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Imran received funding from India and Israel, alleges Maryam Sadar

1. Israel has never been discussed in Pakistan like it has been for the past 2 years.

2. Modi and BJP had taken vote of confidence from PTI chairman before Indian Elections. Then Modi went Nazi on Kashmiris on August 05 2019 without a shot being fired.

Unfortunate coincidences.
Molvi shahib...lying is haram so we humbly request you stop talking shit
I think she is not even daughter of NS, she is 10 times dumber than him if you think this was even possible...if think she is a case of donor sperm.
I think she is not even daughter of NS, she is 10 times dumber than him if you think this was even possible...if think she is a case of donor sperm.
donor sperm??? hmm...she does kinda sorta sound like General Zia! :woot: too bad she didn't inherit his wits!!! maa pay gayi hay! :lol:
The woman who lied to the court under oath, who forged documents to hide her dad's loot is saying this. Now let this sink in. How much as a society we have fallen that she is claiming to be a politician and leader of a party after being convicted by the court.
The woman who lied to the court under oath, who forged documents to hide her dad's loot is saying this. Now let this sink in. How much as a society we have fallen that she is claiming to be a politician and leader of a party after being convicted by the court.
considering the dismal crowd that she and her 11 cronies have been able to muster including today's ecp embarrassment, I would confidently say that our society has NOT fallen at all, perhaps we are witnessing them waking up from their long slumber...
Previous government threatened Israel with Nukes on some fake tweet circulated.

This government discussed Israel in light of Hudaibiya Accord.
How can you bark so easily from your asshol$. Amazing talent show by a Patwari.
previous installed gov?...

Let’s see

PPP : “We installed that gangster in Pakistan” - Michael Sheuer - CIA Head OBL unit

watch from 18:00 onwards..

PML-N : “ we invested in Nawaz Sharif” - Marouf Raza Indian defense analyst

educated now ?

Pakistanis are like goats.... they are only loyal to their master no matter what you try to tell them they just wont get it.
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