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In a decade Pakistan reduced poverty by 50%

Let me be clear Mr. Jammer, I am not belittling this great Pakistani achievement. I am just curios to know, how a globally one of the most terror prone country can reduce its poverty by almost 60% in only a decade by doing nothing!!!!!! Its a miracle or 'Mozzaza' by Allah Su'ban'u Taala!!!!!!!! It would be a great study for Harvard and Wharton students & a practical model to eliminate poverty from the face of earth!!!!!

The same reason why this most terror prone nation on earth can succeed in becoming a nuclear weapons state, having MIRV and SLCM capability as well.....:azn:
Actually, I was astonished by the figures, as these figures are prior to 2014 and China Pakistan Economic Corridor came online after that!!! So, without any actual growth in its economy in the said period (2002-2014), how Pakistan achieved that????

Incorrect. Pakistan economy was growing quite fast between 2002 - 2007. That's when the bulk of the uplifting happened.
The same reason why this most terror prone nation on earth can succeed in becoming a nuclear weapons state, having MIRV and SLCM capability as well.....:azn:

Actually making a 'Bumb' by stealing or acquiring from others is not an achievement!!!!! Bur eliminating poverty with that rapid speed & size is an achievement and that too without any sustainable economic growth, It looks bit fudgy!!!!!

Incorrect. Pakistan economy was growing quite fast between 2002 - 2007. That's when the bulk of the uplifting happened.

But that was not a sustainable growth that can show long term results. 2002-2007 growth of Pakistani economy was just a periodic bump achieved by pumping money coming from west for Pakistan's support in anti-terror campaign. This money did nor created any visible tangible assets that can sustain Pakistani economic growth!!!! Money from the west is the reason that largely saved Pakistan from one of its largest natural disaster in its history in 2005 i.e. AJK earthquake!!!
But that was not a sustainable growth that can show long term results. 2002-2007 growth of Pakistani economy was just a periodic bump achieved by pumping money coming from west for Pakistan's support in anti-terror campaign. This money did nor created any visible tangible assets that can sustain Pakistani economic growth!!!! Money from the west is the reason that largely saved Pakistan from one of its largest natural disaster in its history in 2005 i.e. AJK earthquake!!!

1. Whether or not the growth was sustainable is irrelevant. It's what caused the economy to grow significantly and hence uplifted people from poverty.
2. No, the money came from FDI and investment into infrastructure. Any money from anti-terror campaign paled in comparison.
Actually making a 'Bumb' by stealing or acquiring from others is not an achievement!!!!! Bur eliminating poverty with that rapid speed & size is an achievement and that too without any sustainable economic growth, It looks bit fudgy!!!!!

But that was not a sustainable growth that can show long term results. 2002-2007 growth of Pakistani economy was just a periodic bump achieved by pumping money coming from west for Pakistan's support in anti-terror campaign. This money did nor created any visible tangible assets that can sustain Pakistani economic growth!!!! Money from the west is the reason that largely saved Pakistan from one of its largest natural disaster in its history in 2005 i.e. AJK earthquake!!!

Because indians were the 100% indigenous pioneers, inventors, creators, designers and original producers of nuclear weapons technology and have NEVER EVER purchased or required foreign assistance for weapons systems of any sort..........:lol:

You're kind also claimed pre-May 1998 that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. That it was impossible for Pakistan to do so. We all know what happened to that retarded indian bollywood fantasy. Just as then, so is now :azn: Just as becoming a nuclear weapons state was deemed impossible by our enemies, Pakistan is now on the cusp of achieving things economically that they also claimed was impossible. The article in the OP is proof of that. Much to the dismay and anguish of our eternal enemies:azn:

Before you even begin to make comments about poverty in Pakistan you need to be reminded of the reality that it is not Pakistan but india that has between 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor:





So don't be a typical indian hypocrite and criticize others. First solve the problems of your race and nation which are FAR MORE horrendous than ours then come and talk. You creatures are not in a position to criticize others.

PS I can concur with three OP because I was in Pakistan nearly 8 months ago and I can confirm the ground reality. Currently, there are massive world class infrastructure projects going on all over Pakistan that were deemed impossible just 2 years ago. The living standard for the average Pakistani have never been better and our industrial potential for the 1st time in our history is finally taking off. This is thanks to CPEC and other similar less talked about programs.
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I think ground realities are different, People from my area that were in Middle class category before Zardari's government are barely surviving now. People who used to be well off are surviving by borrowing loans or selling their land. We are mostly farmers and farmers don't even make a penny these days.
Census to be held in 2017, then only we will know the reality. 20 years without census is too much.
Census to be held in 2017, then only we will know the reality. 20 years without census is too much.

The census has nothing to do with a reduction in poverty. Do you understand that? Or is that too much for your brain to handle?
The census has nothing to do with a reduction in poverty. Do you understand that? Or is that too much for your brain to handle?

It is! Census tells you how many people are there with a much greater sense of accuracy. It also tells you demographics, wealth, household assets etc of your population. It is direct measurement of your population so it is the most accurate one.

Rest are all mathematical forumale which without real data tend to be highly broken. Unless you measure you can merely guess. Longer you delay the measurement, worse is the error in your data. 20 years is actually too much.

Take it in this way, to know poverty rate you need to divide no of people living on less than say 1.9 or 3.1 dollar ppp by your total population. Without a real data on population you can never find your real poverty rate with accuracy.

I hope you have enough brains to comprehend this, though i doubt and pity you.
It depends on definition of poverty.

According to UN standards around 12% of Pakistanis live under the poverty line. However Pakistan's standards are higher, more higher than that of India.
Take it in this way, to know poverty rate you need to divide no of people living on less than say 1.9 or 3.1 dollar ppp by your total population. Without a real data on population you can never find your real poverty rate.

I hope you have enough brains to comprehend this, though i doubt and pity you.

If it turns out that there are a few more million people in Pakistan than was initially thought, that will not drastically change the proportion of people living in poverty. Surely, this concept is not so difficult to understand? But perhaps it is for you.
It is! Census tells you how many people are there with a much greater sense of accuracy. It also tells you demographics, wealth, household assets etc of your population. It is direct measurement of your population so it is the most accurate one.

Rest are all mathematical forumale which without real data tend to be highly broken. Unless you measure you can merely guess. Longer you delay the measurement, worse is the error in your data. 20 years is actually too much.

Take it in this way, to know poverty rate you need to divide no of people living on less than say 1.9 or 3.1 dollar ppp by your total population. Without a real data on population you can never find your real poverty rate with accuracy.

I hope you have enough brains to comprehend this, though i doubt and pity you.
Its calculated based on population of 200 million. Pakistan have a population growth rate of about 2% and in the 1998 census the population estimate was about 135 million
With 2% growth in 18 years its likely to be 192 million although most agencies calculate Pakistan of about 190 to 200 million
If it turns out that there are a few more million people in Pakistan than was initially thought, that will not drastically change the proportion of people living in poverty. Surely, this concept is not so difficult to understand? But perhaps it is for you.

The problem is, how do you know it is few million and not several tens of million? How do you know how many people are actually living on 1.9 dollars or more? How do you know how many house-holds have motorcycles or television? How do you know if there are a large number of Afghanis living in your country, legally or illegally?

Lastly, if you have ever taken any basic course in mathematics, you will know that error margins always ADD UP. More calculation you do on your inaccurate data, wider the error margin becomes. Longer you wait, more error you have, Why do you think they do census otherwise from time to time?

Sometimes back I was refering to a report on comparison of country by the Wealth of their people/household. It was by Credit Susie and likes of @RiazHaq quote it often. In that too it mentioned the quality of data for Pakistan was extremely poor, even though the wealth of people was marginally more. For India and China it was fair quality. If you do not have quality data you cannot compare or make any meaningful inference.

Then may be I am expecting too much from Pakistanis.
PS: You buy roti/naan for 10 cents in Pakistan and it costs even cheaper at home. Families with low income gets subsidy from approved utility stores and they even get subsidy from utility bills. I really get surprised to see the electricity bill of my workers in Pakistan who pay roughly 300-500 rupees for electricity as the first 300 units are heavily subsidized... compare it to my electricity bill of 20,000 to 35,000 rupees per month depending on the month
That is indeed a good fact which is deliberately or so missed by western analysts. Add to that most of the ppl in rural areas dont even pay for electricity and mostly use bartering to get daily commodities like food grains or feed for cattle. All that they want to say is how ppl can survive on 2 dollars bcos 2 dollars has no value in their materialistic society. There are some hard truths about extreme poverty in subcontinent but the western media simply indulges in sensationalizing rather than do investigative journalism.
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