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In 1971, America almost fought the Soviets (Russia) over Bangladesh

Yes.....You were part of us at the time when Americans are willing to fight for u against Soviets....So, it will be better to call East Pakistan otherwise people will assume that Bangladesh was a separate country since the beginning (like Pakistan and India were fighting on other country's territory, which was not the case)...
Fight for us? Girl Pakistani army started killing university student off in the middle of the night. That's how the war started. Then the mutiny happened and the war blew out. Pakistan was India before 1947 so referring it as India in Pakistani history is acceptable?

When any of the top politicians failed to warn the population and show the direction to the nation on or before 25th March,1971, it was Major Zia who came forward and proclaimed independence for BD on behalf of great leader SMR. PA troops were already disarming the Benagli-speaking troops, wherever they were majority and killing them point blank. PA already has attacked the Razarbag Police HQ with machine guns to kill the police armed with guns. 1100 police were killed there.

A call by Zia propelled the population and the Bengali armed forces to prepare for a war. Without this timely call the PA troops would have killed all the unsuspicious Bengali armed troops, and the west would have CONQUERED the east. Liberation Army could not have been formed without these people, who trained the civilians and led them in fight against PA troops. IA could not be helpful without the freedom fighters helping them in the final stage of war. So, the Zia proclamation was timely.
Zia had no choice and if I was in his place. I would do the same. A mutiny had to have taken place or else all Bangladeshi military personnels would have been done with.
Fight for us? Girl Pakistani army started killing university student off in the middle of the night. That's how the war started. Then the mutiny happened and the war blew out. Pakistan was India before 1947 so referring it as India in Pakistani history is acceptable?

You didn't get my point...read my posts again....
Zia had no choice and if I was in his place. I would do the same. A mutiny had to have taken place or else all Bangladeshi military personnels would have been done with.

That is not true. When Zia sent an expeditionary force to feni to hault the advancement of Comilla Division in chittagong the force came into artillery fire By a Bengali officer. Bengalis who were loyal were very much safe.
Yes, in the same way you were part of your dad's loin. No, offence intended. It was putative Bangladesh in 1971, pedantics asides.
Well then you should move over it as it was already Bangladesh! No one wants to fight a fair fight. India saw an opportunity in 1971 and took every advantage it could. I am sure if it was the other way round you guys would have done the same.
I am sure if it was the other way round you guys would have done the same.
Yes. Agreed 100%. Most Pakistani'sa I know are glad Bang; is gone on tts merry way. I think only the making of a big victory when it was just like the cartoon I posted before that annoys people. 1971 was no big military shock.

Like in the cartoon whole bunch of Bang's and Indian's beat up single Pak. and even that away from his home. The result was precidictable but many people make it look like incredible victory.
That is not true. When Zia sent an expeditionary force to feni to hault the advancement of Comilla Division in chittagong the force came into artillery fire By a Bengali officer. Bengalis who were loyal were very much safe.
And what about Bengalis who were neutral? Motiur Rahman... ershad... safiul azam (that fighter ace) were all grounded and kept like prisoners of war mutiny was inevitable when they witnessed killings of civilians.
Fight for us? Girl Pakistani army started killing university student off in the middle of the night. That's how the war started. Then the mutiny happened and the war blew out. Pakistan was India before 1947 so referring it as India in Pakistani history is acceptable?

Zia had no choice and if I was in his place. I would do the same. A mutiny had to have taken place or else all Bangladeshi military personnels would have been done with.

But, Zia was not the only one Bangali Officer in east Pakistan. There were other officers, too. Others had equally fought in their area immediately after 25th March. But, it was Zia's proclamation of independence that people with and without weapons centered around and fought. However, the entire war was fought in the name of Sk. Mujib.
But, Zia was not the only one Bangali Officer in east Pakistan. There were other officers, too. Others had equally fought in their area immediately after 25th March. But, it was Zia's proclamation of independence that people with and without weapons centered around and fought. However, the entire war was fought in the name of Sk. Mujib.
Yes true not the only one. But the only one to do something about it impulsively which worked out for the good. The war was fought in name of god to save the country. If you ever had access to Bangladesh television archive there are thousands of clips where people are chanting god, sheikh mujib and countries name. However this is downplayed now as we don't want division within minorities and majorities.
Yes. Agreed 100%. Most Pakistani'sa I know are glad Bang; is gone on tts merry way. I think only the making of a big victory when it was just like the cartoon I posted before that annoys people. 1971 was no big military shock.

Like in the cartoon whole bunch of Bang's and Indian's beat up single Pak. and even that away from his home. The result was precidictable but many people make it look like incredible victory.

If Pakistanis are so glad about it, why do so many of them (including their govt) get their panties in a bunch whenever Bangladesh hangs one of its own citizens (not Pakistani) after due process regarding war crimes?

Pakistan should just ignore all such things right?
Pakistan and India almost immediately went to war over Kashmir, a Muslim-majority state whose Hindu ruler elected to join India in exchange for assistance putting down a local revolt. The incident escalated to a full-scale confrontation which simmers to this day.

The red part is false. It was an invasion by Pakistani army backed Pashtun militias.

To show that Bangladeshi Mukhti's did the real fighting to "crushingly" defeat few regiments of Pak Army marooned far, far away from home in ocean of Bengali population. And on top of that it took Indian Army also to defeat a small garrison. Wow.

No wonder there are some Pak's who got carried away into thinking 1 Pak soldier equals to 100 other.

*In short it took the most densely populated country on earth, the second most populous country on earth to defeat a small Pak garrison far, far, far way from home.


Peddling false history here? India also fought a full scale war against West Pakistan in 1971 on the western front and defeated them convincingly.

Really feel sorry for that foolish Zia who proclaimed independence in the name of SM and invited war in the country and people had to die in mass scale. And the world was in verge for another world war for that. If the people want revenge they should start from that man lying in front of parliament building of BD.

In that case Bangladesh would have been East Pakistan even today, no? But I understand that many Bangladeshis actually want that.

The US 7th Fleet came to Bay of Bengal to save east Pakistan from completely falling under India, it was not to save the Pakistan Army there. USSR warships made also a simultaneous visit in order to dissuade the 7th Fleet from taking a direct action in the war.

I think, both the fleets had accomplished their respective goals by their presence:

1) US fleet did not engage in the war, but its presence and the US diplomacy thereafter were instrumental so that Indian army vacated BD territory only in 3 months after the war. The war did not prolong and the IA did not have the stomach to invade west Pakistan and make it suffer more.

2) Russian naval presence helped India that the US govt had to rethink its approach about the 7th Fleet intervening in the 1971 war in the east.

India had no plan to annex East Pakistan.
In that case Bangladesh would have been East Pakistan even today, no? But I understand that many Bangladeshis actually want that.

My motive was to create rift between BNP and JeI supporters. Where they always accuse AL for dividing their country. And some confused BNP elements try to claim whole credit on them. While some through their discussion proved Zia was nothing and it was spontaneous reaction of people against invasion. And for that war our country saw worst days of distraction lawlessness which pushed BD 20 years behind. So these are mixed feelings.
The red part is false. It was an invasion by Pakistani army backed Pashtun militias.

Peddling false history here? India also fought a full scale war against West Pakistan in 1971 on the western front and defeated them convincingly.

In that case Bangladesh would have been East Pakistan even today, no? But I understand that many Bangladeshis actually want that.

India had no plan to annex East Pakistan.

Did Indira Gandhi phoned you to say India had no plan to annex!!!! Seems you stupidity has no boundary line. Stop bullshitting in every thread.
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