common to males of the indian race and biology:

We admire your cricket team,well, not the current bunch of amateurs but of the recent past. Though that would not stop us from kicking your a$s in a war. So it's pointless to rack up cricket stats.
Btw what's with your obsession with the male reproductive organ, inferiority complex or just an obsessive compulsive disorder. Go get it checked..
We admire your cricket team,well, not the current bunch of amateurs but of the recent past. Though that would not stop us from kicking your a$s in a war. So it's pointless to rack up cricket stats.
Btw what's with your obsession with the male reproductive organ, inferiority complex or just an obsessive compulsive disorder. Go get it checked..

His dark little PAKISTANI kid.......... AND clearly has a complex about looks... HE BRINGS IT UP in every conversation

His probably dark and ugly like MUSHARAFF .. their great general who got his arsed kicked in KARGIL
His dark little PAKISTANI kid.......... AND clearly has a complex about looks... HE BRINGS IT UP in every conversation

His probably dark and ugly like MUSHARAFF .. their great general who got his arsed kicked in KARGIL
View attachment 410914
Oh,is it? Actually i'm new here but since the day i joined the forum i have always seen him talk about skin tone, physical attributes and his obsessive compulsion of sharing that link..Man, i feel for guys like him.
Lol India has always kicked pakistani fugly arses all over the place retarded pakee delusional porklover. India has better record against pakistan in wars and sports . Its ludicrous that an inferior , conquered and forcibly converted race like you fugly pakistanis should call anyone ugly. Especially considering pakistanis are the most fugly , repulsive , grotesque , stinky inbred baboon-neanderthal hybrids on earth.
A typical paaki looks uglier than a baboon's buttt. They always want to compare themselves to Indians at everything despite knowing fully well that Indians shit all over them when it comes to comparisons which is literally true as We dump our piss and shit in the punjabi rivers which you pakistanis get nourishment from . You should be greatful to us bitches that we provide you nutrients in the form of our excrements otherwise you would die of hunger . Perhaps shit eating is why you guys look so ugly lol.

Think you are suffering from "lesser male" syndrome so common to males of the paaki race and biology .
Very true, may be the whole Kashmir issue is rooted in the fact that the headwaters of Pakistan's rivers lie in or pass through our territories. May be the Pakistans now are more Indian than they ever were, if you know what i mean.:rofl:
Why would we want to attack Pakistan when it is already on a self destruction mode? We will use the resources for creative works. War for India is the last resort when all other avenues of reconciliation close. Read about '71 from neutral sources to know more about that principle.
But if you desperately seek conflict you will have it, better be ready because it will be on our terms.

Excuses for
Why would we want to attack Pakistan when it is already on a self destruction mode? We will use the resources for creative works. War for India is the last resort when all other avenues of reconciliation close. Read about '71 from neutral sources to know more about that principle.
But if you desperately seek conflict you will have it, better be ready because it will be on our terms.

Excuses for weakness. CPEC and other related programs have ensured that Pakistan is on the massive rise. Self destruction averted. Your little weiner is not helping you to think clearly.

We admire your cricket team,well, not the current bunch of amateurs but of the recent past. Though that would not stop us from kicking your a$s in a war. So it's pointless to rack up cricket stats.
Btw what's with your obsession with the male reproductive organ, inferiority complex or just an obsessive compulsive disorder. Go get it checked..

So much so that india was too weak, powerless and impotent to attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008 and uri 2016 even though they are more than 7x bigger than us and have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege........indians are all talk. Keep talking but do no action........fine by me........:lol:

Lol India has always kicked pakistani fugly arses all over the place retarded pakee delusional porklover. India has better record against pakistan in wars and sports . Its ludicrous that an inferior , conquered and forcibly converted race and rape products like you fugly pakistanis should call anyone ugly. Especially considering pakistanis are the most fugly , repulsive , grotesque , stinky inbred baboon-neanderthal hybrids on earth.
A typical paaki looks uglier than a baboon's buttt. They always want to compare themselves to Indians at everything despite knowing fully well that Indians shit all over them when it comes to comparisons which is literally true as We dump our piss and shit in the punjabi rivers which you pakistanis get nourishment from . You should be greatful to us you ingrate bitches that we provide you nutrients in the form of our excrements otherwise you would die of hunger . Perhaps shit eating is why you guys look so ugly lol.

Think you are suffering from "lesser male" syndrome so common to males of the paaki race and biology .

Now don't go crying to your ammi jaan or to the mods telling them I ravaged your fugly stinky buttt.:lol:

Little weiner man, think you have suffered too much psychological damage due to:




So according to you indians are a goodlooking race????????....
For quite sometime I have been troubled by one single question. How hard is it to design and develop and manufacture a M-16 or M-4 like small arm for Indian Army?

I mean assult rifles are not arcane technology like a BVR or a fifth generation fighter craft or so.

What stops an Indian company like Tata to design develop and manufacture them?

To raise our army's readiness the least we can do is to give them a freaken gun. A gun which works. All the other systems are fine, but boots on the ground and guns in the hand are bread and butter of any combat!
These weapons are to put Kashmiri terrorists into Jannat.

well you have a million men in Kashmir fighting a few kids with stone. you use every dirty trick in the book but they still fight you. why? why do they rise against you?
We are going to see some intense action within one year
on the " Western Front " :azn:
Given your army's previous track record in procuring "vital" components, I really doubt we would see anything anywhere..
well you have a million men in Kashmir fighting a few kids with stone. you use every dirty trick in the book but they still fight you. why? why do they rise against you?
Same reason you get flu each season. You have to administer 'shots'.
In a major decision, the government has empowered the Army directly to procure critical weapons systems and military platforms to maintain combat readiness for short duration "intense wars", a top government official said today.

And ludicrous & silly Modi continues with a part time Defense Minister?


Guess who is happy on this sudden news?

Its Israel, Russia & America.
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