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Imran Khan's Islamabad Rally - امربالمعروف - Updates & Discussion

Guys be careful from the enemy's information warfare, the external enemies are very powerful and have the evilest minds, they are spreading fake news to create confusion, like Generals or establishment is against IK. They are using social media and assets inside Pakistani media to further the fake news and lies, then workers of political parties like PMLN just spread those fake news, this cycle is going on for many years now, but the amount of effort the enemy is doing now is unprecedented. This is the hybrid war of the enemy, the advanced form of propaganda warfare. Do not fall victim to this and try to counter them.
Let me get the facts clear for you.
1) Gen Bajwa is with the IK government.
2) Army is with the IK government.
3) Establishment is with the IK government.
4) There is a huge amount of Foreign funding against IK from the US and allies, which may include India.
5) PMLN is being used by the enemies (PMLN leadership and workers don't know that) for many years now.
6) PPP has taken funds from the enemies to overthrow IK.
7) Bilawal's and CM Sind's visit of the US immediately after IK's Absolutely not was when enemy's plan to overthrow IK started.
8) Even more than foreign funding there is information warfare from the enemy on the minds of Pakistani people.
9) US wants to install their puppet Bilawal in Pakistan as PM to further their agenda and goals.

If Establishment is with Imran Khan then they should come out in open.

It is an open battle between Haq and Batil (good and evil)

But it is kind of hard to do so when their children are on foreign funded scholarships, enjoying all perks inside and outside of Pakistan.


Ye manjan bahut purana hogya.

Choose a side.

So Imran Khan talked about proof a few days ago that PM has told us but has said not right now. So he is at least giving some hints about the letter. It does seem like the letter was sent to the Army chief by the US on the Russian visit.
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Same old CIA boogeyman politics? If your assertion is correct then why TTP did not collapse after US/NATO exit from Afghanistan? Afghan Taliban are in charge of affairs in Afghanistan and TTP continues to function and kill Pakistani troops.

Nothing have changed on the ground:

Afghan Taliban support for TTP​

Another source of tensions between Kabul and Islamabad has been the TTP. The armed group fought alongside the Afghan Taliban against the US and its allies for years and the two have a strong bond. When the Taliban took power on August 15, they set free hundreds of TTP men, including some prominent leaders, incarcerated in Afghan jails. Much of the TTP leadership is based in Afghanistan and many members, according to Afghan and Pakistanis journalistic sources, are receiving support.

Since it was founded in 2007, the TTP has been responsible for deadly violence in Pakistan, attacking both security forces and civilians. The Pakistani authorities believe that the TTP, along with al-Qaeda and some affiliated groups, has so far killed more than 80,000 Pakistanis and inflicted economic losses of more than $150bn.

In 2014, the Pakistani army launched a major offensive against the TTP, forcing many of its members to flee to Afghanistan. After an initial lull in violence, the TTP started to escalate its attacks again in recent years. In 2021, as the Taliban advanced in Afghanistan, TTP fighters intensified their assaults in Pakistan. There were at least two attacks also targeting Chinese workers and the Chinese ambassador to Pakistan, which unsettled Beijing, a close ally of Islamabad.

Before the Taliban takeover of Kabul last year, Pakistani officials repeatedly argued that the presence of the US and its allies in Afghanistan fed the TTP insurgency. But recent events have shown that the victory of the Afghan Taliban has only emboldened the TTP.

A ceasefire between the armed group and the Pakistani military negotiated with the help of the Afghan Taliban government in November was short-lived. The TTP resumed their attacks in December against security forces and civilians, even as secret talks with representatives of the Pakistani government have continued.

So far, the mediation of the Afghan Taliban has not produced any significant results and its support for the TTP continues. If violence in Pakistan escalates, that could put more strain on Kabul-Islamabad relations. And such an escalation is quite likely.

The Afghan Taliban is worried that pressing the TTP too hard could push it towards its enemy, the Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP), and the TTP itself is apprehensive about desertions within its ranks if it does not continue with its hardline approach to the Pakistan government, which it wants to overthrow.

Let me tell you something. Americans are known to disclose their intentions when they come for a person. They openly threatened Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein among others. They are taking jabs at Vladimir Putin lately (some including Joe Biden have openly called for him to be ousted). They will be VOCAL if (or when) they decide to target Imran Khan. They do not have play hide-and-seek with Imran Khan from behind-the-scenes.

"All the chaprasi minded pandoo Patwari leaders saw an opportunity and are now trying to cash out...."

Why GOP failed to prosecute these corrupt politicians including Nawaz Sharif?

Why was PDM allowed to emerge?

WHO will prosecute this gang?

Nawaz Sharif is in London and calling the shots from there. IF foreign hands are involved in this matter then UK is prime suspect followed by KSA because Sharif brothers have links in both. But I am not into accusations.

Many in Pakistan are already confused and people like you are adding to confusion.

Imran Khan should EXPOSE all those who are conspiring against him. No need to play "mind-games."

And he must do something about corruption - TALKS are not enough.

People expect results, not talks.
The letter in Imran Khan's hand was a threat from US most probably, but he did not discolse it openly. second US is not at a point where they openly threaten Pakistan like they are doing to Putin or did to Saddam, that time comes when regime change is no more an option or is very difficult, thirdly they cannot threaten Pakistan directly because Pakistan is not Iraq and has nuclear weapons and 220 million population.
As far as TTP is concerned they were been given support by US when they were there. After the Taliban takeover there the number of attacks from TTP have drastically reduced when compared to when US was there, Taliban have put huge pressure on TTP to stop attacks on Pakistan and if TTP does not stop it is just a matter of time when TTP will be hunted by them, the recent TTP press release when they asked US for help and blamed Pakistan for the double game also shows the ground truth.
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I have many putwari like you back home cleaning my toilets and they wait for me if i allow them to enter in my office. Idiot

aur fard d lanay amma jee jati hain munshi/patwari keh pass
If Establishment is with Imran Khan then they should come out in open.

It is an open battle between Haq and Batil (good and evil)

But it is kind of hard to do so when their children are on foreign funded scholarships, enjoying all perks inside and outside of Pakistan.


Ye manjan bahut purana hogya.

Choose a side.
They can not come out openly, it is against the way how they work. How do you think IK and SMQ are so much aware and updated on the external interference against IK government?
Gen Bajwa has many times in recent days given clear indications that he is with IK, he can not openly speak that he is with IK but you have to see the clear signs he has given, the problem is the enemy's information warfare is so immense and it has caused confusion among the people and people can not see things right in front of them and instead believe in fake news.
If Establishment is with Imran Khan then they should come out in open.

It is an open battle between Haq and Batil (good and evil)

But it is kind of hard to do so when their children are on foreign funded scholarships, enjoying all perks inside and outside of Pakistan.


Ye manjan bahut purana hogya.

Choose a side.
How do you know they haven't already chosen IK. Maybe they only want to be perceived as being "neutral" because openly choaing a side isn't a good idea at the moment? How do you think IK is aware of what is going on , he said they knew about this months prior ...
JUIF ka mehangai march dinner

The establishment must side with the people of Pakistan.


- Pakistan is going to be sanctioned sooner or later. Today FATF excuse, tomorrow there will be another.

- The Pakistan might further break if people's mandate with Imran Khan is ignored (1971 East Pakistan as an example)

- The PPP,PMLN,JUI-F era has ended, dont even try to revive it. They couldnt even gather people for events.

- India is hired dog already testing our nerves/defenses. Do we really want to respond to them when inner traitors are roaming freely?


Let the foreign policy of Imran Khan work.

PM was elected by the people of Pakistan.
I haven't seen the speech as I was unfortunately busy elsewhere, but I have been told that IK was referring to some threatening letter he has recieved from an external power or something like that.

You're in Spain, not too far. Next time you're in Paris or London, hit me up on here. I'll show you around, buy you lunch, etc. You'll have calmed down by then hopefully. :D

Arma dei Carabinieri- bolzono
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