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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

Don't spread lies and venom against IHC, IHC has suspended arrest warrants:

Because your daddy Nawaz used to control Lahore Court, now he controls IHC and you have shifted stances
So WHY Imran Khan is soooooo scared of getting arrested? ????? According to his beloved Minister, his buddy, mouth piece, his true companion, his ally the one man Tonga Party leader Sheikh Rasheed once said....That :
"Handcuffs are jewlery for policitians...and Jail is SuSraaal" ... !!!
So why he is soooo scared....Why his followers are throwing petrol bombs and why DIG operations is wounded? What's the problem. Maximum detention time could be 72 hourrs with all his like minded judges who will release him on bail due to age factor....But WHY Khan Sahab Why ? The former Prime Minster who enjoyed live video recordings of politicians getting arrested on frivilous cases has made state, state machinery his biggest enemy for reasons best known to him only..!!! We wish him the best of luck for adopting such fabulous path of self destruction.
IK is falling in trap. when this is over, his speeches and tweets will be used against him for inciting violence. And that will be some serious offence (as per law) than this toshakhana thing.

"Might is Right" is the only law in Pakistan. Speeches and tweets aren't needed, Mafia can register case of Cow Theft and jail him. Only issue is IK is softie and doesn't want to use the power of public it have to make mafia drop their pants and bend over.
I would had suggested IK to hand over himself to the police peacefully itself yesterday but after an attempt on his life on Nov 01, 2022, I can't trust our security forces (police, rangers, army) at all. PTI workers are doing the right thing but they need higher courts support immediately to suspend arrest warrants.
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