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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

TeL’s showdown halted all of Pakistan when their leader was caught. In comparison, PTI’s Zaman park incident was a side show. Just shows that the public support for IK is a hoax. 200 vs thousands of TeL.

Public support or lawyers isn’t the reason that judiciary is lenient towards IK. Judiciary is above cops, lawyers and even public. The reason seems to be something else. He has a certain backing which isn’t in limelight. Seems external.

Who made this daft c*u*n*t a consultant on this forum?
Idara is pretty good at brainwashing it's people, they live in world for their cheap. I have come to conclusion that no debate with them is fruitful, there brains are set to Black and White, can't see any other color (My own brother included lol)

That’s why they are called faujeets.

Pajeets and Faujeets are 2 sides of the same coin. The way they see the world and how they debate/argue is the same.
Khan need to cancel this visit at the eleventh hour, looks fishy the preparations of the police.

How can the same Punjab police and Isb. police can give protection which was attacking the Zaman Town res. to arrest IK.

And police is under int. ministry of Rana goon, and hands in glove with internal wing, and reports of police armed with rubber bullets, tear gas shells, prisoner vans.

Or thousands of people need to surround the area to preempt any arrest bid.
Khan need to cancel this visit at the eleventh hour, looks fishy the preparations of the police.

How can the same Punjab police and Isb. police can give protection which was attacking the Zaman Town res. to arrest IK.

And police is under int. ministry of Rana goon, and hands in glove with internal wing, and reports of police armed with rubber bullets, tear gas shells, prisoner vans.

Or thousands of people need to surround the area to preempt any arrest bid.

I say let these fvckers do something crazy.

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