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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

If generals try something, Pakistan will be engulfed in civil war. It won't be like 1971, Bengalis were one ethnicity, one laguage group and almost one religion, there was no disunity. Pakistan is not like that, there are many different fault lines and they won't fight in an united manner.

Had Baluchistan or KP 1000 miles away like Bangladesh. This would have been done already.

Only reason, Bangladesh got freedom was because it was 1000 miles away. There was india all around it and if India had to attack, there is no way military could defend it without local support.
For you it may be fun, but it is really saddening to see my country being destroyed by a woman who didn't even care about her family's honor.

Arrest / kill Imran Khan, okay fine, but what after that?

You and I can laugh about all this sitting in safety of our homes / safe zones, only if we don't care about future of next generation.

I haven't been able to figure this out, but somehow this witch (Safdar ki najaiz bv) has everyone (who can end this turmoil) in her control. Which in turn points to how messed up our whole situation is and the kind of people who have made to top as a result.
Those who are saying it's fun, it's not fun for them as well. Otherwise you won't be seeing them commenting here.
Lanat on this face.

May he never returns to power inshAllah
Why so angry?

The establishment and PDM have tagged team to eliminate his party. The majority public is on his side.

He might or might not come to power but one thing I pray for is for establishment to be defanged forever InshaAllah.
I heard someone on TV that Imran Khan is supposed to appear in the court today and that's why the attempt to arrest him. I also saw a video of him writing a note to the court that he will appear today, personally.

I will read it, will respond if it merits one.

Bs tera yehi masla hai
Tu ne kuch bhi dehan se nahi suna

First of all khan has to appear in court on 18th march not today
For which he has given undertaking that he'll appear surely

And secondly this is toshakhana case
List released by cabinet division have names or hundreds of people

How many others are called?
Who are these guys?
I'm sure not commissioned officers and what serivce they are providing to Pakistan here

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Those are enlisted - have you ever met them?
I have, they are very common folk - many come with odd backgrounds too and while most are simpletons others are wily criminals in hiding.

But there is something common I did notice, 80% of them are trained to be a hundred fold more obidient that officers and are brainwashed in many ways to do exactly what they are told. Being human they still don’t and some will succumb to different issues - but the training does ensure that 8/10 times they will simply jump in front of a machine gun just because they were ordered to do so without question - it’s part of the training.

Why I state this is because it also applies to get them to do the horrendous things did in 71 and also to do this -but also defend Lahore, walk into certain death at Longewalla or keep fighting barefoot and barehanded in Siachen at times.

Nawaz Sharif is a criminal bastard who doesn’t deserve office and his supporters are in general corrupt entitled pricks at heart - but Musharraf didn’t remove him because of that. Kargil was a disaster and Nawaz Sharif was going to pin it and rightly so on Musharraf - all the Kammandoe was doing was saving his skin at that time. If that meant for the men of 10 corps to leave their barracks and jump over the fence , to them it was orders and nothing more.
I heard someone on TV that Imran Khan is supposed to appear in the court today and that's why the attempt to arrest him. I also saw a video of him writing a note to the court that he will appear today, personally.

It isn't about today, it is for the 18th.

Imran Khan has been subverting the justice system for a very long time, he has not appeared in 90% of the cases on weak arguments, he can lead rallies and what not but cannot walk 20 feet to the Courtroom? He is also surrounded by his personal bodyguards and security amongst his own supporters so what's the argument on threats? The only thing to note here is how lenient the courts have had been with him. Would you or I get the same treatment from any court, if the situation was same for us?

He had appeared in ALL court hearing before the attack.

After the attack even, he appeared in ALL court hearing in G11 complex. Out of the 70 odd cases against him, and multiple requirements to be present in person, he has been present in almost all bar a few, and not gone ONLY to the past 3 (I believe, or is it 2) hearings of this Toshakhana case. And he isn't making a pointless reason. The PTI has written to the IGP about the specific security threats, and his lawyer asked the judge to either move the hearing to zoom or to move it to the G11 complex from F8.

As for the rallies part, he did not get out of the car, that's what his party says.

And as for the being surrounded by bodyguards and his own people, that did not stop the shooter in Gujranwala, neither did it stop BB from being killed.

It could, and perhaps it should, if the court deems it necessary. And the state has been providing security to Imran Khan through and through.

State had taken all security back from him months ago, I will try and find the link for that news as well.

Point being, this is a blatant case of politically motivated action, nothing else. Aaj tak kabhi production warrant par aisa response nhn dekha kisi bhi wakeel who I have heard or talked to.
Army should atleast keep jawans out of the scene.
People are very agitated. Rangers and Army jawans should not be there. If they want to contunue with this stupid idea keep trying with Police.
Or whatever little respect remaining in hearts of Public will be gone forever.People will definitely pelt Soldiers too at this point. And literally on shot fired at public by jawans and it is game over for Army repute forever.
They should be very carefull.
Higher ups should give up political ambitions. They have lost the game
Those are enlisted - have you ever met them?
I have, they are very common folk - many come with odd backgrounds too and while most are simpletons others are wily criminals in hiding.

But there is something common I did notice, 80% of them are trained to be a hundred fold more obidient that officers and are brainwashed in many ways to do exactly what they are told. Being human they still don’t and some will succumb to different issues - but the training does ensure that 8/10 times they will simply jump in front of a machine gun just because they were ordered to do so without question - it’s part of the training.

Why I state this is because it also applies to get them to do the horrendous things did in 71 and also to do this. Nawaz Sharif is a criminal bastard who doesn’t deserve office and his supporters are in general corrupt entitled pricks at heart - but Musharraf didn’t remove him because of that. Kargil was a disaster and Nawaz Sharif was going to pin it and rightly so on Musharraf - all the Kammandoe was doing was saving his skin at that time. If that meant for the men of 10 corps to leave their barracks and jump over the fence , to them it was orders and nothing more.

Works well in times of war, but backfires in times like these.
Those who are saying it's fun, it's not fun for them as well. Otherwise you won't be seeing them commenting here.

They must have forgotten the dawn leaks episode.

They are afraid of elections because PTI will come back to power .. indirectly they are refusing Pakistanis their freedom to choose and elect.

They have been proven incompetent crooks over and again, but they still wish to cling to the power, for good of Pakistan and Pakistanis? Yes sure.

They have been there for decades, if they were any good, we won't be facing what we are facing today.

Ub asman say farishta a kay batay ga inhay kay kuch ALLAH ka khauf kar lo?

This is just sad.

Guys go home 🏘️
Pakistan isn't ready for this.

Few thousand people can't do anything in country of 200 million
That is the important aspect - Pakistan will NEVER be ready for this. The people have been bred and trained collectively over a long period of time to simply no longer be prepared to do anything beyond the token protest for change.

There is a different kind of national character required to incite any form of change nationally - Pakistanis no longer possess even the ability to start building that character on a national scale.

Go home
It's the court which issued his arrest warrant and the police is bound to arrest absconders and to bring them to the court. How will PDM be exposed when the matter is between the courts and Imran Khan? PDM is merely benefitting from the situation.

It was not an arrest warrant. It s warrant for him to present in front of court on March 18. It has been explained many times before.

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