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In 1971, Army first beat the Pakistanis in their minds


Jul 23, 2017
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In 1971, Army first beat the Pakistanis in their minds. Battle of Burinda is one example
Lol, Hindus constantly live in the agony of the fact that Muslims conquered their civilization, destroyed their culture, TOTALLY ERASED AND WIPED OUT Indian Dharma from Afghanistan, Pakistan, sacred vedic lands of Sindhu, Indonesia, Malaysia, East-Bengal (Bangladesh), Central Asia and so on. These losers of history and their coward ancestors couldn’t do anything to stop this civilizational conquest and worse, they could not take any revenge in return. In absence of Islam, Dharmic faith category today would have been the largest religion on the planet---and most likely would have also spread to Central Asia and even beyond. But Islam absolutely demolished Dharma and reduced it into a cult of one small land in S. Asia :lol:

Then, Hindus cried not to divide whatever the leftover, broken pieces of remaining india they had--but there too, Muslims forced the division and got our own Islamic countries while india was rendered 'secular' where the last-remaining hindu land in the world is increasingly Muslim (would be 1/5th Muslim by 2050!). Imagine the complete humiliation :D Hindus can not undo the eternal humiliation inflicted upon their inferior hindu existence by the far superior, vastly more powerful, and global civilization that is Islam. And they talk about 71 war? :rofl::laugh:

71 War Strategic Perspective 2.png
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So, You are celebrating genocide of Bengali Hindus of East Pakistan with pride.

That is such lame and utterly shameful feign to deflect your ignominy, but I'm not surprised at all.

There was no genocide. Only genocide was done by indian forces and their funded/trained militias. What I have wrote is what indian scholars have written. Go argue with them, not me lol
So, You are celebrating genocide of Bengali Hindus of East Pakistan with pride.

That is such lame and utterly shameful feign to deflect your ignominy, but I'm not surprised at all.

Of course

We wanted to ensure that Bangla remained a free independent muslim state as per partition

So we ensured that the Hindus paid the price and ran to India

Millions went, Bangladeshi independence for 50 years was based on this act

We had no way to supply our forces, considering we did ok
Feeling pride at the conquest, subjugation and conversion of their own people, only in Pakistan lol, and then they mock the people who actually put up a fight and preserved their culture, nicely done very brave lol
Feeling pride at the conquest, subjugation and conversion of their own people, only in Pakistan lol, and then they mock the people who actually put up a fight and preserved their culture, nicely done very brave lol
That's odd. I thought Indian Hindus were extremely proud of their own enslavement by the foreign introduced caste system. Any proud, caste adherent Hindu is - by definition - celebrating an act of enslavement of his own people by a brahminist cult introduced by foreigners to the subcontinent.
Pakistanis will ALWAYS be proud of ANY ACT that liberates low caste Hindus from slavery.

Love jihad, nuclear jihad, any jihad will do if it puts dalits out of the misery of eternal servitude to you brahminist filth.
So, You are celebrating genocide of Bengali Hindus of East Pakistan with pride.

That is such lame and utterly shameful feign to deflect your ignominy, but I'm not surprised at all.
Why should dalits live eternity as slaves in your Hindu rashtra??

Either the British or the mughals should have finished the priestly classes permanently. Eradicating brahminism would have solved all the problems we see presently in the subcontinent.
Btw, Hindus were very generous to their Bengali brethren.

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That's odd. I thought Indian Hindus were extremely proud of their own enslavement by the foreign introduced caste system. Any proud, caste adherent Hindu is - by definition - celebrating an act of enslavement of his own people by a brahminist cult introduced by foreigners to the subcontinent.
Pakistanis will ALWAYS be proud of ANY ACT that liberates low caste Hindus from slavery.

Love jihad, nuclear jihad, any jihad will do if it puts dalits out of the misery of eternal servitude to you brahminist filth.

Why should dalits live eternity as slaves in your Hindu rashtra??

Either the British or the mughals should have finished the priestly classes permanently. Eradicating brahminism would have solved all the problems we see presently in the subcontinent.
Btw, Hindus were very generous to their Bengali brethren.

What bs! Chalo atleast you are agreeing you are Hindu dalits, by your own logic though since you are liberated folk and other casts have been eradicated from your land, that's a start
What bs! Chalo atleast you are agreeing you are Hindu dalits, by your own logic though since you are liberated folk and other casts have been eradicated from your land, that's a start
I said no such thing. Removal of brahminism liberates dalits - whether violently or by peaceful conversion.

"Challo" your literacy lessons may need to continue.
Feeling pride at the conquest, subjugation and conversion of their own people, only in Pakistan lol, and then they mock the people who actually put up a fight and preserved their culture, nicely done very brave lol

There was no "Pakistan" back then. It were 'Hindu kingdoms' and Muslims (Mughals included) r@ped your ancestral homelands and then us modern Muslims produced Pakistan out of it.... by destroying your civilizational unity.

Mughals never intended to destroy "hinduism"....There are no credible historical sources of mass and sustained Mughal efforts of mass conversions of hindus. "Oh we didn't convert while XYZ converted!"---This is something hindus say to feel good about themselves because even hindus know how utterly humiliated they have been for thousands of years and how superior Muslims and later Europeans ruled them and made them their b*tch. Turko-Mongols never sought to forcefully "convert" regions to Islam. Even Bulgaria is not "Muslim majority" even though it remained under Ottoman rule for centuries. Reason? Simple, Muslim conquerors never sought forced mass conversions. Stop fooling yourself with your mental masturbation of your own misery :lol:

And "resistance"? :rofl: This is how hindus "resisted"----by surrendering, killing their own wives, and selling their daughters to Islamic conquerors

Cuck Hindus surrendered to invaders without a fight 2.png
Cuck Hindus surrendered to invaders without a fight 3.png
Cuck Hindus surrendered to invaders without a fight.png
I said no such thing. Removal of brahminism liberates dalits - whether violently or by peaceful conversion.

"Challo" your literacy lessons may need to continue.
Dalits are hindus, come back to your religion, we even accept grammar nazis:rolleyes:
Dalits are hindus, come back to your religion, we even accept grammar nazis:rolleyes:
You've lost me here. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Islam came to sweep away brahminist filth. This cult of brahminism created by Aryans was an aberration of the native faiths and original animistic Hinduism practiced in the IVC. Islam ultimately failed to eradicate this cult. Sadly, the British also gave up without completing the job. We're stuck with you brahminists now, and millions of dalits suffer for it. However there is no point criticising those who actually tried to do something to improve things. Yes, Mughals ultimately were unable to liberate all dalits. They will answer to God for their failure, as will the other abrahamic power who got involved - the British.

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