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afghans were such loyal slaves to the americans/nato that they were falling of planes to their deaths in trying to get to america...........:azn:.........if Pakistanis do bad why are 100,000s of afghans trying to get in to Pakistan each month?..........:azn:.......afghans defeated the americans/nato but are nothing selling their mothers, sisters, wives etc as prostitutes in Pakistan as they are now dying of starvation....... :azn:

Well atleast they have a reason, dying of starvation, u r tummy is full and yet places like hira mandi thrives. Seriously man, u r one narrow minded stupid moron, and an idiot like u educates kids? Lolz good luck to those kids. Maybe i should copy paste ur filth to the school u teach in and see how they react. Your leader nawaz gifts his daughter for money n u talk of others, what a dumb moron. By the way that quote of selling mothers was for Pakistanis, and we know how corrupt Pakistanis are.
The only shameless kutta was Liaquat Ali Muhajir who had sold Kashmir to India and that was the main reason General Akbar Khan, who believed that victory in Kashmir was stolen from him by Liaquat Ali, tried to overthrow his government.

And as for your British slave mantra, again it was Liaquat Ali's extremely subservient attitude towards the British that had antagonized sections of Pak Army and the political opposition (i.e. The Marxists including Faiz).

And Ironically General Akbar and Faiz were tried for "treason against the King of England "... First go read a few things before commenting here, our Punjab-hating friend
LAK did sign up for American colonial project but he certainly didn't give up Kashmir, credit for that goes to Punjabi dominated colonial sepoy army and their chief General Gracey.

As for comrade Faiz, not only was he a kutta extraordinaire but a khinzir of the highest order as the great punjabi Hafeez Jalandhari correctly called him an enemy of Islam and its prophet. And I pity Ranjeet Singh's nut suckers such as yourself for whom racial identity trumps all.
When you use word everyone....It means you have fallen deep so well, that even daylight feels like an illusion. No one knew it before April 2022...Now everyone know including sample like you. Good mornig.

The reality of napak have been exposed many times, one major event was 71 but Pakistanis forget very quickly. Another time was mush era when soldiers were advised to hide identity in public and now again. The difference is that this is age of information and social media and these colonial sepoys cant hide and lie anymore.
This is your Afghans on a plane to the US after the war ended :lol:

Afghans are savages with centuries of blood and brutality on their hands. God is punishing them with suffering and humiliation. They sucked the blood of Indus to sustain themselves and now that the borders have been drawn, this is what they have become. I am sure when they were sitting in their palaces in Lahore, raping the harem of local women and enjoying themselves with unlimited supply of slaves, they never thought this day would ever come. God is always the best of planners :enjoy:

This is EXACTLY the reason why the afghans hate the idea of the creation of Pakistan. The creation if Pakistan is the beginning of the end if the afghans as a conquering force.
Talking like a true stupid waterboy. Pashtuns have never been extremists but this napak pigs had to serve their white masters against USSR and made 70,000 madrassas and brainwashed poor ppl. Kept the masses poor so they cant afford school and send kids to madrassas where they became mujahideen first, then taliban and now TTP. But i doubt ur peasized brain can ever see that. Better stick with waterboy level stuff, keep ur research to cleaning water bottles.

Great Post. Those in power on purpose made them in to terrorists and suicide bombers. They know exactly what they're doing but playing dirty politics. In the west they use schools to brainwash young children in to becoming gays/lesbos, trannis. All these leaders are agents of dajjal.
I am a Pakistani pashtun not Afghanistan pashtun. and if mujahideen were mostly local then wtf were these medrassas for?? The moron i replied to pointed to pashtuns being extremists, to which i replied. If these madrassas didn't do anything to afghanistan then they certainly are raping Pakistan now through TTP. Other than that i dnt care what happens in Afghanistan because the damage happens here and the colonial army keeps playing dirty games. All our history is full of dalaali for western countries, from afghan war to US WoT, our lumber 1 been their dalaal and dezteoyed own country.
You call yourself afghan a lot of time. Afghan is a nationality of the country named Afghanistan. I have so many Pashtuun friends and professional contacts from different parts of Pakistan and from all sorts of fields and businesses i cannot even count. Never have i heard one of them calling themselves Afghan. Just "Pathan". Even the ones i know from Orakzai.
What FA pass establishment did in late 80s and 90s is something entirely different. They wanted to influence post soviet Muslim countries in there stupid plans but It demaged Pakistan more then India and Afghanistan. But thats entirely different debate.
Afghans destroyed Afghanistan by destroying the state in power politics and allowing unimaginable level of foreign interference.
Pashtun and Afghan are not synonimous. If you think this way then what can i say. Start a movement to absorb the Pashtun Majority areas of Afghanistan into KPK. Pashtuuns of KPK are more educated, Prosporous and powerfull at this point of time then Afghan Pashtuuns. I am sure Kabul Jalalabad will love to live as sister cities of Peshawar. (Not that i support this idea in any way. I am pretty happy with our Pashtuuns and there culture. I have nothing against Afghans but Dont want the war torn deprived divided and economically devastated society to spill into our pashtuun society. More like North korea/South Korea situation)


Time to call in Banusi Pathans to finish off the job…

You call yourself afghan a lot of time. Afghan is a nationality of the country named Afghanistan. I have so many Pashtuun friends and professional contacts from different parts of Pakistan and from all sorts of fields and businesses i cannot even count. Never have i heard one of them calling themselves Afghan. Just "Pathan". Even the ones i know from Orakzai.
What FA pass establishment did in late 80s and 90s is something entirely different. They wanted to influence post soviet Muslim countries in there stupid plans but It demaged Pakistan more then India and Afghanistan. But thats entirely different debate.
Afghans destroyed Afghanistan by destroying the state in power politics and allowing unimaginable level of foreign interference.
Pashtun and Afghan are not synonimous. If you think this way then what can i say. Start a movement to absorb the Pashtun Majority areas of Afghanistan into KPK. Pashtuuns of KPK are more educated, Prosporous and powerfull at this point of time then Afghan Pashtuuns. I am sure Kabul Jalalabad will love to live as sister cities of Peshawar. (Not that i support this idea in any way. I am pretty happy with our Pashtuuns and there culture. I have nothing against Afghans but Dont want the war torn deprived divided and economically devastated society to spill into our pashtuun society. More like North korea/South Korea situation)

What do Afghans have to do with this thread?
In the education sector. Lol at CEO!!!!!!!!!......................SLT in a school in the South East of England. Over 97% of the pupils are of Pakistani heritage. I am trying to make sure our children are educated and have a bright future Inshallah.
bro can we contact? I have some similar plan but after 2-3 years. I was planning Catia and some Python courses besides Math and Mechanical ones.. However, not at the academy/school but at Mosques during the weekend. Also, perhaps at academic institutes like tuition centres.
At the moment, I teach L3, L4 and sometimes 5,6,7 modules in the Mechanical Engineering faculty.
What do Afghans have to do with this thread?
Ask that TNT. I dont know what this new thing is. A Pakistani Afghan who is not from Afghanistan. I mean what the hell it even means. Ayub Khan , Tikka Khan ,Nur Khan ,Asghar Khan and Yahya Khan were all Afghans 😂
BC 20 25 saal to ham pe Afghan hi hakumat kar gaey hamey aaj pata chal raha.
bro can we contact? I have some similar plan but after 2-3 years. I was planning Catia and some Python courses besides Math and Mechanical ones.. However, not at the academy/school but at Mosques during the weekend. Also, perhaps at academic institutes like tuition centres.
At the moment, I teach L3, L4 and sometimes 5,6,7 modules in the Mechanical Engineering faculty.

By all means yes. We NEED to create contacts and systems where by we can help the Pakistani youth establish their full academic potential. People like you are assets because you can teach Maths and Computer Science. Are you able to teach these subjects at A-Level?
Ask that TNT. I dont know what this new thing is. A Pakistani Afghan who is not from Afghanistan. I mean what the hell it even means. Ayub Khan , Tikka Khan ,Nur Khan ,Asghar Khan and Yahya Khan were all Afghans 😂
BC 20 25 saal to ham pe Afghan hi hakumat kar gaey hamey aaj pata chal raha.

He is talking about how Pathan and Afghan is synonymous. If I’m not wrong, Afghan is even written on KPK pathan nic’s or at least used to be.

Afghans in terms of Afghanistan and KPK Pathans are different people except for the bordering areas. Those are the same people.

It’s natural for them to feel affinity for eachother. Just like Punjabis like Jatts and Rajputs feel affinity for eachother on Indian border.

I am Punjabi Arain so I don’t feel any affinity for Afghans of Afghanistan nor do I feel any affinity for Punjabis of India.
LAK did sign up for American colonial project but he certainly didn't give up Kashmir, credit for that goes to Punjabi dominated colonial sepoy army and their chief General Gracey.

As for comrade Faiz, not only was he a kutta extraordinaire but a khinzir of the highest order as the great punjabi Hafeez Jalandhari correctly called him an enemy of Islam and its prophet. And I pity Ranjeet Singh's nut suckers such as yourself for whom racial identity trumps all

@AgNoStiC MuSliM

PDF seriously needs to ban this multiple id Punjab-hating mofo. Just go through his posts on any thread.
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