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In 2012, 354 Chinese officials fled with $48 billion through Beijing Airpor


Jul 25, 2011
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(博讯北京时间2012年12月16日 首发 - 支持此文作者/记者)
2012年12月16日,博讯从北京国家民航总局公安局得到消息。2012年全年,在北京的国家部委和北京市的党政机关处级以上干部携款出逃人数突破新纪录。据民航总局的官员讲:仅仅在北京市机场海关出逃的国家党政处级以上级别的干部人数已经高达354人,他们共计携带走3000多亿人民币的赃款。他们平均携款赃款数额也被刷新,每人几乎转移出去的赃款高达接近9亿元,折合美元一亿一千万还多。他们出逃的首选国家是美国和加拿大。这些官员大多是在18大前突击外逃,为此前中纪委书记贺国强还专门到国家民航总局调研----飞行安全与廉政安全问题。可是,这也无法阻挡贪官们携款、携妻、携子、携二奶、三奶的胜利大逃亡。 [博讯首发,转载请注明出处]- 支持此文作者/记者(博讯 boxun.com)

2012 only 354 flight from Beijing officials with money to three hundred billion
(the Boxun GMT December 16, 2012, the first - supporting the text the author / reporter )
December 16, 2012, Boxun got the news from the Beijing National Civil Aviation Administration of the Public Security Bureau. Throughout 2012, with money fled the number of cadres at or above the national ministries in Beijing and the Beijing party and government organs to break new records. : Only party and government fled the country at the Beijing airport customs division level and above-level cadres according to CAAC officials say the number has been as high as 354 people, and they carry away a total of more than 3,000 billion yuan of illicit money. Their average with money stolen money amount is refreshed per person almost stolen money transferred out up to nearly 900 million yuan, equivalent to U.S. dollars one hundred and ten million more. Preferred country they fled to the United States and Canada. Most of these officials in flight 18 before the big surprise, the previous secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection He Guoqiang is also dedicated to the National Civil Aviation Administration of research ---- Flight Safety ICAC security issues. But, this also can not stop the corrupt officials with money, their wives, with their children, portability mistress, the third wife of The Great Escape. [Boxun starting, please indicate the source] - supporting the text author / reporter (Boxun boxun.com)

354 corrupt Chinese officials fled through the Beijing Airport in 2012, averaging $110 million per official. They have no statistics on other Chinese major airports.
Boxun covers international political news and human rights abuses in the People's Republic of China, among other topics. Boxun allows anyone to submit news to the website, which results in a large number of articles remaining anonymous.

Boxun.com - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would take this news item with a grain of salt without other sources to confirm it.
a false flagging indian trying to smear dirt on China again!

This will make us stronger. I hate those crooks myself! Put them all behind bars!

赵本山 a Beijing official?Your indian knowledge really blows me off!
Hmm I guess this video is produced by Voice Of America and the Boxun article must based on this video. There you go. So you have been searching Google on China, corruption and got lucky. :lol:

BTW does Korea has any corruption? I heard President Lee is going to be arrested as soon as he steps out of office. Isn't true his 20 close relatives are indicted for some kind of corruption too? Didn't you tell me once, or was it I told you, all Korean former presidents were either implicated in corruptions or died in office?
BTW does Korea has any corruption?
Yes, but they are peanuts when compared to corruption in China.

I heard President Lee is going to be arrested as soon as he steps out of office.
Yes, for his alleged wrong doings as a private businessman before he ran for president, mostly paying bribes, not being paid. He's not accused of any wrong doings during his time as the president.

Isn't true his 20 close relatives are indicted for some kind of corruption too?
Yes, campaign finance violations. Took in unreported campaign contributions from big businesses above the legal limit.

all Korean former presidents were either implicated in corruptions or died in office?

Lee Sung Man : Was accused of being a dictator but nothing of corruption. He did represent Korea's best interest before Americans even though the US installed him.

Park Jong Hee : Considered to be a true patriotic hero, his daughter is expected to win the presidential election in 5 days based on his name brand. He was certified to be clean by historians and he left something like $300,000 when he died from savings and real estate investments with his salaries.

Jun Doo Hwan : He was the most corrupt politician and made off with close to $300 million. Was able to get $50 million out of Korea to the US, which was used as seed money to create the Super H-Mart, the largest and the only "mainstream" Asian supermarket chain in the US.

Noh Tae Woo : He was the best friend and the right hands man of Jun Doo Hwan. He too managed to make off with $250 million, but the prosecutors managed to retrieve most of it after a court verdict.

Kim Dae Joong : He received his bribes from two former dictator presidents to remain quite during their terms. Quite a bit of illegal campaign contributions from major corporations, as it was clear that he would win presidency.

Noh Moo Hyun : He was certified clean by historians and prosecutors. His wife received $3 million from a businessman who gave the money without asking specific favors, without him knowing it. When Noh found out what his wife did behind his back, he commited suicide to protect his wife, and the prosecution stopped their cases against Noh's wife upon his death.

Lee Myung Bak : He was a wealthy business man and the CEO of Hyundai Corporation(The mother company of all the Hyundai named companies). He is accused of paying bribes as a businessman, not receiving them, and some banking scheme. He's not accused of any wrong doings as president, it is just that the prosecutors are continuing with investigations they were doing before he ran for president because he had a presidential immunity during this term.
So I guess, in a way, all politicians are alike.:cry:

Corrupt politicians in other countries are taking peanuts compared to what Chinese officials are making away with, $100 million minimum. If you are the likes of Wen Jiabao, it's $3 billion.

In country like Korea where the government officials go to trial over the alleged bride taking of $50,000(And fount not guilty), 354 officials fleeing the country with $120 million each through single airport in single year is simply jaw-dropping.
Corrupt politicians in other countries are taking peanuts compared to what Chinese officials are making away with, $100 million minimum. If you are the likes of Wen Jiabao, it's $3 billion.

In country like Korea where the government officials go to trial over the alleged bride taking of $50,000(And fount not guilty), 354 officials fleeing the country with $120 million each through single airport in single year is simply jaw-dropping.

Well, nothing is confirmed yet and we have no idea what politicians of other countries take.

Anyway China has already appointed a corruption czar, Wang Qishan 王岐山, and hopefully these despicable crimes can be eliminated soon.
a false flagging indian trying to smear dirt on China again!

This will make us stronger. I hate those crooks myself! Put them all behind bars!

赵本山 a Beijing official?Your indian knowledge really blows me off!

Korean is an Indian descendant but that doesn't invalidate what he posted nor does the link Boxun. In any authoritarian system, you can't expect transparency and accountability and so no questions asked, no questions answered. You don't elect your leaders and so those who lead you don't care about what you think because they have no stake in you. Even if your leaders decide to sell half of China to someone for their own benefits, you can't question, you can't resist rather you will have to accept whatever they do without questions.

Yes, corruption is everywhere, more or less. Some Indian leaders are also corrupt but the Indian electoral system does not allow them to be anti national because they know they can't just compromise national security which may rob them of their power which is produced by individual votes. Plus, Indian bureaucracy where govt officials are not elected but recruited through a proper system for permanent posts irrespective of their political allegiance makes a balance between the elected posts and non elected posts.
hahaha...famous "diaoyu" article and our "Korean" friend with dark skin, after nibbling for all morning, has finally had a bite. :yahoo:

Next he should be trained to bait the hook and cast the line.

Anyhow, what are the odds of the incumbent President and a certan member of his family ending up in prison in 2013?:azn:
Anyhow, what are the odds of the incumbent President and a certan member of his family ending up in prison in 2013?:azn:
Very high. But then again, Lee's not accused of doing anything wrong while in office, but as a bribe-paying businessman in shady deals before his election.

One thing is clear, the persecutors go after everyone in Korea, including the former presidents, Hyundai Motors CEO, etc.
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